
形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

“Greenhouse Effect” and “Oxygen Dries Up”


Film processor: Machine which automatically develops,fixes,washes and dries exposed film.


Co-operating with Electronic Stability Program (ESP), the system brakes one or more wheels if the car is in danger of skidding and automatically dries the brake discs in the wet.


Canvas stiffens as it dries .


To Explore the Problem of Collaborator’s Psychological Dries-up in Women Support Group


Dry back: The loss of density or colour strength of an ink as it dries .Different ink and paper relation exhibit different degree of dry back.


a paint that dries to a hard, glossy finish.


Synthetic papers: Papers, which, like plastic-coated stocks, have dimensional stability, grease, oil, and moisture resistance, durability, and require an ink that dries by oxidation rather than by penetration.


The stream dries up during the hot summer.


Fast-drying ink: A printing ink that dries soon after printing.


Alternatively, the web can be sprayed with a binder following formation, and as the web dries , the binder seals the fiber together.


Without boron the starches and sugars don’ t pass from cell to cell. The tip buds die, and the plant develops in an unhealthy way. When there’s too little chlorine, chlorosis develops. The plant dries out, loses color, and dies.


Dad washes the dishes and anne dries up every day


Wood contract s as it dries .


Nylon-dries in seconds.


Nylon dries quickly.


The mud will brush off when it dries


Mud stiffens when it dries .


Mud cakes when it dries .


Mud cakes when it dries .


mud cakes as it dries


a coating that dries to a hard, glossy finish:


Nothing dries sooner than a tear.


It can be eaten as soon as it smoke-dries.


The sun dries the moisture on the ground.


If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate.


An infectious viral disease only of humans, it causes fever and then a rash of variable severity that blisters and dries up, leaving scars.


Natural resins are usually transparent or translucent yellow to brown and can melt and burn. Most are exuded from trees, especially pines and firs (see conifer), when the bark is injured or stripped. The fluid secretion usually dries out and hardens into a material that can be worked.


The washer-drier washes and dries your clothes quickly.


Oxidation: Chemical action with the oxygen in the air. It is one of the principal ways in which printing ink dries .



1.(of a cow or other domestic animal) no longer producing milk.
‘the rye has been strip-grazed by dry cows’
‘the cows went dry in the wintertime’
2.(of a joke or sense of humour) subtle and expressed in a matter-of-fact way.
‘he delighted his friends with a dry, covert sense of humour’
‘Kev’s dry wit and quiet sense of humour was much appreciated.’
3.(of a person) no longer addicted to or drinking alcohol.
‘I heard much talk about how sobriety was more than staying straight or dry’
‘This is the kind of subtle, nasty attack used by alcoholics and dry drunks.’
4.(of a river, lake, or stream) empty of water as a result of lack of rainfall.
‘the river is always dry at this time of year’
‘The withered trees and dry streams portray the grim situation.’
5.(of a source) not yielding a supply of water or oil.
‘a dry well’
‘Since then, one of the wells used to supply the community with water has gone dry.’
6.(of an alcoholic drink) not sweet.
‘a dry, medium-bodied red wine’
‘In the white category, Peel has done very well with Sancerre, Austrian wines like dry riesling and white Burgundy.’
7.(of bread or toast) without butter or other spreads.
‘only dry bread and water’
‘Eat dry foods, such as crackers or dry toast, before moving in the morning.’
8.(of information, writing, etc.) dully factual.
‘the dry facts of the matter’
‘And the most remarkable thing of all is that she makes this normally dry subject very funny in her highly effective popular book.’
9.(of paint, ink, etc.) having lost all wetness or moisture over a period of time.
‘wait until the paint is dry’
‘We were a mess, both covered with dry paint, and rehearsals for one of my most important scenes had already begun!’
10.For use without liquid.
‘the conversion of dry latrines into the flushing type’
‘Recommendations resulting from the meeting included the use of dry sanitation facilities in informal settlements.’
11.Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.
‘the jacket kept me warm and dry’
‘he wiped the table dry with his shirt’
12.Prohibiting the sale or consumption of alcoholic drink.
‘the country is strictly dry, in accordance with Islamic law’
‘Do dry campuses stem student drinking - or aggravate the problem?’
13.Relating to political ‘dries’; rigidly monetarist.
‘Greg Urwin, how appropriate are these models of free trade and dry economic policies to island states in the South Pacific?’
14.Thirsty or thirst-making.
‘working in the hot sun is making me dry’
‘Ice cream sells better in winter in pedestrian malls and large department stores, whose air-conditioning systems often make shoppers feel hot and dry.’
15.Unemotional, undemonstrative, or impassive.
‘it transformed him from a dry administrator into the people’s hero’
‘Given the vantage point of 35 years, LeWitt’s art scarcely seems emotionally dry.’
16.With little or no rainfall or humidity.
‘the West Coast has had two dry winters in a row’
‘In the winter, the winds reverse and blow in a seaward direction, which is the reason why Indian winters are so dry.’
17.Without grease or other moisturizer or lubricator.
‘cream conditioners for dry hair’
‘A regular deep conditioning treatment can also help rehydrate dry hair.’

1.A Conservative politician (especially in the 1980s) in favour of strict monetarist policies.
‘Hewson is an economic dry with progressive views on foreign policy, the environment and human rights.’
‘Any self-respecting Country Party MP would have taken to the economic dries of the Liberal Party with an axe years ago.’
2.A dry or covered place.
3.A person in favour of the prohibition of alcohol.
‘evangelical dries had seen to it that the nearest bottle of whiskey was miles away’
‘‘So far, then, as the liquor issue may figure in the campaign,’ the Century editorialized, ‘the drys can have nothing but opposition to the Democratic campaign’.’
4.A tract of waterless country.
‘the forty-mile dry’
‘From the waterhole an old camel pad led out over the ‘eighty miles dry’.’
5.The dry season.
‘the grass was yellowing and the dry had started’
‘Cattle were simply moved from one water place to the next: away from the river in the wet season, closer to it in the dry.’
6.The process or an instance of drying.
‘The head seamstress decided she was clean enough, and hauled her out of the bath, and gave her a cruelly brisk dry all over, hoping to teach her a lesson.’
‘Soft towelling that gives you a good, clean dry every time.’

1.Become dry.
‘waiting for the paint to dry’
‘do not let the soil dry out’
2.Cause to become dry.
‘they had washed and dried their hair’
‘After I worked out, I showered and dried my hair and fixed my face, and generally returned myself to a reasonably presentable state.’
3.Forget one’s lines.
‘a colleague of mine once dried in the middle of a scene’
‘Sox is an actor who dries at an audition because he cannot relate to the character of a township gangster.’
4.Preserve by allowing or encouraging evaporation of moisture from.
‘dried flowers’
‘Because I am currently burning the candle at both ends, got home and made my bread, left it to rise, and made my Moroccan dried fruit salad.’
5.Wipe dishes dry with a cloth after they have been washed.
‘‘I’ll wash, Sara, you dry’’
‘Finished painting the conservatory, had something to eat, washed up, dried up, and ironed a top for tomorrow.’
6.Wipe tears from (the eyes)
‘she dried her eyes and blew her nose’
‘As they say in the army, dry your eyes and harden up.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。