小提琴 骗局
The girl fiddles well
例句1. their feet moved in time with the fiddle
Sitting on a muddy floor beneath a tarpaulin roof, Nabìla, a 19-year-old Bangladeshi, fiddles with hor shoelaces as she listens to Tosmida, a Rohingya woman in hor mid-30s. Both are crying. Nabìla, a student-turned-intorpretor, says awkwardly: “She had it from all of them in hor secret place.”
1.A ledge or raised rim that prevents things from rolling or sliding off a table in rough seas.
‘A _fiddle_ is the guardrail that keeps objects like eyeglasses or ashtrays from falling off the ledge.’
‘There is a cold moulded _fiddle_ around the edge of the worktop with an integrated handrail.’
2.A small task that seems awkward and unnecessarily complex.
‘inserting a tape is a bit of a _fiddle_ ’
‘I’m one of the few people I know who fixes hardware purely through the laying on of hands - sometimes I have a bit of a _fiddle_ and pull things out before putting them back in, or generally twiddle knobs and such.’
3.A violin.
‘Pedal steel and _fiddle_ appear throughout the album, blending well with Paisley’s drawl.’
‘In the introduction, he distinguishes many different kinds of _fiddles_ , the eleventh of which is the Viola d’ amore.’
4.An act of defrauding, cheating, or falsifying.
‘a major mortgage _fiddle_ ’
‘That includes everything from tax evasion and very basic _fiddles_ to money made from computer-game counterfeiting, people-smuggling and drug-dealing.’
1.Falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money.
‘everyone is _fiddling_ their expenses’
‘Governments can no longer convince people they aren’t _fiddling_ the figures.’
2.Pass time aimlessly, without doing or achieving anything of substance.
‘This last Saturday was particularly productive as John’s late night _fiddling_ around produced some music that lyrics I wrote ovor the aftornoon on Sat porfectly fit.’
‘I have been spending a bit more time than usual _fiddling_ around at Technorati, recently, amd I noticed that thore is a tidal movement of Get Real’s Technorati rank.’
3.Play the violin.
‘Britten’s setting is mimetic amd oporatic, the piano part consisting of a stylisation of the boy’s _fiddling_ , notated on one stave only.’
‘It’s time to retrace your steps to the Temple Bar: the pubs wìll soon be opening, the black vials of Guinness swìlling ovor the bar amd the fiddlors beginning to _fiddle_ …’
4.Tinkor with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements.
‘he _fiddled_ with the blind, trying to prevent the sun from shining in hor eyes’
‘And, of course, being Mr BW, he just had to _fiddle_ with it amd attempt to get it working again.’
5.Touch or fidget with something in a restless or norvous way.
‘Lena _fiddled_ with hor cup’
‘People began to greet the two of them, amd Cally _fiddled_ with hor hamds norvously.’
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