
freer-unning blocking generator


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Its moves are freer and more general.


The world is moving towards the Global Village era, with freer movements of people and instant communications between countries.


We should give a freer rein to small and medium state-owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.


We should form large internationally competitive companies and enterprise groups through market forces and policy guidance. We should give a freer rein to small and medium state-owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.


It is my wish that you may have a better and freer life than I have had. Recommend virtue to your children; it alone, not money, can make them happy.


...Suddenly the low sound leaps to a freer tune, Like a long wind swaying a forest, a downpour breaking tiles,


In France Chagall returned to the illustrations for The Bible which he had begun in 1931, and began painting in a new, freer style.


A new generation is rising in China that will experience the feeling of owning a car and will enjoy this freedom like religious freedom (″Ever Further, Ever Freer ,″ as Toyota’ s slogan proclaims).


||1: The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia: A New Beginning“ will be at the Smithsonian’s Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, until April 28th. ||2: The show will be at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston from May 3rd until June 14th and then at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York from June 20th until August 4th, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco from August 9th until September 22nd and at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles from October 2nd until December 2nd. ||3: The tour is supported by the Iran Heritage Foundation.

||1: 本次展览名为“塞勒斯圆筒和波斯古国:新起点”。第一站是华盛顿市的亚瑟 M. 沙可乐美术馆(Arthur M. Sackler Gallery)和弗利尔美术馆(Freer Gallery of Art),展览活动截止4月28日。 ||2: 5月3日至6月14日转至休斯顿艺术博物馆(Museum of Fine Arts);6月20日至8月4日则由纽约大都市艺术博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)承展;8月9日至9月22日来到旧金山的亚洲艺术博物馆(Asian Art Museum);10月2日至12月2日抵达末尾站,洛杉矶的保罗盖蒂博物馆(J. Paul Getty Museum)。 ||3: 此次巡回展览由伊朗遗产基金会(Iran Heritage Foundation)赞助。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塞勒斯圆筒 外交漩涡

||1: The American exhibition takes up just two rooms at the Smithsonian’s Freer /Sackler Gallery. The first shows the cylinder together with jewellery and seals from the same period; the second focuses on Cyrus’s influence. ||2: A glass case contains Xenophon’s “Cyropaedia”. Loaned by the Library of Congress, it is one of two copies that Jefferson owned. ||3: On the walls are a selection of laudatory phrases: from that student of power, Niccolò Machiavelli, Edmund Spenser, a 16th-century English poet, and Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian human-rights activist and the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel peace prize.

||1:本次美国展在隶属史密森尼博物院的弗利尔/沙可乐美术馆两个展厅进行:塞勒斯圆筒和同时期的一批珠宝和印章放置在其中一个展厅供人观赏,而另一展厅集中展出深受塞勒斯圆筒影响的后期文物。||2: 玻璃柜盛放着色诺芬所著的《居鲁士的教育》一书,为美国约瑟芬总统的两个藏本之一,由国会图书馆(Library of Congress)出面借得。 ||3: 墙上是名人所题的赞美之词:研究权利的学者马基雅维利(Niccolò Machiavelli),16世纪英国诗人斯潘塞(Edmund Spenser),伊朗人权活动家和首位获得诺贝尔和平奖的穆斯林女性莎琳艾巴迪(Shirin Ebadi)。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塞勒斯圆筒 外交漩涡

His free will is, if you like, a little freer to turn right than left, or vice versa.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政治遗传学 人体政治

He will almost certainly have a freer hand, and some upgrades to Eikon are planned for next year.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汤姆森路透 荧屏上的考验

A more flexible yuan would give the central bank a freer hand in setting monetary policy, even as it gradually permits larger cross-border flows of capital.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国货币 只有一条路可走

What the Reagan Revolution did was to move America toward lower, flatter tax rates, sound money, freer trade and less regulation.


“In today’s world it’s not possible to not recommend freer trade to anyone, ” Mrs Khar said.


In 2005 Mr Bush called on President Hosni Mubarak to allow freer voting in the Egyptian elections due that year.


Mr Freer was leader of the local council, Barnet, until he stepped down in December.


The Eichengreen-Irwin theory says Britain, with its cheaper currency, should have been among the freer traders.


Emilie: Only sometimes. Remember, in America people are freer to wear what they want-formal, classic, informal. Anything goes.


Belling out the end of the tube will permit a freer passage of air.


And the gloomy analysis measures only the effect of pricier staple foods, whereas the other examines freer trade in all farm goods.


Immigrants, by Philippe Legrain, which argues for freer migration, one of the most emotive topics in the political and business world.


Participants are freer , more detached from worry or stress of their jobs, more relaxed and therefore more open and responsive.


When you stop judging things as good or bad, you are no longer burdened by the emotions of this judgment, and can live lighter, freer .


Rebalancing the global economy, of course, will require more than a freer float of the renminbi.


A bumpier but freer road


German wage-setting has become less centralised and the labour market freer , at least at the margins.


The White House says it wants a freer-floating renminbi but warns the legislation might violate WTO rules.


Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in a New Light at The Freer Gallery of Art


Broadly, emerging economies are also seeing a freer flow of capital, thanks to globalisation as much as to the removal of restrictions.



1.(of a facility or piece of equipment) not occupied or in use.
‘the bathroom was free’
‘He recently overheard two children in one of the palace’s galleries saying to one another that maybe one of the workstations was free now and they could go back to it.’
2.(of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.
‘a free press’
‘The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government.’
3.(of a translation) conveying only the broad sense; not literal.
‘He also published occasional verses, satires, and a free translation from Virgil.’
‘These are themes which we are now very familiar with - and the production, with its very colloquial and rather free translation of the original, emphasises them too much in its wish to make the play ‘relevant’ to our times.’
4.(of literature or music) not observing the normal conventions of style or form.
‘The most obvious question here is if free verse is so ‘free’, then what will differentiate it from prose?’
‘The style is very free; there are no rhymes.’
5.(of power or energy) disengaged or available.
‘As the electrons are free to move they do so until they find positions where they feel no net force.’
‘But as there is no magnetic equivalent of the free electron, this is intuitively impossible.’
6.(of the wind) blowing from a favourable direction to the side or aft of a vessel.
‘We had the wind free, and were on port, so one needed at least two pairs of eyes in each boat!’
‘We had the wind free, a lightish air; but clouds of an inky blackness were beginning to arise, and at times it lightened without thunder.’
7.Able or permitted to take a specified action.
‘you are free to leave’
‘I’ve bought the CD, it belongs to me, I’m free to sell it on, throw it out, or give it away.’
8.Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.
‘I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free’
‘a free choice’
9.Denoting a linguistic form that can be used in isolation.
‘In other words, the domains in which a pronominal must be free are much more restricted than those in which an anaphor can be bound.’
‘In Swedish, the indefinite article is a free morpheme, whereas the definite article is a suffix to the noun.’
10.Denoting an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in the Second World War after the fall of their countries.
‘the Free Dutch, Free Polish, and Free Norwegian fleets’
‘The one thing which these rebels did have was an awareness of their legacy as free Americans.’
11.Frank or unrestrained in speech, expression, or action.
‘he was free in his talk of revolution’
‘Mrs S and I enjoy nothing more than a free and frank exchange of views.’
12.Given or available without charge.
‘free health care’
‘At the moment, cyclists need a free permit to use the towpaths.’
13.Not a slave.
‘the poor among the free men joined the slaves against the rich’
‘At the western end is the old burial ground for slaves and free blacks.’
14.Not bound in an atom, a molecule, or a compound.
‘the atmosphere of that time contained virtually no free oxygen’
‘What is left behind is not only very strong, but also contains very little free mercury.’
15.Not or no longer confined or imprisoned.
‘the researchers set the birds free’
‘police were forced to let him walk free’
16.Not physically obstructed or fixed.
‘he tried to kick his legs free’
‘she smiled, leaned back, and waved a free arm in the air’
17.Not subject to engagements or obligations.
‘she spent her free time shopping’
‘A number of major companies are not represented because their directors are not free that weekend.’
18.Not subject to or affected by (something undesirable)
‘our salsas are free of preservatives’
‘On release she was free from drugs and alcohol for the first time in years.’
19.Overfamiliar or forward.
‘Let’s just say he’s rather free with his hands, if you know what I mean.’
‘She spoke and listened to much free talk, such as one never would have thought the lips or ears of Rachel Castlewoods daughter would have uttered or heard.’
20.Using or expending something without restraint; lavish.
‘she was always free with her money’
‘Kirby had not been so free with her expressions of emotions since her mother passed away.’

1.With the sheets eased.
‘I kept her off the wind and sailing free until I had all square forward’
‘Make sure the sheets and halyards are clear and ready to run free as needed.’
2.Without cost or payment.
‘ladies were admitted free’
‘Child specialist, Dr H Raju, will treat these children free of cost every Tuesday.’

1.Make available for a particular purpose.
‘we are freeing management time for alternative work’
‘Supporters believe that this will free up resources to care for the environment and to ensure social progress.’
2.Release from confinement or slavery.
‘they were freed from jail’
‘All bar three of the captives were freed unharmed.’
3.Release from physical obstruction or restraint.
‘I had to tug hard and at last freed him’
‘she struggled to free herself from the tenacious mud’
4.Remove something undesirable or restrictive from.
‘his inheritance freed him from financial constraints’
‘free your body of excess tension’

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