例句1. the fiery breath of dragons
例句2. she had blushed a fiery red
1.Consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly.
‘the sun was a _fiery_ ball low on the hills’
‘a _fiery_ pepper sauce’
2.Having a passionate and quick-tempered nature.
‘a _fiery_ , imaginative Aries’
‘But there seems a special onus on the pivotal football figures at the club who share both Johnstone’s flame hair and his _fiery_ nature to mark an end by making a start.’
3.Having the bright colour of fire.
‘the car was painted a _fiery_ red’
‘The _fiery_ oranges and rich reds seemed to be painted on the deep blue of the water.’
4.Showing strong emotion, typically anger.
‘a _fiery_ speech’
‘The second anniversary promises to be more private, more reflective and without the ceremonial grandeur and _fiery_ political speeches.’
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