desist from 查询结果如下:

I asked him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors.


属类:综合句库 -

They were told to desist from spreading grapevine news.


属类:综合句库 -

I have been trying all my life to like stockmen,and am obliged to desist from the experiment in despair.


属类:综合句库 -

the control and inspection authorities at the level of provinces or of municipalities which are divided into districts shall order them to desist from the illegal acts and may punish them by imposing,


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -反不正当竞争法

Article 24 Where an operator uses advertisement or other means to give false, misleading information on its goods, the relevant control and inspection authority shall order it or him to desist from the illegal act, dispel the bad influence, and may, according to circumstances, impose a fine of more than RMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 200,000 yuan.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -反不正当竞争法

Where an advertisement operator acts as an agent in designing, producing and releasing false advertisements when it or he clearly knows, or should know, that they are false, the relevant control and inspection authority shall order it or him to desist from the illegal act, confiscate its or his illegal income, and impose a fine on it or him according to law.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -反不正当竞争法

Article 25 Where any party infringes on business secrets in contravement of the provisions of Article 10 of this Law, the relevant control and inspection authority shall order it or him to desist from the illegal act and may, according to circumstances, impose on it or him a fine of more than RMB 10,000 yuan but less than RMB 200,000 yuan.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -反不正当竞争法

Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever all licenses granted hereunder shall immediately terminate and You shall immediately cease and desist from all access to and use of the UPS Materials.


属类:单位简介 -物流公司网站 -注册

Upon termination of any license to a UPS Technology, You shall immediately cease and desist from access to and use of such UPS Technology and associated UPS Materials and destroy all such associated UPS Materials in Your possession or control.


属类:单位简介 -物流公司网站 -注册

desist from gossiping


属类:英汉句库 -

desist from one`s purpose


属类:英汉句库 -

desist from troubling


属类:英汉句库 -

desists from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world


属类:时事政治 -时政术语

Desist from further sabotage


属类:综合句库 -

The judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife.


属类:综合句库 -

The teacher requested us to desist from discussion


属类:综合句库 -

You’d better desist from useless labour


属类:综合句库 -

He decided to desist from his program of action


属类:综合句库 -

We desisted from gossiping


属类:综合句库 -

The city has been ordered to desist from further levies


属类:综合句库 -

Counsel to desist from a specified undesirable course of action.


属类:综合句库 -

I wish he’d desist from entertaining his friends at all hours of the day and night.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Article 26 Where an operator makes sales with prizes attached in contravention of the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, the relevant control and inspection authority shall order it or him to desist from the illegal act and may, according to circumstances, impose on it or him a fine of more than RMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 100,000 yuan.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -反不正当竞争法

the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may order the infringer to immediately desist from the infringing act, confiscate and destroy the infringing products or material.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -集成电路布图设计保护条例


1.To stop doing something.
If you don’t desist from blasting that music, I’m calling the police!

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。