1 | --现在全世界都知道,1939年9月3号,星期天,最后的行动开始,这一天应永远铭记。 | --The resulting action, known now by all the world, has marked Sunday, September the 3rd, 1939,as a date to be long remembered | |
2 | 今天上午11点15分,首相在唐宁街10号向全国宣布英国对德宣战,同时向伦敦公众严肃通令已经实行紧急状态。 | --At11: 15 this morning, the Prime Minister, speaking to the nation from number 10 Downing Street, announced that Great Britain is at war with Germany.--Meanwhile, the London public is earnestly reminded of the emergency orders already issued. | |
3 | 熄灯以后不许出现任何形式的灯光,也不许猫和狗晚上在街头闲逛。--必须记住,不准把宠物带进防空洞。 | No light of any description should be visible after blackout time. No dogs or cats will be allowed to roam the streets after dark.--And, it should be remembered that pets will not be permitted in public air-raid shelters. | |
4 | --撤退之前请随身带好防毒面具和衣物,最好带上一瓶水,这在紧急时刻小孩被吵醒后很有用处。 | --Gas masks and warm clothing should be placed at hand before retiring and it is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos would be a great comfort to small children who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour | |
5 | --尽管疏散工作要在今晚晚些才结束,但请尽力使留在伦敦的孩子保持安定。 | --Every effort should be made to quiet the nerves of those children who still remain in London despite the evacuation which will continue until a late hour this evening. | |
6 | --(罗伊和他的司机驱车驶出指挥部大门).--司机:克罗宁上校的车.--罗伊:我说对了,托马斯,正是今晚. | --(Roy and his chauffeur driving out of the headquarters’ gate.)----CHAUFFEUR: Colonel Cronin’s car!--ROY:I was right, Thomas. It’s tonight. | |
7 | --司机:去法国?长官.--罗伊:去滑铁卢车站。--司机:好的,长官。您对那里很熟的,是吗?不久前才去过。--罗伊:是啊,很熟悉。托马斯…… | --CHAUFFEUR: to France, Sir?--ROY: Waterloo Station--CHAUFFEUR: Yes, Sir. Be familiar to you, won’t it, Sir? I mean having been through the last one.--ROY:Yes, it’ll be familiar. Thomas… | |
8 | --司机:什么事,长官?--罗伊:走滑铁卢大桥那条路。--司机:滑铁卢大桥?--罗伊:我们有足够时间。--司机:好的,长官。 | --CHAUFFEUR: Yes, Sir?--ROY: Go by way of Waterloo Bridge . will you?--CHAUFFEUR: Waterloo Bridge, Sir?--ROY: We have plenty of time.--CHAUFFEUR: Right, Sir. | |
9 | --(小车驶向远处,来到大桥,罗伊下车。)--罗伊:在桥的那一头等我,我走过去。--司机:好的,长官. | --(The car goes into distance. At the bridge, Roy gets out of the car.)--ROY: Wait for me at the other end of the bridge, I’ll walk across.--CHAUFFEUR: Right, Sir. | |
10 | --(1939年9月3号,英国对德宣战,罗伊·克罗宁将军即将赴法国战场,临行前,他绕道滑铁卢大桥。站在桥上,他从怀中取出一幸运符端详良久,往事浮上心头……)-。 | (September3, 1939, Great Britain Declares war against Germany. General Roy Cronin sets off for the French fronts. On his way, he makes a detour to Waterloo Bridge. Standing there he takes out a luckly charm from his pocket. the past rises before his eyes… | |
11 | -玛拉:拿去,留着。--罗伊:你的幸运符?--玛拉:也许会给你带来好运,我希望如此,祈祷如此 | --MYRA: Here, take this. --ROY: Your good luck charm?--MYRA: Perhaps it will bring you luck. I hope it will. I pray it will. | |
12 | --罗伊:你真好!--玛拉:现在你认为你会记住我吗?--罗伊:是的,是的,一生难忘。 | --ROY: That’s wonderfully kind of you.--MYRA: Do you think you’ll remember me now?--ROY:I think so. I think so. For the rest of my life. | |
13 | 第一次世界大战期间,罗伊·克罗宁还是个上尉,休假期间的一天,在滑铁卢大桥上,空袭警报大作,他偶遇玛拉·莱斯特。 | (It is during World War Ⅰ,Captain Roy Cronin is enjoying his leave. One day, when a raid warning rings out, he comes across Myra Lester on Waterloo Bridge.) | |
14 | --女孩1:是警报,我听得很清楚。--女孩2:你在做梦吧,我什么也没听到。--凯蒂:我听到了,你呢?玛拉?--玛拉:又响了。 | --GIRL1: It was a dreaming. I didn’t hear a thing.--GIRL2:Oh, you’re dreaming. I didn’t hear a thing.--Kitty : well I did. Didn’t you, Myra?--Myra: There it is again. | |
15 | --莉蒂娅:大家不要吵。(对罗伊)请原谅,是空袭警报吗?--罗伊:恐怕是的,待会儿就知道。--莉蒂娅:是的,我告诉过你们,我们迟到了夫人会发怒的。 | --LYDIA: Be quiet, please, all of you.(To Roy)Pardon me, but was that an air-raid warning ?--ROY: I’m afraid it was. We’ll know in a minute.--LYDLA: There it is ! I told you we were going to be late and Madame will be furious. | |
16 | --凯蒂:我们该替夫人着想。--女孩3:快看,快看。--莉蒂娅:我们能去哪里?--罗伊:你们右边有个地下车站。右边,右边。--(匆忙中,玛拉的包掉下地。) | --Kitty: We should worry about Madame.--GIRL3: Look! Look!--LYDIA: Where can we go?--Roy: There’s an underground station on your right. Your right, your right!--(In a hurry, Myra drops her bag.) | |
17 | --玛拉:(拾物品。)真笨,总是这样。(罗伊帮着拾。)多谢。--罗伊:可能要炸桥,我们快点离开。--玛拉:唉呀,我的幸运符!--(一辆车开过来,罗伊拉住玛拉。) | --MYRA: (Picking things.)Stupid bag, it always does this.(Roy helps her.)Thank you so much.--ROY: It might strike this bridge, we’d better get off.--MYRA: Oh, my lucky charm.--(A truck comes, Roy holds her back.) | |
18 | --罗伊:小傻瓜,活腻了?--玛拉:随身带了多年,它给我带来好运气.--罗伊:比如空袭?--玛拉:你认为我们跑算不算违反军纪? | --ROY: You little fool, you tired of life?--MYRA: I’ve had it for years, it brings me luck.--ROY: Such as air raids.--MYRA: Do you think it’d be too unmilitary if we were to run? | |
19 | --罗伊:(对玛拉)对不起,看来挤得厉害.--玛拉:快挤扁了,是不是?(又一声爆炸.)这次爆炸更近了 | ROY: (to Myra)I’m sorry. There seems to be a certain amount of shoving.--MYRA: It is a crush, isn’t it? (Another bomb.)That one was close. | |
20 | 罗伊:我们在这里很安全,墙边可能空一点,挤过去好吗?--玛拉:好的. | ROY: We’re safe here. There may be some space over there by the wall. Shall we wriggle through?--MYRA: All right. |