

例句1. a tunnel had been gouged out of the mountain

动词 变体/同根词

On the afternoon of August 7, an 18-inch hawk swooped down and gouged the diminutive dog with one of its talons while the dog was nosing around in the bushes of Bryant Park, located behind the landmark New York Public Library


The lovers gouged out their names on the tree.


If an acetylene cylinder receives a sharp or deep dent, the metal is gouged , or any other mechanical defect, circle the defect with a marking pen to alert the supplier of the defect.


Water-rock Interaction of Clay Gouged Intercalation Sludging Process of Baota Landslides in Three Gorges Reservoir Area


He gouged out a cob and loaded it with tobacco


He had his eyes gouged out.


We gouged out a channel within a month


They burned some and they gouged the eyes from some, and some they even crucified


The old stonemason gouged out a hole on the rock


||1: By the end of Heller’s life, the reviews were scathing. ||2: “There comes a time when an author just can’t write anymore,” gouged one critic about “Closing Time”, a controversial sequel to “Catch-22”. “‘God Knows’ is junk,” complained Leon Wieseltier in the New Republic. ||3: No one could forgive Heller for still writing books when his best work was clearly behind him. ||4: But for Heller, writing was his life. He couldn’t imagine how anyone survived who didn’t have a novel to write.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一刀见血 The first cut is the d -

Mr Hayne expressed particular disgust at those who gouged fees without providing services.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚银行:利与损 (1) -

"If I’d done everything they say I’ve done, she’d have gouged my eyes out. And I can tell you, she has very long finger nails. "


CM need to be back gouged inspection.


We reach the top of a small bluff where three mud-brick classrooms stand, their walls gouged with bullet holes, their roofs missing.


This? welding? line? should? be? gouged ? and? welded? again? before? tightness? inspection.



1.A chisel with a concave blade, used in carpentry, sculpture, and surgery.
‘The students are cautioned to cut away from themselves because the _gouge_ blades are sharp.’
‘Hold the nib holder just like you would a pen and push the V _gouge_ along the line.’
2.An indentation or groove made by gouging.
‘Sand to remove any remaining finish and all scratches, _gouges_ , and cuts.’
‘Smooth _gouges_ had been made in the floor, cut clean by some immeasurably fine blade in geometric patterns across the lobby floor.’

1.Cut or force something out roughly or brutally.
‘one of the young man’s eyes had been _gouged_ out’
‘One of the victim’s eyes was _gouged_ out during the attack, during which she also sustained other injuries.’
2.Dig for minerals, especially opal.
‘he was _gouging_ for ore’
3.Make (a groove, hole, or indentation) with or as if with a gouge.
‘the channel had been _gouged_ out by the ebbing water’
‘For instance, on March 23, a group went to the town of Rantis and worked for hours to fill two trenches that the army had _gouged_ out of the road to isolate the town.’
4.Make a rough hole or indentation in (a surface), especially so as to mar or disfigure it.
‘he had wielded the blade inexpertly, _gouging_ the grass in several places’
‘You might want to file the corners a little on metal blades to avoid _gouging_ the wood.’
5.Obtain money by swindling or extortion.
‘he’d _gouged_ wads out of Morty’
‘Every year at budget time, ingenuity is expended on how to _gouge_ more millions out of (present and future) university students.’
6.Overcharge or swindle (someone)
‘drugs sold by the same manufacturers who are _gouging_ patients in this country’
‘We are _gouged_ enough with the outrageous prices of going to a ball game.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。