||1: The third obstacle is uncertainty. ||2: Selling to the swelling middle class is no doddle : in such a new market, firms are finding it hard to gauge what people will pay for, say, a hip operation, or whether they will pay more for their aged parents’ care or for their children’s. ||3: Siloam’s private hospitals have six price tiers, an attempt to serve the many segments of Indonesia’s dynamic market, yet last year only 51% of their beds were filled. ||4: So far, the rich are the most dependable moneymakers. ||5: When IHH considers entering a market, it notes a country’s Gini coefficient, a measure of inequality: higher inequality implies wealthier patients willing to pay for treatment.
Certainly, microwaves would work: a test carried out in 2008 transmitted useful amounts of microwave energy between two Hawaiian islands 148km apart, so penetrating the 100km of the atmosphere would be a doddle .
Certainly, microwaves would work: a test carried out in 2008 transmitted useful amounts of microwave energy between two Hawaiian islands 148km (92 miles) apart, so penetrating the 100km of the atmosphere would be a doddle .
THE internet looks like an adman’s dream. Counting how many times an advert on a bus shelter has been viewed is impossible; counting clicks on a blinking banner ad is a doddle . But knowing where each click came from, and how many people are clicking, is harder than it appears.
And switching is a doddle in China, observes Ben Thompson of Stratechery, an industry newsletter.
行业资讯服务机构Stratechery的Ben Thompson表示,在中国,换部手机是一件非常容易的事。
1.A very easy task.
‘this printer’s a _doddle_ to set up and use’
‘I thought, ‘This game’s a _doddle_ - you just turn up, someone gives you a film, you talk the lines and then go home.’’
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