for the moment 查询结果如下:
tentatively; for the moment
属类:简明汉英词典 --
leave ... aside for the moment
属类:汉英词对 --
for the moment ;then;at that time
属类:汉英词对 --
for the moment or present;for the nonce
属类:简明汉英词典 --
We will not enter the question for the moment .
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His name escapes me for the moment .
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I am my own footman and parlour-maid for the moment .
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Since for the moment we were not able to distinguish between innocent and guilty, we could scarcely take the actions that should have been taken.
属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -戒严部队讲话
This question, I said, could be set aside for the moment , probably the next generation would be cleverer than we and would find a practical solution.
属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -中顾委上的讲话
They also have some rights, you know. The performance tonight was disgraceful. We’re playing for the moment in a variety theater, but…--(There is a knock at the door, Madame indicates Kitty to answer it.)
属类:文学表达 -电影脚本 -魂断蓝桥
The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment ,but I know that I will never be completely free from it.
属类:学习英语 -教材英语 -高二上
Nor did she put the question altogether idly, but, for the moment , with a portion of genuine earnestness;
属类:文学表达 -英语名著
The twins have traded flip-flops for strappy high heels, and except for the moment last month when Jenna Bush stuck out her tongue at photographers, they have mastered the art of the polished public smile.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
"Let us not wonder how reliable these ""prophecies"" are for the moment ."
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
Any change in exchange rates would also need to be led by China. But, for the moment , the Asian giant seems quite happy to stay where it is.
属类:社会文化 -新闻文摘 -不让步的亚洲货币
I have formed an acquaintance, thanks to my good fortune, with many noted persons, and have, at least for the moment , a crowd of friends
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" For the moment , genetic doping does not exist," said de Ceaurriz
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but I want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings for the moment and consider yourself only as a member of a biological species which has had a remarkable history and whose disappearance none of us can desire
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Never had she seemed so accessible as now. For the moment the great gulf that separated them was bridged
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For the moment , we shall only be interested in the levels that arise from excitations of the outer electrons
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The expression of terror which, for the moment , had overspread the features of the young man, had now disappeared
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Mademoiselle Danglars’ charms were heightened in the opinion of the young men, and for the moment seemed to outvie the sun in splendor
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He was greatly nonplussed and uncertain for the moment as to what his next step would be
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gretchen was sure she had seen the man somewhere before, but for the moment she couldn’t place him
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Keep it under your hat for the moment , won’t you?
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Let’s leave the matter aside for the moment .
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Having toned her feelings and arranged words on her lips for Mr. Henchard, and for him alone, she was for the moment confounded
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I wish you keep mum about my secret for the moment
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Chao Hsin-mei, quite pleased with the wisecrack he had made a moment ago, was for the moment unable to say anything in reply and puffed away furiously on his pipe
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Li Yu-ting was rather nonplussed for the moment , but, his faith in reports from Japanese sources being as unshakable as it was, he decided that Wu Sun-fu had been misled by propaganda from some other source
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She had the feeling that there were some complicated problems involved in the "report," yet, not being a swift thinker, she could not for the moment make an accurate analysis of what these problems were-she just had a vague sense of uneasiness
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As nods and murmured assent greeted the chairman’s summation, Nim Goldman leaned back for the moment relaxed
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I/O space may itself be further subdivided, but we will not worry too much about that for the moment
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let us suppose for the moment that we are theologizing in a social way, or even philosophically, and I will say to you, rude as it may seem, ’My brother, you sacrifice greatly to pride; you may be above others, but above you there is God.’
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Filled for the moment with extraordinary strength he raised himself completely.
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All I hear is advertising for the moment . Oh, here the weather report comes.
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I’m afraid that escapes me for the moment .
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I’m afraid that escapes me for the moment .
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His senses were shocked out of him for the moment .
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For the moment , we’ll let that pass.
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My wound is paining just for the moment .
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Audiences hung out for the moments when he would step out of the action in the weekly sitcom plot and make droll asides to them
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"Well," said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected
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This reply failed to discompose me, at least for the moment
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I’ m not convinced your idea will work, but I’ ll keep an open mind for the moment
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He stammered confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious, lost in thought
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but really, on referring for the moment to what he said, do you truly believe that Mithridates used these precautions, and that these precautions were efficacious?"
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So, what cannot be done for the moment must be given time to be done gradually
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The force of this reflection, for the moment , was such in making the doctor feel the natural opposition between his point of view and that of an infatuated child
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Morrel’s clear eye was for the moment clouded, then it shone with unusual lustre, and a large tear rolled down his cheek
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The mood is for the moment manic
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Stop arguing for the moment .
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He had for the moment Beethoven on the brain
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Somewhere in her mind, the bell of recognition rang, but for the moment she could not recall who he was
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英语成语:for the moment/present
1.Just for right now.
Please sit here for the moment while I prepare your table.
2.for now; for a short time
This house is big enough for the moment, but we’ll have to move if we have children.
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。