devoted to 查询结果如下:
释义:to decide to spend a certain portion of your time or money on something

Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Development and International Economic Cooperation


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Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to International Economic Cooperation


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Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to International Economic Cooperation, in Particular to the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development in the Developing Countries


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convening of the third special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament


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He is loyal and devoted to both his people and country.


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He’s devoted to me


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The monthly “Organization and Management” is devoted to the exchange of advanced experience and the introduction of the latest theories, and is a good companion to directors and managers in realizing modern management.


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Be devoted to the combination of traditional art of watch-making and aesthete innovation


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He is very devoted to his wife.


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His whole life has been devoted to studying the origin of cancer.


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I am devoted to chemistry.


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Some of them were devoted to (the study of)natural science.


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a life devoted to the people


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a career entirely devoted to biography.


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a temple devoted to Apollo.


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Excessively submissive or devoted to one’s wife.


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A Renaissance scholar devoted to Humanism.


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A woman devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities.


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A man who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities.


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A place or religious community regarded as sacredly devoted to God.


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Devoted to or indulging in sensual pleasures.


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Devoted to one’s own nation or its interests;patriotic.


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An official who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure.


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One devoted to one’s own interests and advancement;an egocentric person.


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A facility,often associated with a hospital or medical school,that is devoted to the diagnosis and care of outpatients.


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One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms;a philanthropist.


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Neither was his whole time devoted to riotous extravagances of youth.He enjoyed many lucid intervals.


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One of an ancient sect of Hindu ascetics who wore little or no clothing and were devoted to mystical contemplation.


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A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject(Winston S.Churchill.A zealot is immoderately devoted to a cause or goal and seeks to advance it with passionate fervor


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land devoted to mining.


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He is devoted to golf.


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The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the neglect of his duty


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The first two weeks are more or less devoted to the study of phonetics


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I say that, staunch and devoted to the Party and the country as these comrades are, they don’t see the over-all situation, don’t see that the vast majority of the people, that is, more than 90 per cent, are good


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Most of them are staunch and steadfast and devoted to the Party and the country, only their approach to problems shows a “Left” one-sidedness


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and the long hours he devoted to it would have ruined a dozen pairs of ordinary eyesbut his eyes were strong, and they were backed by a body superbly strong


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herman had acted as if he were devoted to Yasha


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Chapters 25 are devoted to the basic concepts of mendelian and population genetics which are of greatest concern in tree improvement


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Indoor shopping centers abound, devoted to state-of-the-art computers, exquisite jewelry, custom tailors and the latest in European haute couture


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the time which was left to him from the afflicted, the sick, and the necessitous, he devoted to work


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During the five minutes or so that Mr. Chillip devoted to the delivery of this oration, my aunt eyed him narrowly


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Do you not think with me, M. de Villefort, that General Quesnel, whom they believed attached to the usurper, but who was really entirely devoted to me, has perished the victim of a bonapartist ambush?


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Much time was devoted to avoidance rather than implementation of a long-term program


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“Not that I am aware of,” replied the young man, “unless, indeed, any ill-feeling might have arisen from their being of opposite parties--your father was, as you know, a zealous partisan of the Bourbons, while mine was wholly devoted to the emperor


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They talked first of the borrowed books, of the Swinburne he was devoted to, and of the browning he did not understand


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You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart are consecrated to your service


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So popular is Scrabble that dictionaries are devoted to Scrabble words hard-to-find English language words which are made up of only two letters, or use difficult combinations of consonants such as M and N


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But I am completely immersed and devoted to my four children and my duties in politics; that consumes me 24 hours a day


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A cynical world naturally assumed that he loved her money better than he loved her, but in this the world was mistaken, throughout the whole of their married life, he was deeply and genuinely devoted to her


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I was devoted to the Royal Family for many years-first to the Queen, then to the Prince of Wales and finally to the Princess and I remain a loyal subject


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I was saddened to learn of the recent passing of Bob Morgenthau, a truly great man! Bob served as a Naval Officer in World War II, was an extraordinary US Attorney, Manhattan District Attorney, and always a warrior for our Country that he loved so dearl I got to know him over his many years as Chairman of the Police Athletic League, for which he devoted so much time and energy. Bob Morgenthau, a legend, will be greatly missed!

得知鲍勃·摩根索(Bob Morgenthau)最近离世,我甚感悲痛,他是一个真正的伟人!鲍勃在第二次世界大战中担任海军军官,他是一位非凡的美国检察官,曼哈顿地区检察官,永远都是他深爱的这个国家的一名战士,我在他担任警察体育联盟主席的多年期间认识他,他为此投入了大量的时间和精力。我们将会深切怀念传奇人物鲍勃·摩根索(Bob Morgenthau)!

属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

Despite extensive and thoughtful effort devoted to marketing ethics scholarship over the past several decades, the incidence of ethical violations in marketing practice remains high. The effectiveness of current approaches to marketing scholarship may be limited by the prevailing approach to marketing ethics, which tends to separate ethical analysis from marketing by overlaying such analysis on top of existing marketing theory, rather than integrating it. Such an approach, in the c...


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

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