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    Regulations of the PRC on Import and Export Duties



    Article 1. This set of regulations is formulated in line with the related provisions of the Customs Law of the PRC (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law)to implement the policy of opening up and promote the development of the country’s foreign economy and trade and national economy.

    第一条 为了贯彻对外开放政策,促进对外经济贸易和国民经济的发展,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》(以下简称《海关法》)的有关规定,制定本条例。


    Article 2. The Customs shall levy import and export duties in accordance with the provisions of this set of regulations on goods that are allowed to be imported into or exported from the PRC and on articles entering into China , unless otherwise specified in laws and administrative regulations.

    第二条 中华人民共和国准许进出口的货物、进境物品,除法律、行政法规另有规定外,海关依照本条例规定征收进出口关税。


    Article 3. Tariff headings, tariff lines and tariff rates specified in the Customs Import and Export Tariff of the PRC (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Tariffs)and Table of Tariff Rates of Import Duties of the PRC of Entry Articles (hereinafter referred to as the Table of Tariff Rates of Import Duties of Entry Articles)drafted by the State Council are an integral part of this set of regulations.

    第三条 国务院制定《中华人民共和国进出口税则》(以下简称《税则》)、《中华人民共和国进境物品进口税税率表》(以下简称《进境物品进口税税率表》),规定关税的税目、税则号列和税率,作为本条例的组成部分。


    Article 4. The State Council establishes a Tariff Commission, responsible for the following matters: handling the adjustment made to and interpretation of tariff headings,

    第四条 国务院设立关税税则委员会,负责《税则》和《进境物品进口税税率表》的税目


    tariff lines and tariff rates of the Customs Tariffs and the Table of Tariff Rates of Import Duties of Entry Articles, and the implementation, subject to approval by the State Council;



    making decisions on goods on which temporary tariff rates are to be applied, the tariff rates to be applied, and period of application of the temporary tariff rates;



    determining tariff rate quota; determining whether or not to levy anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, safeguard duties, retaliatory duties, and other measures with regard to duties;



    determining the application of tariff rates under exceptional circumstances; and other roles specified by the State Council.



    Article 5. The Consignee of imported goods, consignor of export goods, and owner of entry articles are parties held liable for paying customs duties.

    第五条 进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人、进境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人。


    Article 6. Customs and its staff shall implement the duty of collection of customs duties in line with their delegated power and legal procedures, protect the national interests, safeguard the lawful benefits of taxpayers, and accept supervision according to laws.

    第六条 海关及其工作人员应当依照法定职权和法定程序履行关税征管职责,维护国家利益,保护纳税人合法权益,依法接受监督。


    Articles 7. Taxpayers are entitled to the right of requesting the customs to treat their business secrets as confidential, and the customs shall implement the duty of confidentiality for taxpayers in accordance with the law.

    第七条 纳税义务人有权要求海关对其商业秘密予以保密,海关应当依法为纳税义务人保密。


    Article 8. Customs shall grant rewards to units and individuals reporting of or assisting in the investigation of acts in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations and be responsible for maintaining confidentiality.

    第八条 海关对检举或者协助查获违反本条例行为的单位和个人,应当按照规定给予奖励,并负责保密。


    Chapter II Establishment and Application of Tariff Rates of Import and Export Goods

    第二章 进出口货物关税税率的设置和适用


    Article 9. Import duties are categorised as Most Favoured Nation (MFN)tariff rate, contractual tariff rate, preferential tariff rate, normal tariff rate, TRQ rate and others. Temporary tariff rate may be applied to imported goods within a specified period of time.

    第九条 进口关税设置最惠国税率、协定税率、特惠税率、普通税率、关税配额税率等税率。对进口货物在一定期限内可以实行暂定税率。


    Export duties are in the form of export tariff rate, and temporary tariff rate may be applied to export goods within a specified period of time.



    Article 10. MFN tariff rate shall be applied to imported goods originated from other WTO members who are applicable to MFN treatment in a collective manner, to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the PRC has signed bilateral trade agreements containing provisions of granting mutual MFN status, and to imported goods originated from within the PRC .

    第十条 原产于共同适用最惠国待遇条款的世界贸易组织成员的进口货物,原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有相互给予最惠国待遇条款的双边贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,以及原产于中华人民共和国境内的进口货物,适用最惠国税率。


    Contractual tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the PRC has signed regional treatment agreements containing provisions of preferential tariff rates.



    Preferential tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the PRC has a signed trade agreement containing provisions on special preferential tariff rates.



    Normal tariff rate is applied to imported goods originated from countries or regions not listed in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this article and to imported goods for which the place of origin is unclear.



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