

    音标:['emfəsaɪz] 现在分词:emphasizing
    过去式:emphasized 过去分词:emphasized
    第三人称单数:emphasizes 词频:高频常用词
    基本释义/说明:查询词emphasizedemphasize的过去式 和 过去分词形式
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    He emphasized the importance of being honest.
    He emphasized that Marxism was scientific truth.
    The band emphasized the beats in the music to show that it was a marching tune.
    I still don’t see the point you emphasized.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    “I now mounted the hustings, and, without any regard to decency or modesty, made as emphatical a speech in favour of the king as before I had done against him.”
    Characterized by emphasis; forceful. || Stated with conviction. || (grammar) Belonging to a set of English tense forms comprising the auxiliary verb do + an infinitive without to. || (phonology) Belonging to a series of obstruent consonants in several Semitic languages that are distinguished from both voiced and voiceless consonants by a certain phonetic feature or features.
    “The American media was equally emphatic and called the attack inexcusable aggression and state-sponsored terrorism.”
    “Hendry said he had plenty of room for improvement despite the emphatic result.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “As annalists, tabulators of losses and gains, commentators on the future of states and societies, we emphasise its first sense too heavily.”
    “For instance, a little sourness from lime or lemon juice in a stir-fry will emphasise saltiness and reduce the amount of salt required.”
    “Such people tend to emphasise the separate status of their religion and attach an exaggerated importance to dress or behaviour.”