鲁钝的;笨拙的,; 笨拙的人
A gawky adolescent boy.
例句1. she had been a thin, gawky adolescent’
||1: He had made his name on the professional golfing scene at 19, still a gawky lad continually hitching up his trousers, throwing away a lead with sublime impatience at Royal Birkdale in 1976. He left the scene early, too. ||2: At Augusta in 1986, when he lost the Masters with a clumsy 4-iron shot into water at the 15th, he felt his touch was fading. ||3: Increasingly through the 1990s he missed the cut for tournaments and slid down the rankings of players. Back pain crippled him. ||4: His marriage broke up, leaving him alone in the huge new house he had built at Pedrea with display cases full of silver cups and an 18-hole course in the garden, and in 2008 he was diagnosed with the brain cancer that killed him.
1.Nervously awkward and ungainly.
‘a _gawky_ teenager’
‘The problem lies with the girls he chooses, as he shows a distinct preference for beautiful, if slightly _gawky_ , younger women who aren’t terribly self-confident.’
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