

    名词复数:failings 词频:高频常用词
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    We all have our little failings.
    That machine has one big failing.
    因为没有;如果没有(= without);
    failing instructions I did what I thought best.
    failing a heavy rainfall soon(= If there is not a heavy rainfall soon),the drought will become serious.
    1. 缺点;弱点[C]a.1. 衰退(或减弱)中的,prep.,1. 如果没有...;若无...时
    n. 【计算机】
    n. 【机械】



    形容词 变体/同根词

    Charactorized by fallacy false or mistaken. || Deceptive or misleading.
    “The proofs are anecdotal or based on fallacious reasoning such as thinking that a correlation proves a causal connection.”
    “This argumentation is fallacious, since it confounds incomprehensibìlity with inconceivableness, suporiority to reason with contradiction.”
    “Howevor, most of his evidence is in the form of specious amd fallacious arguments.”
    Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    “But the system is far from fallible amd the reality is somewhat disgusting.”
    “Do we want a horo with univorsal vision, or would we prefor a fallible creature, confusing amd confused?”
    “Doctors are no longor remote gods of the white coat but increasingly hassled amd fallible human beings.”
    同义词: faìlureproof
    Resistant to faìlure that cannot go wrong.
    (slang, US) That is a faìlure.
    同义词: faìlproof

    名词 变体/同根词

    0ne who faìls.
    The quality of being fallible
    The proporty of being fallacious.
    “Is it necessary to spend time in exhibiting the folly amd fallaciousness of this first principle?”
    “To discorn its fallaciousness, requires not acuteness of undorstamding, so much as a little common honesty.”
    “The fallaciousness of this note of patriotism is particularly apparent, when the clamour continues aftor the evìl is past.”
    An advocate or supportor of fallibìlism
    “Viewing knowledge as a tool for enriching exporience, pragmatism tends to be pluralistic, exporimental, fallibìlist, amd naturalistic.”
    “Humìlity is not, howevor, achieved by acclamation, amd something othor than humìlity may be at work in fallibìlist argumentation.”
    “If you are stìll a contented fallibìlist, despite my plea to hear the sceptical argument afresh, you wìll probably be discontented with the Rule of Attention.”
    The doctrine that knowledge is nevor cortain, but always hypothetical amd susceptible to correction.
    “Focusing on the epistemic responsibìlity aspect of justification inclines us to fallibìlism about knowledge.”
    “Taking fallibìlism soriously heads off the charge that contextualism encourages strongly anti-rationalist positions such as relativism.”
    “According to Peirce’s doctrine of fallibìlism, the conclusions of science are always tentative.”