family members 查询结果如下:
soldier’s family members
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
factories run by family members of workers, cadres, armymen, etc.
属类:经济金融 -现代商务-
Statistics indicate that the alternatives to traditional nuclear families-single parent families, stepfamilies, and children living with other family members , such as grandparents-are less satisfactory for the mental health of the children
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As for those family members of the Sunflower Therapy Community, we truly hope they could eventually achieve their dreams, free themselves from their dependencies on drug and return into society one day
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We express our sincere solicitude for the family members of Mr. Nixon
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The family comes first. Family members are dedicated to promoting each other’s welfare and happiness and they expect the family to endure.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Being in a foreign land, he longed for his family members at home.
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He is longing for his family members all the time.
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Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased.
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New for 2001 is the Carrollton suite of bath designs, and a self-rimming lavatory is one of the handsome family members .
属类:产品说明书 -洁具说明
Many of its problems which were solved by asking family members , friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve
属类:综合句库 -家庭信息
Mid-autumn is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon-an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck.
属类:社会文化 -风俗 -中秋佳节
High-ranking cadres whose family members have been involved in criminal activities should take a firm, clear-cut attitude towards those activities and resolutely support the judicial organs that are in charge of their cases.
属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -中央政治局常委会
The reunion of your family members at this time is a happy event, an expression of unity and a rehearsal for our great national reunion.
属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -争取大团结
National Model City for Supporting the Arm Forces and Their Family Members
属类:单位简介 -称号
Nowadays it’s very difficult for all the family members to commune together, even at weekends
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Almost everyone enjoys the society of friends and family members .
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Mozi’s teaching of the sense of the just corrects the Confucian devotion the loyal bonds that unite family members , but which can degenerate into a nepotism that provides privileges to family members regardless of their performances.
属类:人文学科 -经济伦理学 -伦理修炼
1. The minimum living expenses of the worker himself and the average minimum living expenses of the family members he/she supports
属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -劳动法
In the,.Northern and Southern dynasties period(420-589), the murals in the tombs of imperial family members are painted in crimson, black, orange and green on a base of whitewash.
属类:人文学科 -历史 -考古和文物
The family members laugh and joke when they hear their faults, and then they all burn the old man and the list.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
The whole world now knows that it is an uphill task to prosecute successfully a disgraced former head of state of a neighbouring country for his alleged graft and that of some of his family members .
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
Stories in the press about lawsuits between family members over disputed properties are not news anymore.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
In our forefathers’ time, however, family members helped and cared about one another although most people lived in poverty and hardship.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
When a sentence of confiscation of property is imposed, property that belongs to or should belong to family members of the criminal element may not be confiscated.
属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -刑法
Those causing abducted women or children, or their family members , to serious injuries or death, or causing other grave consequences
属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -刑法
The persons include who have been employed by a current or former auditor, has been an interlocking director, or has family members in these categories.
属类:法学专业 -美国法律 -美国公司治理改革
And advisers/consultants, customers, suppliers, contractors and family members .
属类:法学专业 -美国法律 -美国公司治理改革
The day Sol came over I was a nervous wreck. Mama and the other nine family members welcomed him with embraces and slaps on the back.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
He had the ability to help patients overcome pain even morphine couldn’t mask. He comforted family members as they said their last good-byes to loved ones.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Today the old house still surrounds us. Katie and I are both doing fine. And although both pets are treated like the cherished family members they are, wheneveranother story is sold, I give thanks to my Muse
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Following the current trends, the advice of friends, or the wishes of family members result in decision; following you inner compass results in choice.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Instead of being five new family members ,these children had immediately became a commodity.
属类:学习英语 -新概念英语 -第三册
Relying on archived news footage and interviews with veterans, politicians and family members , Butler tells the story of Kerry’s transformation from eager young soldier to committed anti-war activist.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
In short, any family member can be an opinion leader in some area.
属类:经济金融 -经济 -市场营销
Liu Bei captured an excellent horse in a battle. When Liu Biao ( governor of Jingzhou and a Han royal family member)marveled at the steed, Liu Bei gave it to him as a gift.
属类:文学表达 -中文名著 -三国演义故事
If any family member of the director is employed as an executive officer of the issuer of any of its affiliates or has been in the past three years.
属类:法学专业 -美国法律 -美国公司治理改革
An independent director is prohibited from receiving any payments in excess of $60,000 other than for board service, as is any non-employee family member of the director.
属类:法学专业 -美国法律 -美国公司治理改革
Because Asian-Americans conventionally had more family members working, their per capita income numbers were not quite as impressive, but they still towered over those for blacks and Hispanics
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All the family members were thrown into awestruck silence under the threat of the gunmen
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But except with family members and close friends, Americans usually don’t give out wholesale hugs
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We ate ice cream sundaes and had a good time seeing family members that we had not seen for a long time and meeting my soon to be sister in law’s family
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The disagreement among the family members healed over with time(喻)
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The big watermelon cut up well,there was enough for each of the family members .
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The housework is shared among the family members .
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Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away.
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His family members are dispersed all over the country.
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The form is immaterial-the important thing is the presence of all family members .
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
They would firmly disapprove if their family members went away on this occasion.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
The bird had started attacking family members .
属类:时事政治 -新闻报道
Questionnaires and interviews showed that the quantity of appreciation family members expressed to one another was even greater than anticipated.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Tables and chairs were set up everywhere to accommodate toddlers,teenagers,parents and grandparents. Every room was lavishly decorated. No family member had ever missed Christmas Day with our mother and father.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Two senior American admirals expressed concern on Tuesday over decisions this month by China to refuse access to the port of Hong Kong for three American warships, including two seeking fuel and sheltered waters ahead of a major storm.The officers, Adm. Gary Roughead, the chief of naval operations, and Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of American forces in the Pacific, said neither the Chinese government nor its military had offered explanations.Two minesweepers, the Patriot and the Guardian, ...
美国海军最高将领、海军军令部长罗夫海德(Gary Roughead)和美国太平洋军区总司令基亭(Timothy J. Keating)都说,中国政府和军方对此事件均没有说明。
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
When the proposal was first announced, the public expressed concerns over the late payout starting only at age 85, the lack of benefits to family members upon the demise of the member, and so on.
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。