

例句1. fine wines’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

coke fines


-商品名 - -

fines free


-冶金学 - -

fines herbs


-English to Chinese - -

fines workup


-环境 - -

impose fines


-法律专业 - -

fines herbes

ph.1. 【法】(切碎的欧芹、香葱等的)调味香菜

- - -

pyrite fines


-English to Chinese - -

fines roaster


-English to Chinese - -

percent fines


-建筑工程 - -

arbitrary fines


-法律专业 - -

unjustified fines


-法律专业 - -

no fines concrete


-建筑工程 - -

contractual fines


-法律专业 - -

non-fines concrete


-建筑工程 - -

carbon black fines


-化学 - -

fines of carbon black


-化学 - -

bituminous coal fines


-简明词典 - -

compound fines system


-法律专业 - -

act of imposing fines


-法律专业 - -

subject of imposing fines


-法律专业 - -

impose fines additionally


-法律专业 - -

mete out unjustified fines


-法律专业 - -

carryover of catalyst fines


-化学 - -

carry over of catalyst fines


-化学 - -

additional imposition of fines


-法律专业 - -

alternative imposition of fines


-法律专业 - -

optional imposition of fines system


-法律专业 - -

substitute fines for criminal punishment


-法律专业 - -

(2)Warnings and fines may be imposed on the crew or the personnel working on the installations who are of foreign nationalities or their faults may be reported to the competent organs of their respective countries.

( 二)对外国籍船员或设施上的工作人员,可以给予警告、罚款或将其过失通报其所属国 家的主管机关。

(1)Warnings, fines , suspension or revocation of their job certificates may be resorted to when the crew, pilots or personnel working on the installations are of Chinese nationality;

( 一)对中国籍船员、引航员或设施上的工作人员,可以给予警告、罚款或扣留、吊销职 务证书;

2. Those who fail legally to cancel a registration, or alter the name, contents or the sponsor of a sports contest or cancel a sports contest without authority shall be ordered to comply within a time limit and be fined between RMB 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, shall carry fines of between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.

(二)对未按规定办理变更登记或者注销登记,擅自变更体育竞赛的名称、内容、举办主体或者取消体育竞赛的,责令限期改正,并处以 2000 元以上 1 万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以 1 万元以上 3 万元以下罚款。

(2)embarking on or disembarking from conveyances upon entry, or loading or unloading articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels, without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office and refusing to listen to the office’s advice against such acts. All fines thus collected shall be turned over to the state treasury.


(2)If unearthed gold and silver objects without legal owners have been melted down, destroyed or held in possession in violation of Article 13 of these Regulations, the People’s Bank of China shall recover the unearthed objects or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall impose fines .


(7)Recover the greater part of the economic losses to the state and the people through the payment of evaded taxes, restitution, fines and confiscation


(3)If the intended use of gold and silver is altered, or gold and silver used as raw materials are transferred without authorization in violation of Article 17 of these Regulations, the People’s Bank of China shall either issue a warning or recover the gold and silver allocated. In cases of serious violation, fines shall be imposed or even supplies suspended.


(4)For such acts as dealing in gold and silver without authorization, altering the scope of business without authorization, illegally purchasing or using gold and silver for other purpose, or embezzling gold and silver, in violation of Articles 19,20,21,22 and 23 of these Regulations, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall impose fines or confiscate the goods.


On the basis of the Tax Collection and Management Law and its Detailed Rules, the Methods further stipulate fines on illegal acts related to invoices.


ARTICLE 48 of the Tax Collection and Management Law stipulates that with regard to those who illegally print invoices, the tax authorities shall recriminate the illegally printed invoices, confiscate their illegal gain and impose fines .


According to this model a monolayer of fines coating the coarse is the minimum needed to bring the viscosity down


The amounts of the fines specified in the preceding paragraph of the present Article shall be determined pursuant to the following provisions


The amounts of fines , the period of detaining job certificate of crew membership, or the revocation of the said certificate provided for in the preceding paragraph of the present Article shall be determined pursuant to the following provisions


I was merely reciting some fines by a former poet. I don’t aspire so high.


The non-refundable deposit is to be exclusively used for damage compensation to contestants and consumers or as payment for fines .


Offenders are liable to fines of up to 100


Units committing offenses under articles 201, 203, 204, 207, 208, and 209 of this section shall be punished with fines , with personnel directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel being punished according to these articles, respectively.


However, if you do so, you may be subject to heavy fines and be held personally responsible for the repayment of the money.


If he violates a copyright created by registration, he may be liable for damages, fines or imprisonment.


For the collection of fines and confiscated money on the spot, unified receipts for fines and confiscated money/goods printed exclusively by the municipal finance department shall be issued.The fines and confiscated money collected shall be turned over to the State Treasury according to the provisions.


The limits for fines set by rules of local governments shall be determined by the standing committee of the people’s congress of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government with no subjection to the above-mentioned limits.


Article 23 Those who forge or defraud the acknowledgement and registration certificate of technology contract shall be punished by the municipal administrative department of science and technology with fines between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan. The privileges as the taxes illegally enjoyed must be recalled by the related departments.

第二十三条 伪造、骗取技术合同认定登记证明的,由市科学技术行政部门处以五百元以上二千元以下的罚款。非法享受的税收等优惠,由有关部门追回。

Article 20. Port authority has the right to call a halt to salvage operations on sunken ships and sunken articles carried out in China’s coastal waters in violation of these Procedures, and mete out punishments of a warning or fines . Those who have caused damage to the country and others have the responsibility for paying compensations.


Article 9 It is forbidden for any unit or individual to set up checked posts, collect fees, impose fines or intercept vehicles on highways.


Article30. Except for the situations described in Articles 21 and 22, in the event of the following infringing activities, according to conditions cessation of the infringement, elimination of the effects, public apology, compensation for losses and other civil responsibilities should be undertaken; moreover, state software copyright executive administration departments may adopt executive punishments such as confiscating unearned illegal income, fines , etc.:

第三十条 除本条例第二十一条及第二十二条规定的情况外,有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、公开赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任,并可以由国家软件著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处罚:

[Article 52] All smuggled goods and articles, the smuggling means of transport employed in the smuggling and the illegal incomes therefrom which are confiscated by the order of the People’s Court or by the decision of the Customs together with the fines paid shall be turned over to the State Treasury.

第五十二条 人民法院判处没收的走私货物、物品、违法所得、走私运输工具和罚金,海关决定没收的走私货物、物品、违法所得和罚款,全部上缴国库。

Article 59 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 18 or Article 19 of this Law, collects fees from, or imposes fines upon, or apportions costs among, or compulsorily raises funds from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be checked up and made public by the organs at higher levels,

第五十九条 违反本法第十八条、第十九条的规定,向农民或者农业生产经营组织收费、罚款、摊派或者强制集资的,上级机关应当予以制止,并予公告;

Article 111 When imposing penalties, the health and quarantine organ must write out an official fine receipt. All fines thus collected shall be turned over to the state treasure.

第一百一十一条 卫生检疫机关在收取罚款时,应当出具正式的罚款收据。罚款全部上交国库。

For smuggling cases not being detected for several occasions, fines should be based on an accumulation of all evaded taxes of such goods and articles.


Fines and detention shall be accompanied by a written decision. The party may contest the decision and request a superior people’s court to reconsider it.



1.(of a physical faculty) sensitive and discriminating.
‘he has a fine eye for the detail and texture of social scenery’
‘Rafael Benitez is clearly an intelligent coach who has a fine understanding of the game.’
2.(of a point) sharp.
‘I sharpened the leads to a fine point’
‘On the outer edges of the sword was shining steel, sharpened to a fine point.’
3.(of gold or silver) containing a specified high proportion of pure metal.
‘the coin is struck in .986 fine gold’
‘They have one of their fine Gold Dots of the same weight and also a 325 gr.’
4.(of something abstract) subtle and therefore perceived only with difficulty and care.
‘there is a fine distinction between misrepresenting the truth and lying’
‘The difference between prices and costs is not just a fine distinction made by economists.’
5.(of speech or writing) sounding impressive and grand but ultimately insincere.
‘fine words seemed to produce few practical benefits’
‘Greetings to members of the House and to all the other New Zealanders listening to this fine speech.’
6.(of the weather) bright and clear.
‘it was another fine winter day’
‘The fine weather added to the enjoyment of the trip and well done to the organisers who ensured that everyone had a great time.’
7.Denoting or displaying a state of good, though not excellent, preservation in stamps, books, coins, etc.
‘Despite the specimen’s fine preservation, we are not sure to what species it belongs.’
8.Directed or stationed behind the wicket and close to the line of flight of the ball when it is bowled.
‘He moved me back and the ball went straight through fine gully, again exactly where I had been standing.’
9.Good; satisfactory.
‘relations in the group were fine’
‘One of his mentors wanted to reschedule to another day, it was fine so Kenny accepted.’
10.Imposing or impressive in appearance.
‘Donleavy was a fine figure of a man’
‘You enter the property via a fine hallway with an imposing stained glass window and original spindled staircase sweeping to the first floor.’
11.In good health and feeling well.
‘‘I’m fine, just fine. And you?’’
‘She had been fine one day and silent and brooding the next.’
12.Made or consisting of small particles.
‘the soils were all fine silt’
‘I descend through the green globs of the algal bloom, then into bottom visibility clouded by fine silt lifted by the tide.’
13.Of delicate or intricate workmanship or structure.
‘fine bone china’
‘Beneath it lay more men’s clothes, including linen tunics of fine weave and workmanship.’
14.Of very high quality; very good of its kind.
‘this was a fine piece of film-making’
‘fine wines’
15.Used to express one’s agreement with or acquiescence to something.
‘anything you want is fine by me, Linda’
‘he said such a solution would be fine’
16.Very thin or narrow.
‘a fine nylon thread’
‘fine flyaway hair’
17.Worthy of or eliciting admiration.
‘what a fine human being he is’
‘a fine musician’

1.Behind the wicket and close to the line of flight of the ball when it is bowled.
2.In a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well.
‘‘And how’s the job-hunting going?’ ‘Oh, fine.’’
‘mother and baby are both doing fine’

2.(in musical directions) the place where a piece of music finishes (when this is not at the end of the score but at the end of an earlier section which is repeated at the end of the piece).
3.A sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority.
‘a parking fine’
‘The District Court can impose fines of up to €1,900 for any single offence in this area.’
4.French brandy of high quality made from distilled wine rather than from pomace.
5.Very small particles found in mining, milling, etc.
‘Screening followed, separating waste matter from the fines, or powdered borates.’
‘The clay minerals and copious fines reported suggest that blockfields were produced by chemical weathering in a Mediterranean-type climate.’

1.(of liquid) become clear.
‘The heavy rains earlier in the week have added a much needed drop of extra water to our local rivers which should be fining down nicely by the weekend.’
‘Wood-matured ports, often called simply wood ports, are aged either in wooden casks or, sometimes, cement tanks, and are ready to drink straight after fining, filtration, and bottling.’
2.(of the weather) become bright and clear.
‘The weather will fine up on Tuesday before a change on Thursday night bringing some thundery rain on Friday followed by showers on Saturday and Sunday.’
‘‘That is a hypothetical situation and we just hope the weather fines up before we even have to think about anything like that,’ he added.’
3.Clarify (beer or wine) by causing the precipitation of sediment during production.
‘The aging in large Slovenian oak barrels remains the same and they are still not fining or filtering their wines.’
‘Fish extract is used to fine the wine - to take all the cloudy particles out of it.’
4.Make or become thinner.
‘she’d certainly fined down—her face was thinner’
‘He preserved a courtly oblivion towards the event, though it seems beyond reason that he could have not noticed his wife’s girth had suddenly fined down.’
5.Punish (someone) for an illegal or illicit act by making them pay a sum of money.
‘she was fined £1500 for driving offences’
‘It follows a series of cases at Bradford magistrates’ court last month when several people were fined for not having licences.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。