As the troops approached Coruna, the General’s looks were directed towards the harbour; but an open expanse of water painfully convinced him that to Fortune, at least, he was no way beholden: contrary winds still detained the fleet at Vigo, and the last consuming exertion made by the army was rendered fruitless! The men were put into quarters, and their leader awaited the progress of events.
三个分队占领了科卢纳镇和郊区,保护区位于邻近的 El Burgo 村附近。这些勇敢的士兵已经在撤退的地方躲藏了12天;在这段时间里,他们分两次走了八十英里的路,在武装的掩护下在雪山中度过了几个夜晚,并与敌人打了七次仗。他们现在聚集在前哨,队伍中失踪的人数比军队中任何一个分队都要少。
Three divisions occupied the town and suburbs of Coruña, and the reserve was posted near the neighbouring village of El Burgo. For twelve days these hardy soldiers had covered the retreat; during which time they had traversed eighty miles of road in two marches, passed several nights under arms in the snow of the mountains, and been seven times engaged with the enemy. They now assembled at the outposts, having fewer men missing from the ranks than any other division in the army.
The town of Coruna, although sufficiently strong to oblige an enemy to break ground before it, was weakly fortified, and to the southward was commanded by some heights close to the walls. Sir John Moore therefore caused the land front to be strengthened, and occupied the citadel, but disarmed the sea face of the works.