He advised the young and new officers to be dedicative and proactive towards their responsibilities and enable the institution for delivering efficient services to the nation.
Bliss also incorporated Elgar’s characteristic falling sevenths, by way of a recognisable tribute to his distinguished and supportive dedicatee.
It has also prompted me to get Lucky Jim out of the library if only for the shallow reason that Larkin is the dedicatee.
Throughout the volume, Lanyer lauds her primary dedicatee Margaret Clifford, the Countess of Cumberland, for her charity, piety, chastity, learning, and nobility.
When Steve Jobs died two days ago, Facebook and Twitter filled up with dedications and eulogies from as afar as India and Indonesia.
1.An inscription or form of words dedicating a building, book, etc. to a person or deity.
‘a faintly engraved inscription or _dedication_ ’
‘the hardback edition contained a fulsome _dedication_ to his wife’
2.The action of dedicating a church or other building.
‘the _dedication_ of a new city church’
‘A number of students who helped design the space have since graduated but all were named and thanked at the special _dedication_ and blessing ceremony.’
3.The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.
‘his _dedication_ to his duties’
‘To learn to love, or give, requires tremendous effort and _dedication_ to spiritual growth.’