

    音标:[dɪ'naʊns] 现在分词:denouncing
    过去式:denounced 过去分词:denounced
    第三人称单数:denounces 词频:低频词
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    even as he was denouncing the Russians last week, they were buying American wheat under a newly renegotiated long-term grain agreement, and recently there was talk in the White House of a U.S.-Soviet summit next year, an election year
    A Spanish left-wing group and 36 other mass organizations issued a joint communique on August 31st, strongly denouncing the various measures adopted by the US to strengthen its blockade against Cuba
    The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who, or that which, denounces.
    Mr Cameron set himself up as a denouncer of tax sinners so it would be immoral of him to suddenly take a vow of silence.
    Moreover, he sees himself in the tradition of an H. L. Mencken or George S. Schuyler as a satiric denouncer of all forms of cant, quackery, and nonsense.
    The year 1642 was largely taken up with answering tracts written against him and a fellow Frenchman, Samuel Desmarets, by his denouncer at Utrecht, Voetius.
    The quality of being denunciable.
    One who denounces, publishes, or proclaims, especially intended or coming evil; one who threatens or accuses.
    She did not hesitate even to tell him of her success in an attempt to befool and seduce Eutyches the denunciator.
    An act of denouncing; a denunciation || A solemn or formal declaration
    Marisol perhaps needed to distance herself from the rumors and her verbal denouncement of the practice was a good place to start.
    I tread dangerous ground, for normal reaction would surely bring instant denouncement to this apparently absurd notion.
    But a subject class or race does but little for their amelioration when content with its denouncement.
    Proclamation; announcement; a publishing. || The act of denouncing; public menace or accusation; the act of inveighing against, stigmatizing, or publicly arraigning; arraignment. || That by which anything is denounced; threat of evil; public menace or accusation; arraignment.
    A stinging denunciation of his critics.
    His denunciation of my research is an audacious bluff, believable only by those who have never opened my book.
    We have responded to the chorus of denunciation like dogs to a siren, unreflectingly, that is.

    动词 变体/同根词

    Rather than denouncing multiple partners in favor of monogamy, she denounces passion in favor of maternity.
    The most recent action to evacuate was not taken in haste, he declares, and denounces those who say it was.
    In it, he denounces Peggy and berates his daughter for not replying to an earlier letter.
    Rather than denunciating everyone involved in ocean waste disposal, they embraced the concept of international regulation.
    The style of the imprecatory psalms and the denunciating prophets is out of date.
    Public meetings were frequently held and denunciating resolutions adopted.
    The two suspects told police they are Rastafarians, but Rastafarian leaders on the island have denounced the attack.
    Other Rastafarians denounced the violence, saying it violated the religion’s belief in peaceful coexistence.
    Some Marvel staffers, in terms they now regret or deny, denounced his work as the ravings of a washed-up, senile old man.
    They denunciated Nagy as a potential premier and instead appointed Erno Gero.
    The United Nations have pointed out and denunciated its human rights record.

    Powell made a statement the press before meeting with Philippine officials in Manila, denouncing Iraq’s intension to divert attention and shake off responsibilities it should shoulder



    But what is so politically significant about denouncing kerry as a "Massachusetts liberal"?



    But whatever its weight of authority, whatever the high approval which it can quote, I have no hesitation in denouncing it as one of the most fatal, erroneous, and dangerous conceptions ever introduced into the theory of education.



    Provided that the denouncing Contracting Party may, after the expiration of the said one-year period, discontinue applying this Treaty to any registration as from the date on which that registration is due for renewal.



    The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest.



    And this policy is most warmly defended by the very people here who, four years ago, were denouncing the Berliners as subhuman creatures only fit to be exterminated



    It’s a pity that the United States was so deeply involved in this matter and that it keeps denouncing China, actually China is the victim.



    It was a most unfortunate moment for denouncing Amy, and jenny knew it



    But the war also revealed his obsessive need for personal power, as well as his faith that words would obtain it. In 1915, he lectured jointly with bertrand Russell, denouncing the war and proclaiming the need for revolution.


    属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence-

    The colonel launched a volley of oaths, denouncing the railway company and the conductor



    even as he was denouncing the Russians last week, they were buying American wheat under a newly renegotiated long-term grain agreement, and recently there was talk in the White House of a U.S.-Soviet summit next year, an election year



    All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose.They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it;if the job is forced upon them,they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else(H.L.Mencken.



    It shall not affect the application of this Treaty to any application pending or any mark registered in respect of the denouncing Contracting Party at the time of the expiration of the said one-year period



    I was a fool,I was absurd! what was that I was saying about denouncing myself?



    A Spanish left-wing group and 36 other mass organizations issued a joint communique on August 31st, strongly denouncing the various measures adopted by the US to strengthen its blockade against Cuba



    ||1: Democrats are delighted that Mr Ryan is returning to the limb he put his party out on last year, when House Republicans overwhelmingly backed his budget proposal only to be lambasted by Democrats for “ending Medicare as we know it” and prioritising tax cuts for the rich over benefits for the poor. ||2: A Democrat who stuck to that script won a by-election in what had long been a safe Republican seat in upstate New York last year. ||3: The party has already launched a similar campaign this year, denouncing the Republicans’ “Medicare madness”. ||4: Republicans, for their part, insist that their forthright stance, in contrast to the Senate Democrats’ failure to pass a budget for the past three years, will earn them respect from voters. ||5: Mitt Romney, the probable Republican nominee seems to agree: he has heartily endorsed Mr Ryan’s approach.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-共和党的预算草案 -

    ||1:As Deborah Scroggins, an American journalist, recalls in this gripping and finely textured double biography, the two women’s marital histories are also different.||2:Ms Hirsi Ali is now wedded to Niall Ferguson, a British-born historian, forming one of the world’s most lionised couples.||3:Their son was born last month.||4:Formally speaking, her first marriage was an arranged union with a fellow Somali who wanted to take her to Canada.||5:Ms Hirsi Ali instead sought asylum in the Netherlands.||6:Eventually she became its best-known politician after her artistic collaborator (on a film denouncing Islam’s cruelty to women) was murdered by a Muslim extremist and her own life needed protecting.

    ||1:身为记者的美国作者黛博拉 斯克罗金斯在这部精心创作、扣人心弦的双人传记中回顾了两位女性截然不同的婚史。||2:希尔西·阿里的现任丈夫是英国裔史学家尼尔 弗格森,两人组成全球最受崇拜的夫妻。||3:上个月他们刚刚喜得贵子。||4:而从形式上讲,希尔西·阿里的初婚则是与某个设法将其带到加拿大的索马里男子组成的形式婚姻。||5:希尔西·阿里舍弃了对方在荷兰寻求庇护。||6:而让希尔西·阿里最终扬名天下的是她艺术合伙人(在一部影片中谴责伊斯兰教残酷对待妇女)被伊斯兰极端主义者谋杀,而她自己亦需要保护之后。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-安拉与女人 God-daughters -

    ||1:That said, Mr Obama’s accord, the JCPOA, succeeded in freezing Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of many sanctions.||2:Mr Trump thinks this was a terrible deal that failed to halt the nukes for good or stop Iran from stirring trouble around the region.||3:Renewed sanctions are pushing Iran into a deep economic crisis.||4:But re-imposing them when Iran was abiding by the JCPOA casts America as the rogue.||5:This has deepened the split with European allies, which have created a system to help firms sidestep them.||6:America has bound itself more tightly to autocratic Arab regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, that have themselves fomented instability and radicalism.||7:What “moral clarity” can America claim in denouncing Iran’s human-rights abuses when it turns a blind eye to those committed by its friends.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗伊斯兰革命四十年(2) -

    ||1:COWBOY swagger can be a great look—until the strutting hero trips and falls flat on his face.||2:Governor Rick Perry of Texas learned that in 2011.||3:For a heady moment he led the field of Republicans seeking the presidential nomination.||4:Then came the fall.An ill-prepared Mr Perry was stunned when rivals attacked him from the right, denouncing his (admirable) policy of offering subsidised university places to Texas residents, regardless of immigration status, in the interests of a skilled workforce.||5:The end came with an “Oops” heard around the world, uttered during a TV debate in which—flustered and battling severe back-pain—Mr Perry forgot which federal departments he wanted to abolish.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 里克·佩里的廉价航空模式 -

    David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, backed Mr Trump for president. Never normally lost for words, Mr Trump stopped short of denouncing Mr Duke in a TV interview, prompting another volley of criticisms from Republicans and Democrats. Mr Trump deflected these by saying he hadn’t understood the question.

    三k党(Ku Klux Klan)前大佬戴维·杜克(David Duke)支持特朗普竞选总统。向来善于应对的特朗普在一次电视访谈中拒绝谴责杜克,遭到共和党和民主党攻击。特朗普称自己当时不理解问题,以试图为自己开脱。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国迎来超级星期二 美国大法官沉默十年开口 -

    And on this occasion the audience was roused not by a dance performance but by a series of speakers denouncing President Barack Obama.



    Wildly denouncing Mr Gross is unlikely to counter the belief that Poland is a hotbed of anti-Semitism.



    Prosecutors conducted trial by press conference, denouncing victims live on television on what often seemed the flimsiest of grounds.



    In the meeting itself he was reportedly crosser, denouncing "a screw-up that could have been disastrous" .



    Banners denouncing Mr Walker and his allies hang from the arches and balustrades.



    Today, some environmentalists are denouncing the "offsetting" of carbon emissions in similar terms.



    A businessman will reach the brink of explicitly denouncing a government policy but not take the leap, instead lapsing into awkward silence.



    With the soldiers’ consent, protesters scrawled graffiti denouncing Mr. Mubarak on many of the tanks.



    It had spent the whole of the ceasefire period angrily denouncing the prime minister for betraying ETA’s victims.



    He has pinched the left’s rhetoric, denouncing "financial capitalism" and calling for a "Europe that protects" .


