属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-蓝莓种植
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-地球水资源枯竭威胁全球大部分人口
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-手工造纸工艺流程
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-资金冻结指数 停止的迹象
1 | 氧化:与空气中的氧气起作用的化学作用。是印刷油墨干燥的主要方法之一。 | Oxidation: Chemical action with the oxygen in the air. It is one of the principal ways in which printing ink dries . | |
2 | 液体可以枯干。 | Liquid dries up. | |
3 | 一种方法是用橡皮塞与专门的粘合剂一同插入破口,粘合剂晾干后,把橡皮塞修整的与胎冠一样高,修理工作就完成了 | One method uses a rubber plug which is inserted into the puncture hole along with special cement. After the cement dries and the plug is trimmed flush with the tread, the repair is complete. | |
4 | 因草片会干裂成粉末所以古埃及的文件很少保存下来。 | Since papyrus dries up and crumble, very few documents of ancient Egypt have survived | |
5 | 因草片会干裂成粉末所以古埃及的文件很少保存下来。 | Since papyrus dries up and crumble,very few documents of ancient Egypt have survived. | |
6 | 载色剂通常为溶于溶剂中的树,干后成为一层坚韧的薄膜,使颜料附着于物体表面。早在公元前15000年,在法国和西班牙的山洞里,即已将油漆用于绘画和装饰。 | The vehicle, usually a resin dissolved in a solvent, dries to a tough film, binding the pigment to the surface. Paint was used for pictorial and decorative purposes in the caves of France and Spain as early as 15,000 BC. | |
7 | 在劳工汗水已干之前支付其薪资。 | Pay the worker his wage before his sweat dries | |
8 | 湛兮似或存,吾不知谁之子,象帝之先。 | It is like a deep pool that never dries . Was it too the child of something else? We cannot tell. but as a substanceless image it existed before the Ancestor | |
9 | 这真叫我没话可说了。 | It dries me up. | |
10 | 这真叫我没活可说了。 | It dries me up. | |
11 | 这真叫我无话可说了。 | It dries me up. | |
12 | 这种墨水干得快。 | This ink dries quickly. | |
13 | ||1:伦奎斯特:“蓝莓植物根系极浅,不是特别发达。||2:这就是它们即使土层极薄,也能够在花盆中长势良好的原因。||3:但它们也需要相当频繁地浇水,因为它们干渴得更快。||4:任何植物在花盆中都比在土壤中干渴得更快。” | ||1:STEVE RENQUIST: "Blueberry plants have a pretty shallow root system. It is not particularly vigorous.||2:And so that is why they do well in pots, because of the light soil mixture.||3:But they also require, then, fairly frequent watering because they are going to dry out a little faster.||4:With any plant, a pot dries out faster, the pot does, than any plant that is in the soil." | |
14 | 地球水资源枯竭威胁全球大部分人口 | More of Us to Go Thirsty As Earth Dries Up | |
15 | 将所有材料放入容器中,加水煮至沸腾。将一些普通化学物质与其混合大约两小时后待其冷却。待大部分水干燥后剩下的物质就被称为纸浆。纸浆可以保存起来以备造纸时使用。 | Everything is placed in a container, covered with water and brought to a boil. It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to cool. Then it is left until most of the water dries up. The substance left, called pulp, can be stored until you are ready to make paper. | |
16 | 为什么手续费高居不下?一个反常理的理论是美国的房屋业的低迷反倒振奋了房地产中介。房价上涨的时候是卖房的好时期。但是由于资金短缺,待售房数量减少,卖家可能需要中介的经验和充满活力的营销手段来找到买家。 | Why are high fees so persistent? One counterintuitive theory is that America’s housing bust has buoyed them. Selling a home is easy when prices are rising. But when financing dries up and volumes dip, sellers may need an agent’s expertise and energetic marketing to find a buyer. | |
17 | 一个巨大的往来账户缺口意味着将从国外引进大量的净借贷,这样一旦资金枯竭就可能造成信贷紧缩。 | A large current-account gap implies lots of net borrowing from abroad, which could presage a credit crunch if funding dries up. | |
19 | 爱竹节?那等唠叨哥哥晾他那套竹节莲花铁锤、马具的时候,您老可得挺住啊! | Love bamboo? Then till brother Laodao dries his bamboo lotus iron hammer and harness, you should endure them! | |
20 | 澳大利亚,艾尔湖:飞越过艾尔湖上空的飞行员告诉我,当河床干涸的时候就会出现一种红色的东西。 | Pilots whofly over Lake Eyre had told me about a red hue that sometimes appears when thebed dries . | |
21 | 保持湿润:刚刚舔过的嘴唇可能看起来性感,但是实际上,老舔嘴唇让嘴唇干得更快,特别是在户外的时候。 | Moist: Licking your lips may appear sexy, but in reality, licking dries out lips. | |
22 | 不过,它也会让皮肤干燥,让皮肤毛孔增多、更敏感。 | But it also dries out the skin, making it more porous and sensitive. | |
23 | 不用担心——蜂蜜干了会形成天然的创可贴。 | Don’t worry -- honey dries to form a natural one. | |
24 | 布朗伯格说,“一旦泉水干涸,就再也没有农业用水了。” | Assoon as this spring dries up, there’ll be no more water for farming. | |
25 | 但如果流动资产突然干涸,有些投资者也许最终拥有那些他们不要也不可能摆脱的资产。 | But if liquidity suddenly dries up, some investors might end up owning assets they neither want nor can get rid of. | |
26 | 但要是好的银行和企业资金枯竭、破产了,对其它健康的经济体将会产生无法收拾的危害。 | But if good banks fail and money for good companies dries up, the purge will wreak huge and wasteful damage on healthy parts of the economy. | |
27 | 当贷款供应大减——如2009年时——私募股权公司会放缓投资步伐,不管他们已募集了多少“私募股本”。 | And when credit dries up -- as it did in 2009 -- PE firms slow their investment pace, no matter how much "equity" they’ve got lying around. | |
28 | 当防摩擦绷带贴让皮肤干燥后,它会形成一层干爽,光滑的屏障。 | When Band-Aid Friction Block Stick dries on the skin, it will form a clear and smooth barrier. | |
29 | 当金融市场流动性紧缩时,这些储蓄给银行提供了缓冲器。 | These reserves provide a buffer for banks when liquidity dries up in financial markets. | |
30 | 等到上涨的房价拉平以后,抽取抵押资产净值的空间就会消失,这时,消费支出就会摇摆不定了。 | When house-price rises flatten off, and therefore the room for further equity withdrawal dries up, consumer spending will stumble. |