1 | 画家注重对人物情态的刻画 | Gu emphasized the expressions of the figures | |
2 | 脊椎病变及膝关节运动伤害之磁振造影 | MRI in Musculoskeletal System:Emphasized on Spinal Disorders and Sports Related Injury of Knee | |
3 | 科尔强调,没有苏联的合作,德国统一是不可能实现的。 | kohl emphasized that without the co-operation of the USSR, German unification would be impossible to realize | |
4 | 可以指形式各异的多种作为建筑结构的基础的部件,如古典神庙中作为地板和地基的平台,支撑廊柱的矮墙,或一面墙上出于结构或装饰需要而被强调的最低的部分。 | It may be any of various elements that form the base of a structure, such as the platform forming the floor and substructure of a Classical temple, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasized lowest portion of a wall. | |
5 | 乐队强调这支乐曲的节拍,以显示它是进行曲。 | The band emphasized the beats in the music to show that it was a marching tune. | |
6 | 另外一个例子是在20世纪80年代中期的时装外形,当时强调肩宽。 | Another example is the fashion silhouette of the mid-1980s, which emphasized shoulder width. | |
7 | 罗伯特强调了个人利益和社区利益的区别。 | Robert emphasized the difference between the interests of the single person and those of the community. | |
8 | 落叶性果树的果实有半数以上用以加工,从这一事实可见果品加工的重要性。 | The importance of this field is emphasized by the fact that over half of the deciduous fruits produced are processed | |
9 | 毛泽东在延安整风时就强调:“应确立以研究中国革命实际问题为中心, | During the rectification campaign in Yanan, Mao Zedong emphasized , “A policy should be established of focusing on the study of the practical problems of the Chinese revolution | |
10 | 摩天大楼的设计和装饰经历了几个阶段:沙利文强调垂直性;马吉姆-米德-怀特(公司侧重新古典主义。 | Skyscraper design and decoration have passed through several stages: Louis Sullivan emphasized verticality; the firm of McKim, Mead, & White stressed Neoclassicism. | |
11 | 那份商业周刊发表的一篇综合报道强调说,加强农村地区的商业网及配套设施非常重要 | A roundup report in that business weekly emphasized the importance of strengthening the construction of commercial networks and facilities in rural areas | |
12 | 那时的改革,用的名称是整顿,强调把经济搞上去,首先是恢复生产秩序。 | In those days, the reform was called consolidation, and we emphasized the need to develop the economy, first of all by bringing order to production. | |
13 | 农业是国民经济的基础,怎样强调也不过分。 | It cannot be too much emphasized that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. | |
14 | 其中后来颇为出名的有杜比尼、迪亚兹?德?拉?佩纳、杜佩雷、雅克和特罗容。他们各自有独特的风格,但都着重于直接描绘自然的户外风景,很少调色,在画中营造出气氛和感情。 | most notable of this group were Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny, Narcisse-Virgile Díaz de la Pe?a, Jules Dupré, Charles-émile Jacque, and Constant Troyon. Each had his own style, but all emphasized painting out-of-doors directly from nature, using a limited palette, and creating atmosphere or mood in their landscapes. | |
15 | 启蒙运动18世纪的一个哲学运动,强调运用理智来审视先前被接受了的信条和传统,该运动带来了许多人道主义改革,与the连用 | A philosophical movement of the18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms.Used with the. | |
16 | 情报部在我们参谋系统中不受重视的地位到处表现无遗。 | The stepchild position of G-2 in our General Staff System was emphasized in many ways | |
17 | 然而,当伴随着收缩肌的刺激而使DNA的释放量受限制时,作者更强调后一种机制。 | However, as the amount of DHA released following agonist stimulation is limited, the authors emphasized the latter mechanism. | |
18 | 人本主义文艺复兴时期的文化和知识运动,强调对世俗事物的关心,是对古希腊、古罗马的文学、艺术和文明的重新发现和研究的结果 | A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the literature,art,and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. | |
19 | 若不具备足够的财务智商,不了解金钱运转的规律,他们就没有准备好进入等着他们的现实世界,因为在这个世界里会花钱将比会省钱更受到重视。 | Simply put, without financial literacy and the knowledge of how money works, they are not prepared to face the world that awaits them, a world in which spending is emphasized over savings. | |
20 | 社论强调了建立民主监督机制的重要性 | The editorial emphasized the importance of the implementation of the system of democratic supervision | |
21 | 市长的演讲强调兴建新医的需要。 | The mayor’s speech emphasized the need for a new hospital. | |
22 | 所以,为了满业务要求,不仅要增加所需要的交换量,而且强调需要较高的可靠性,更快速的接续以及新的设施。 | the demands for service have not only increased the amount of switching required but have emphasized the need for grater dependability, faster connections, and new conveniences. | |
23 | 所以,我们多年来一直强调战争的危险。 | That’s why for many years we emphasized the danger of war. | |
24 | 他大声重复她的名字以加强语气。 | He emphasized her name by repeating it very loudly | |
25 | 他疙疙瘩瘩的脸上老是带着一副愤激的神气,越发衬出一对眸子蓝得惹眼。 | He had a craggy face with a rough boiled look about it which emphasized the blueness of his eyes | |
26 | 他还强调,除了愉悦和放松的感觉,蹦极还使他明白,在日常生活中做事要认真。 | Besides the enjoyment and relaxation, Zhang emphasized that bungee had taught him to be careful in everyday life. | |
27 | 他们在论连锁的专题文章中特别强调了这点。 | In their monographic treatment of linkage, they have emphasized this especially | |
28 | 他强调诚实的重要性。 | He emphasized the importance of being honest. | |
29 | 他强调了小心驾驶的重要性。 | He emphasized the importance of careful driving. | |
30 | 他强调说每个人都有感染这种疾病的危险。 | He emphasized that everyone was at risk for the disease. |