

    比较级:intenser 最高级:intensest

    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    intense heat
    intense pain
    the intense sun
    an intense longing
    intense devotion to duty
    a very intense person who cares deeply about everything
    强烈的,剧烈的;极度的,; 热情的;热切的
    【医学】 【中医】


    例句1. the subject of intense interest’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or pertaining to intension.
    “But there is what philosophers think of as an extensional and an intensional way of describing our perceptions.”
    “Logics which attempt to display the logical properties of intensional contexts are called intensional logics.”
    “Deacon would argue that initially words are acquired as indices and only later do they gain intensional properties once symbol-symbol relations are established.”
    “Far, blue hills, bluer and intenser than ever in the rain-washed atmosphere.”
    “Not mother, with her first-born on her knee, Thrills with intenser love than I for thee.”
    “Day by day, after the December snows were over, a blazing blue sky poured down torrents of light and air on the white landscape, which gave them back in an intenser glitter.”
    Increasing the force or intensity of; intensive.

    名词 变体/同根词

    The condition of being intensive.
    “At a cost of a billion dollars, the modern paper mill ranks first among industries in terms of capital intensiveness.”
    “The meat ends up looking like it has been left out in the snow because of the intensiveness of the white fat marbling.”
    “However, due to solar activity and meteorological conditions intensiveness of geopathy radiation might change.”
    (logic) The condition of having an intension.
    “The hyperintentionality of the content of beliefs is reflected in the intensionality of belief descriptions.”
    The characteristic of being intense; intensity.
    “That was the land of promise, to the possession of which their expectations were directed for near five hundred years, with an intenseness and ardor which amounted to enthusiasm.”
    “He had not, however, experienced the kind of emotions that were needed to properly convey the intenseness of the last of the loves.”
    “She felt his probing gaze on her, felt the intenseness burning in those raven eyes.”
    The act or process of intensifying, or of making more intense.
    “To think that an intensification will improve things is so absurd as to defy analysis.”
    “There appears to be a feedback loop linking the intensification of agriculture, the acquisition of wealth, and the emergence of hierarchy.”
    “In all probability this was the result of the intensification of practices arising in earlier periods.”
    intensity or the act of becoming intense. || (logic) Any property or quality connoted by a word, phrase or other symbol, contrasted to actual instances in the real world to which the term applies. || (dated) A straining, stretching, or bending; the state of being strained.
    “Medieval theories of ratios and proportions and of the intension and remission of forms were applied to problems of motion.”
    “They provide a vehicle for the imaginative extension and intension of space beyond and within the realist scale of the city.”
    “On the other hand, two sentences have the same intension if they are logically equivalent, i.e., their equivalence is due to the semantic rules of the language.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To intensify.
    (transitive) To render more intense || (intransitive) To become intense, or more intense; to act with increasing power or energy.
    “A rush of warmth flowed through his body, and it quickly began to intensify, growing searingly hot.”
    “Squeeze your contracted muscle isometrically as you complete each rep to intensify the effort and maximize the pump.”
    “The Cultural Revolution was essentially a revitalization movement, a kind of millenarian movement designed to purify, intensify, and apotheosize.”