do (make,swear) fealty (to one`s lord ,for one`s land)
take an oath of fealty
1. (对领主之)效忠;忠诚[U][C]
do (make,swear) fealty (to one`s lord ,for one`s land)
||1:Mr Cruz is betting that political dynamics are changing.||2:The Ag Summit showed the farm lobby’s strength but also its vulnerability: a truly confident industry would not even ask candidates to declare their fealty , almost a year ahead of the first presidential caucus.||3:In 2000 Senator John McCain simply skipped Iowa, because he opposed ethanol subsidies.||4:Today, the shrink-the-government right is more confrontational.||5:Mr Cruz sensed a political advantage in flying to Iowa to sit beside a tractor telling farmers that they are wrong to want federal help.||6:The coming months will reveal if he is right, or if the Scarry rule remains in force.
Paying fealty to farmers
1.A feudal tenant’s or vassal’s sworn loyalty to a lord.
‘they owed _fealty_ to the Earl rather than the King’
‘The Anglo-Saxons used oaths not only to swear _fealty_ to feudal lords, but also to ensure honesty during legal proceedings and transactions.’
2.Formal acknowledgement of loyalty to a lord.
‘a property for which she did _fealty_ ’
‘Homage and _fealty_ performed by the great men after the coronation were arguably of greater practical importance than the ceremony itself.’
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