free will 查询结果如下:

of one’s own free will


属类:简明英汉词典 -简明词典-

of one’s own free will


属类:法学专业 -法律专业-

The theological principles of Cornelis Jansen,which emphasize predestination,deny free will ,and maintain that human nature is incapable of good and were condemned as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church.


属类:综合句库 -

The case of the wasp raises some interesting questions about the major positions on free will


属类:综合句库 -

The answer, according to some, is that free will comes from society--from our culture and nurture


属类:综合句库 -

I did it of my own free will ,ie acting voluntarily.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Free will makes us able to choose our way of life


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

He should decide of his own free will .


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

Of one’s own free wish; of one’s own free will


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

The position known as hard-determinism rejects free will whereas its opposite counterpart, libertarianism asserts that determinism is false


属类:综合句库 -

libertarianism, like hard-determinism, is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe


属类:综合句库 -

The libertarian, on the other hand, believes that experience reveals the reality of free will , and so denies that determinism is true


属类:综合句库 -

Translators shall join their national organizations of their own free will and the same must apply to the societies with respect to their association with the International Federation of Translators.


属类:应用文体 -规章 -翻译工作者宪章

A settlement agreement reached between the two parties through conciliation must be of their own free will and without compulsion. and the content of the settlement agreement shall not contravene the law.


属类:法学专业 -法律解说

I came here of my own free will .


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Kant holds that the morally significant aspect of human beings is their capacity fro using reason. Reason, he explain, is what enables human beings to have a free will . (See Rule 1.)


属类:人文学科 -经济伦理学 -伦理修炼

This work has been undertaken according to the principles of migration by free will , resettlement in the nearest possible areas, acting within the limit of resources, and the provision of appropriate subsidies


属类:综合句库 -

It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will .


属类:综合句库 -

Everyone did the work of his or her own free will .


属类:综合句库 -

She separated from him of her own free will .


属类:综合句库 -

Kant understands rationality as the distinguishing feature of human beings, which enables them to have a free will .


属类:人文学科 -经济伦理学 -伦理修炼

Man has free will .


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

However, virtue cannot be imposed upon. It originates in the person whose free will causes him or her to seek to be fully human.


属类:人文学科 -经济伦理学 -伦理修炼

At the time the book was written this idea, that human beings are given free will in order to choose between insanity on the one hand and lunacy on the other, was one that I found amusing and regarded as quite possibly true


属类:综合句库 -

I did it of my own free will .


属类:综合句库 -

I understand that by participating in the Event there are risks of injury and/or death and I enter the Event of my own free will .


属类:体育娱乐 -体育

He tried to induce the child to lend of his own free will


属类:学习英语 -同义词辨析

The most natural position to adopt is that a deterministic universe roles out free will


属类:综合句库 -

Since the hard-determinist believes that the world is deterministic, free will is held to be impossible


属类:综合句库 -

Soft-determinists claim that free will and determinism are compatible


属类:综合句库 -

The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates, both of their own free will


属类:综合句库 -

She felt that her present seclusion was not of her own free will : they had forced her to it


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It maybe that we have no such thing as free will , but at all events, we have the illusion of it.


属类:文学表达 -英语散文 -人生随想

Such a right of control fully expresses and embodies all of the rights of an owner to operate with his/her free will .


属类:法学专业 -美国法律 -产权制度

The litigant may lodge an appeal against the results of a mediation that has become legally effective if he provides the evidence to prove that the mediation was reached against his free will or the agreed content in the mediation is illegal.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -民事诉讼法

Until, on the threshold of the prison-door, she repelled him, by an action marked with natural dignity and force of character, and stepped into the open air, as if by her own free will .


属类:文学表达 -英语名著

I have surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and the past deeds of my life have already marked out a path which threatens to imprison my future.


属类:文学表达 -羊皮卷

Article 12 The State shall establish and develop technology market to promote the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, Technology trading activities shall be conducted in accordance with the principles of free will , equality, mutual benefit, transaction no gratis, honesty and credibility.

第十二条 国家建立和发展技术市场,推动科学技术成果的商品化。技术贸易活动应当遵循自愿平等、互利有偿和诚实信用的原则。

属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -科学技术进步法

The party that is to demolish the houses shall resettle the residents of demolished houses in the way chosen by the latter of their free will , with the exception of the following circumstances:


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -上海市危棚简屋改造地块居住房屋拆迁补偿安置试行办法

or the person completes his sentence or is released before the sentence expires, or after leaving the country the person has returned of his own free will ; and


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -引渡法

Under the principles of fairness, free will and good will, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between both parties as follows (the Contract includes two parts, i.e. the General Articles and the Contingent Articles):


属类:商务文书 -合同 -房地产合同

Philo on Free Will and Sin


属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题

The Intentionality and Behaviour Nature of Free Will -An analysis of free will in 《Principle of Statute Philosophy》


属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题

At any rate, a machine cannot exercise free will or originate anything-not yet.


属类:综合句库 -英汉翻译

Article 16. Once the bid documents are issued, the bid inviting unit may not alter their content or add supplementary conditions of its own free will .

第十六条 招标文件一经发出,招标单位不得擅自变更其内容或增加附加条件;

属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -工程建设施工招标投标管理办法

Article 2 Trade unions are mass organizations formed by the working classes of their own free will .

第二条 工会是职工自愿结合的工人阶级的群众组织。

属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -工会法

A sort of free-will determinism is the true philosophy


属类:综合句库 -

We see man far removed from the lairs of the jungles, his innate instincts dulled by too near an approach to free-will, his free-will not sufficiently developed to replace his instincts and afford him perfect guidance.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -嘉利妹妹

In this intermediate stage he wavers--neither drawn in harmony with nature by his instincts nor yet wisely putting himself into harmony by his own free-will.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -嘉利妹妹

When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect under standing has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -嘉利妹妹

If you are free, will you come and join us tomorrow?


属类:口语表达 -

Soft-determinism, therefore, must be able to distinguish between causes which deprive us of free will and those which create free will , whether those causes be internal or external


属类:综合句库 -

1.If you love something,set it free.If it comes back to you,it is yours;if it doesn’;t,it never was. 2.If you love something set it free if it comes back to you it is yours if it doesn‘t it never was


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

1.5 Disclaimer for wrong operations
This injection system is a machine of high speed and pressure.In order to Protect
operators and machine itself,operators must read and understand this manual before operation and follow all operation instructions when operating the machine to insure the safety of himself and the machine.
If any injury, death of the personnel and damage to the machine are caused by the action which does not follow this manual properly,our company will not be in such responsibil...

1.5 错误操作的免责
1.6 保证

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From 26 January to 6 March 2009, sign up for selected Regular Premium plans and you will receive a free gift based on your premium.


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4) A damaged exhaust silencer must be replaced immediately.
5) Before using the tool check the mowing blade, blade bolts and their fitting. Any detected damaged parts must be replaced immediately. Using the mower with damaged parts of the cutting assembly is prohibited.
Balancingis necessary before the machine is used for the first time after replacing blades or bolts.
6) In the case of mowers with multiple blaes, bear in mind that damage to one of the blades may cause damage to the other bla...

4 )受损的排气消声器,必须立即更换。
5 )使用前请检查刀片,刀片螺栓并确保固定牢固。检测到的任何受损部件,必须立即更换。禁止使用装配着受损部件的割草机。
6 )如果割草机装有多个刀片,切记假如其中一个刀片受损,可能造成其他的刀片受损。
1 )所有的螺母和螺栓要安全拧紧,割草机必须存放在一个能确保其安全运转的环境中。
2 )如果割草机储放时燃料挥发气体可能接触到的火源或火花,在存放之前所有的燃料必须从油箱排空。
3 )发动机和其他零部件冷却之前,不要存放割草机。
4 )为减少发生火灾的危险,存放割草机的空间,及其电池和燃料必须远离树叶和油脂。
5 )定期检查割草机集草箱,确保无过度磨损、损坏或堵塞等任何迹象。
6 )任何磨损或损坏的零件,必须立即更换。
7 )始终在室外排空油箱。

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Installing the grass cutting collection box
Lift the rear part of the box and insert the hooks into the slots in the mower body. Then lower the rear part of the box into the correct position.
Warning: The engine must be at a standstill when installing or removing the grass cutting collection box. Do remove or install the grass cutting collection box with the engine running.
Checking before starting
1) Checking motor oil
The engine must be at a standstill and the mower must be placed on a fi...


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Azo free Low cadmium REACH Phtalates free


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Russian riot police beat opposition activists on Sunday (Nov, 25) and detained nearly 200 people at protest rallies against President Vladimir Putin a week before the country’s parliamentary election.Riot police in St Petersburg, Russia’s second city and Putin’s home town, detained Boris Nemtsov and Nikita Belykh, leaders of the Union of Right Forces (SPS) party who are both running in the December 2 election. They were later released.The protests came a day after police detained opposition lead...

俄罗斯防暴警察周日( 11月25日)殴打反对党活跃分子,从抗议总统弗拉基米尔•普京的人群中拘禁近200人。该国将在一周后举行议会大选。
俄第二大城市,普京的故乡--圣彼得堡的防暴警察拘禁了将要参加12月2日大选的右翼力量联盟(SPS)领袖涅姆佐夫(Boris Nemtsov)和尼基塔・别雷赫(Nikita Belykh)。不过稍后两人获释。
抗议发生在警方在莫斯科拘捕反对党领袖、前国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov)一天后,美国周日谴责拘捕卡斯帕罗夫的行为是俄政府“激进战略”的一部分。

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This European Standard has been prepared to be a harmonized standard to provide conformity of the safety requirements for web lashings on the European Market and thus to enable free trade


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GLASGOW (Reuters) - Karim Benzema struck twice in the last five minutes to help Olympique Lyon to a 3-0 win over Rangers in Group E on Wednesday that clinched a place in the Champions League knockout stages.Striker Sidney Govou had put the visitors ahead in the 16th minute when he pounced on the rebound after Rangers goalkeeper Allan McGregor parried a Benzema cross.The home side needed only a draw to qualify but squandered their chances and Benzema made them pay with a goal in the 85th and then...


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Feel healthy again. Head straight for a FREE Health Screening.

这是广告词,不能拘泥于词面.Screening 即全检.

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Check the following 项目s and conduct proper adjustment:
If the 油门拉索 is set to the full-close position smoothly, after rotation if it is on the full-open position;
●Turn the steering bar left and right to see if the 油门拉索 is jammed;
If the throttle (steel) cable winds around other cables to cause the operation not to be flexible;
If the 油门拉索 winds around other cables to cause the operation is not flexible。
Brake system
Brake system is an important mechanism to guarantee safe driving. As the b...

● 油门拉索是否平稳地设置在完全关闭位置上,旋转后,它是否处在完全打开的位置上;
● 左右转动导向杆看看油门拉索是否被卡住;
● 油门(钢)拉索是否缠绕在其他拉索上可能导致操作不灵活;
● 油门拉索是否缠绕在其他拉索上而导致不能灵活操作。
● 从扣动制动杆到产生制动力的过程就是制动杆的行程,其值为10-20㎜。
● 旋转前轮并将前制动杆拉向手把以确保刹车正常和前轮转动自如。
● 将摩托车用主脚架支住。
● 从扣动制动杆到产生制动力的过程就是制动杆的行程,其值为10-20㎜。
● 如需调整,可旋动后制动臂上的调节螺母。应确保制动臂销子插在环形槽内。
● 旋转后轮并多次测试后刹车以确保后刹车正常及后轮转动自如。

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The brevity of the procedure relative to a free recall measure was deemed necessary, given the length of the experimental session.


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EconomyShanghai is often regarded as the center of finance and trade in mainland China. Modern development began with economic reforms in 1992, a decade later than many of the Southern Chinese provinces, but since then Shanghai quickly overtook those provinces and maintained itself role as the business center in mainland China. Shanghai also hosts the largest share market in mainland China.Shanghai is one of the world’s busiest ports, and became the largest cargo port in the world in 2005. In te...

近几年,上海和香港一直在争当中国的经济中心。如今,上海是中国大陆制造业和科技的坚实基地。长期以来,随着财政金融行业的不断发展和改善,上海已经成为许多公司设立总部的首选之地. 而且,大量高学历的现代化人才不断涌入上海,许多公司都可以在这里找到合适的人才,满足不同的需要。

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LOS ANGELES -- Dwyane Wade had 35 points and 10 assists and the Miami Heat snapped a five-game skid with a 100-94 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on Sunday, giving Coach Pat Riley his 1,200th victory. Riley is the third NBA coach to reach 1,200 wins, and he reached it in his 1,842nd game, faster than any other coach. Riley, in his 24th season as a coach, guided the Lakers to four NBA titles before winning another with the Heat two seasons ago. Wade, who had 33 points in Friday’s loss at Go...


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Buyer warrants that Seller’s nominated vessel(s) will be allowed to discharge her cargo within Ninety-Six (96) free running hours SHINC plus Six (6) hours NOR, and however, maintaining at the ship’s manifolds an average discharge pressure of no more than Ten (10) kilograms per square centimetre (kg/cm2).

买方同意卖方指定的船只可以在96小时(包括周日和节假日)附加6小时的变更通知时间(共102小时)内货物(油)自主流动卸货。但是, 船上共通管道泄流压力应保持每平方厘米10公斤

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If this is a free trial, why do you need payment information now?Once your free 7-day trial has ended, your domain(s) will be automatically renewed so you can continue using our services without interruption


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Fully drained containers which are drop- and scrape-free can be treated as industrial waste, and can possibly be recycled.


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Alkali-free glass was spun to form filaments having a diameter of 9 micrometers. The filaments were bundled by using a sizing agent to give glass strands having a size of 33.7 tex. Three glass strands were plied and immersed in, and passed through, an impregnant having the following composition.


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In his strong arms, she stopped crying. She pulled gently free and regained her composure by making some lemonade. But he had lost his for good.


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Those who formed the Constitution struck out anew free of previous shackles in an effort to obtain a better order of government more congenial to human liberty and welfare .


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Only a handful of China’s conservative, state-run publications have permanent bureaus and correspondents in foreign countries. Even publications that use freelance journalists overseas, or that occasionally send out reporters of their own, rely heavily on what foreign publications publish, and carefully avoid delicate subjects. The short list of Chinese media that maintain foreign bureaus includes Xinhua; the China News Agency; the official newspaper, People’s Daily; the state television broadca...


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HONG KONG (Reuters) - A by-election on Sunday to fill one seat in Hong Kong’s 60-member legislature pits two celebrity politicians against each other, energising debate on democratic reform in a city that returned to Chinese rule 10 years ago.Hong Kong’s fractious pro-democracy camp is looking for a symbolic boost from former civil servant Anson Chan after a demoralising drubbing in this month’s district council elections at the hands of the city’s biggest pro-Beijing party.Chan, 67, made a name...


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1.voluntary choice or decision
2.a person’s own choice or decision
3.freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。