

    名词复数:dialectics 词频:低频词
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    ①辩证法(= dialectics);
    a dialectic method
    adj. 【计算机】
    dialectic studies how opposites can become identical


    例句1. feminism has contributed a good deal to this dialectic


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or relating to dialectology.
    “All tapes were recorded between 1955 and 1965 in the course of regular dialectological expeditions.”
    Of or relating to a dialect. || Not linguistically standard.
    “But, as a matter of fact, nearly all our chief writers have recognised the value of dialectal words.”
    “Some of them probably heard the jests at the expense of their dialectal peculiarities which Plautus introduced into his comedies.”
    “As to dialectal idioms or lingual peculiarities, I had not, of course, the most remote idea.”
    (philosophy) Of, or pertaining to dialectic; logically reasoned through the exchange of opposing ideas. || (proscribed) Of, or characteristic of a dialect; dialectal.
    “Spoken Ojibwa or Ojibwemowin is an Algonquin language with regional dialectical differences.”
    “Hence the rhetorician who wants to persuade by arguments or proofs can adapt most of the dialectical equipment.”
    “Work by these artists connects back to a world where the image had not yet been fed into the dialectical machinery of aestheticism.”
    Relating to dialectometry.
    Without a dialect; speaking the neutral form of a language. || Without dialects; not divided into separate dialects.

    名词 变体/同根词

    The study of dialects.
    “German dialectology traditionally names the major dialect groups after Germanic tribes from which they were assumed to have descended.”
    “Regarding the second principle, the lessons of historical linguistics and dialectology provide the strongest arguments available for the linguistic validity of U.S. Spanish.”
    “In generative dialectology, the investigator holds that the language exists within the speaker as a competence which is never fully realized in performance.”
    One versed in dialectics.
    “These are the processes of division and generalization which are so dear to the dialectician, that king of men.”
    “For the philosopher or dialectician is also the only true king or statesman.”
    “Heraclitus was a dialectician, while Zeno was a metaphysical relativist.”
    The quality of being dialectic.
    “We argue there are two major ways in which dialecticism influences emotional complexity in East Asian cultures.”
    A word or phrase found in a particular dialect.