

例句1. they aim to promote the open exchange of ideas’
例句2. he became a broker on the exchange’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Controls Relating to Foreign Institutions in China and Their Personnel


Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange ,Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instrument Into and Out of China


Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People’s Republic of China


The recording and exchange of broadcasting programs (magnetic tape sound recording)


The recording and exchange of television programmes on 25.4mm video tape


Weapons in exchange for development pilot project in the Gramsh district of Albania


Methods for chemical analysis of bismuth--Determination of arsenic content--Ion exchange separation-hydrid generation-flame atomic absorption spectrophtometric method


public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate


cost, insurance, freight and exchange


Exchange of information on national economic policies (of member countries)


Generic specification for stored program control analogue private automatic branch telephone exchange system


Generic specification for stored program control digital private automatic branch telephone exchange system


London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on (Toxic)Chemicals in International Trade


Industrial automation systems--Manufacturing message specification--Part 1: Service definition AMENDMENT 1: Data exchange



‘But it isn’t practical to use fiber optics for the connection between your telephone or computer and your telecom _exchange_ .’
‘Furthermore, the cost of enabling a substation to broadband is much less than bringing DSL to an _exchange_ .’
2.A building or institution used for the trading of a particular commodity or commodities.
‘the old Corn _Exchange_ ’
‘Finally, the CFTC exists primarily to protect commodities investors and the _exchanges_ , areas where Enron was not particularly active.’
3.A move or short sequence of moves in which both players capture material of comparable value, or particularly the exchange in which one captures a rook in return for a knight or bishop.
‘After several _exchanges_ , Gallagher was down 2 pawns in the rook + pawn ending, as he couldn’t defend everything.’
‘After several _exchanges_ , Bareev was left with a knight and 5 pawns to Junior’s knight and 6 pawns, including a passed b-pawn.’
4.A short conversation or an argument.
‘there was a heated _exchange_ ’
‘How close relations are between the MfS general and the prosecutor becomes evident from a short _exchange_ of words before both left the building.’
5.A system or market in which commercial transactions involving currency, shares, etc. can be carried out within or between countries.
‘Commercial _exchange_ , conducted at urban markets, was subject to elaborate customs and taxation.’
‘The fact that the new distribution arose from market transactions is irrelevant, since no one had any right to transfer those resources through market _exchanges_ .’
6.A visit or visits in which two people or groups from different countries stay with each other or do each other’s jobs.
‘an _exchange_ visit to Germany’
‘The target’s dependent is in a student _exchange_ program-BECOME THAT _EXCHANGE_ STUDENT’
7.An act of giving one thing and receiving another (especially of the same kind) in return.
‘negotiations should lead to an _exchange_ of land for peace’
‘opportunities for the _exchange_ of information’
8.The changing of money to its equivalent in the currency of another country.
‘they provided me with currency _exchange_ at competitive rates’
‘Currenex, a new business-to-business independent foreign currency _exchange_ , expects to sign its first major client in Ireland in the coming weeks.’

1.Exchange contracts.
‘In contracts where the declarer uses the stock, the declarer is allowed after _exchanging_ to surrender the contract without play, accepting a simple loss.’
2.Give or receive one thing in place of another.
‘we regret that tickets cannot be _exchanged_ ’
‘I _exchanged_ my overalls for a sober dark suit’
3.Give something and receive something of the same kind in return.
‘we _exchanged_ addresses’
‘he _exchanged_ a concerned glance with Stephen’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。