

    名词复数:friendlinesses 词频:低频词
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    Like, or relating to a friend.
    I could say he was a friend, or perhaps he was friendish would be better.
    Without friends (without a friend).
    Reading will save me from looking too pathetically alone and friendless all day.
    It was never a good feeling to seem alone and friendless wherever you were.
    She was supported by a small pension and lived alone and friendless in a small rented room.
    Resembling or characteristic of a friend.
    A friendlike hero or protagonist emerges in the former condition, an enemylike villain or antagonist in the latter.
    Worthy, capable, or deserving of friendship; friendable.
    It’s not like I’m so concerned about being a friendworthy person these days.
    (usually colloquial) Indicating or characterised by friendship; in manner, like or befitting a friend; friendlike; friendly.
    He was long-married hisownself, real friendsome, and his smile wasn’t aimed at me, it was to match my own.

    名词 变体/同根词

    (childish) A friend.
    It is kind of a girlfriendy present, but it could just be friendy. Either way, Jeremy seems pleased.
    The act of befriending.
    (slang) a female friend.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive, obsolete) To act as a friend to, to befriend; to be friendly to, to help. || (transitive) To add (a person) to a list of friends on a social networking site; to officially designate (someone) as a friend.
    I don’t know if it’s a good idea to friend him, since he rage quits a lot.
    (transitive) To become a friend of, to make friends with. || (transitive, dated) To act as a friend to, to assist. || (transitive) To favor.
    So they had this informant befriend me and tip me off that I was being monitored.
    While a supervision order is in force it is the duty of the supervisor to advise, assist and befriend a supervised child.
    Keepers of forest are also very appealing and attractive to the eye, and can show a deep friendship if you befriend them.