例句1. a grand hotel
例句2. rousing speeches and grand schemes
例句3. a grand old lady
例句4. we raised a grand total of £2,000
形容词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
"Whatever happens don’t forget the proverb, ""Even the grandest feast must have an end."" Take thought for the future before it is too late."
a mix of mean streets and the grandest boulevards-no other place in Paris is as eclectic and the 17th(bJean Rafferty)
He was perfectly at home in the thatched cottage and in the mountains,he understood how to say the grandest things in the most vulgar of idioms
It is the grandest integral palace complex still remaining in China.
The grandest mountain prospect that the eye can range over is appointed to annihilation
the actress, who died of ovarian cancer on Aug.12, 2000 at age 87, always seemed the kind of star who would make the grandest of grand entrances
The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born..
||1:IN THE spring of 1887 a Lebanese villager named Mohammed Sherif discovered a well near Sidon that led to two underground chambers.||2:These turned out to be a royal tomb containing 18 magnificent marble sarcophagi dating back to the fifth century BC.||3:The Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, ordered the sarcophagi exhumed, placed on rails and carried down to the Mediterranean coast, where they were sent by ship to Istanbul.||4:The largest sarcophagus was believed to contain the remains of Alexander the Great.||5:The coffin is not Turkish and Sidon is now in Lebanon, but the sarcophagus is regarded as Istanbul’s grandest treasure, as important to the archaeology museum there as the “Mona Lisa” is to the Louvre.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其的文化雄心(1) -
||1: Things really take off with Mrs Thatcher’s election as Conservative Party leader in 1975. ||2: Mr Moore brilliantly reconstructs the drama of those years. ||3: He reminds the reader of how big the stakes were in everything from industrial relations to the Falklands war. ||4: Mrs Thatcher was in an extraordinary position: “the oldest, grandest , in many people’s eyes the stuffiest political party in the world had chosen a leader whose combination of class, inexperience and sex would previously have ruled her out.” ||5: But Mr Moore avoids the luxury of hindsight. ||6: Political events tumble over each other. Politicians grope about in the dark. Patterns emerge slowly.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 -
||1:Ms Pollan came brand-new to campaigning.||2:She was a mother (of Laurita), a housewife and a teacher: someone who loved literature and had taught peasants to read in the early years of the revolution.||3:She had never done anything wilder.||4:Short, blonde and stout, she was not cut out to be hauled into a bus by the police.||5:All she wanted was to see Héctor back, and all the others.Her group would meet each Sunday at the church of Santa Rita in Miramar, Havana’s grandest district, say the rosary, hear mass, and then walk ten blocks in silence along Quinta Avenida on the green verges under the palm trees.||6:The women wore white, symbolising pure intentions, and carried gladioli, a single stem each.
||1:普兰女士组织了新一轮示威活动。||2:她是一个母亲、一个家庭主妇、和一名教师:一个喜欢文学的女子,早些年在革命时期还教农民认字读书,她没有做过什么出格的事情。||3:小小的个子,金发碧眼,天生不是会被警察拖进车里的那种人。||4:她的所有愿望是便让她的丈夫埃克托回家,和所有的其他妇女一样。||5:她的团体每个星期天都在米拉马尔区(哈瓦那的最大的一个区)的圣丽塔教堂会面,做祷告,听弥撒,然后沉默地沿着Quinta Avenida路的绿地在棕榈树下走出十个街区。||6:妇女们身着白色衣裙,象征着纯净的意图,每人手执一根剑兰支干。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-古巴人权活动家劳拉·普兰 -
||1:He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.||2:Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.||3:When not in uniform, he wore flowing robes.||4:His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.||5:Precious green was his colour, in flags, Book and billboards.||6:His socialism, at root, was based in desert customs of shared property and grazing land.||7:His deep devotion to the army was the gratitude of a poor boy who had used it as a ladder to higher social rank and more grandiose ambitions.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利比亚统治者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲 -
It will include a restored Hall of the Realms, the grandest remnant of the 17th-century palace that once stood on the Prado’s site.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙艺术 普拉多的文艺复兴(2) -
They’re the grandest order in the Church, Tom, said Mr. Cunningham, with enthusiasm.
Nov. 4, 2010 -- It was among Henry VIII’s grandest undertakings: a castle to outshine the castle of his rival, King Francois I of France.
One of Allen’s grandest dreams is to create a nonprofit institute to bring GTD to small towns, schools, and government offices.
But for now at least, it seems that the Chinese government’s fight against inflation is thwarting the grandest ambitions.
When you say a thing that is out of alignment with your grandest idea, make a note not to say something like that again.
Philanthropy on the scale that Gates practices it represents imagination at its grandest .
While giving Symbian a makeover it is also pushing a new operating system, called Maemo, for the grandest , computer-like smart-phones.
Everyone is making contingency plans, from the humblest shoe-shine boy to the grandest diplomat.
The president is also distrusted by some of Iran’s grandest ayatollahs.
July 10Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source.
Think of a man, the grandest of God’s creations, spending his life-time standing beside a machine for making screws.
First the euro, now Schengen. Europe’s grandest integration projects seem to be suffering.
They had built a big dam on the Dunajec just below its junction with the Bialka, turning its grandest stretches into a dull reservoir.
Bertrand Russell was dazzled by him; T. S. Eliot called him a "Grand Seigneur, the grandest I have ever met. "
His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.
Plenty of stars live in what is one of the city’s grandest enclaves.
The biggest and grandest building is the European Parliament, where MEPs talk a lot about foreign policy but have little clout.
"Whatever happens don’t forget the proverb, ""Even the grandest feast must have an end."" Take thought for the future before it is too late."
a mix of mean streets and the grandest boulevards-no other place in Paris is as eclectic and the 17th(bJean Rafferty)
He was perfectly at home in the thatched cottage and in the mountains,he understood how to say the grandest things in the most vulgar of idioms
It is the grandest integral palace complex still remaining in China.
The grandest mountain prospect that the eye can range over is appointed to annihilation
the actress, who died of ovarian cancer on Aug.12, 2000 at age 87, always seemed the kind of star who would make the grandest of grand entrances
The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born..
||1:IN THE spring of 1887 a Lebanese villager named Mohammed Sherif discovered a well near Sidon that led to two underground chambers.||2:These turned out to be a royal tomb containing 18 magnificent marble sarcophagi dating back to the fifth century BC.||3:The Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, ordered the sarcophagi exhumed, placed on rails and carried down to the Mediterranean coast, where they were sent by ship to Istanbul.||4:The largest sarcophagus was believed to contain the remains of Alexander the Great.||5:The coffin is not Turkish and Sidon is now in Lebanon, but the sarcophagus is regarded as Istanbul’s grandest treasure, as important to the archaeology museum there as the “Mona Lisa” is to the Louvre.
||1: Things really take off with Mrs Thatcher’s election as Conservative Party leader in 1975. ||2: Mr Moore brilliantly reconstructs the drama of those years. ||3: He reminds the reader of how big the stakes were in everything from industrial relations to the Falklands war. ||4: Mrs Thatcher was in an extraordinary position: “the oldest, grandest , in many people’s eyes the stuffiest political party in the world had chosen a leader whose combination of class, inexperience and sex would previously have ruled her out.” ||5: But Mr Moore avoids the luxury of hindsight. ||6: Political events tumble over each other. Politicians grope about in the dark. Patterns emerge slowly.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记
||1:Ms Pollan came brand-new to campaigning.||2:She was a mother (of Laurita), a housewife and a teacher: someone who loved literature and had taught peasants to read in the early years of the revolution.||3:She had never done anything wilder.||4:Short, blonde and stout, she was not cut out to be hauled into a bus by the police.||5:All she wanted was to see Héctor back, and all the others.Her group would meet each Sunday at the church of Santa Rita in Miramar, Havana’s grandest district, say the rosary, hear mass, and then walk ten blocks in silence along Quinta Avenida on the green verges under the palm trees.||6:The women wore white, symbolising pure intentions, and carried gladioli, a single stem each.
||1:普兰女士组织了新一轮示威活动。||2:她是一个母亲、一个家庭主妇、和一名教师:一个喜欢文学的女子,早些年在革命时期还教农民认字读书,她没有做过什么出格的事情。||3:小小的个子,金发碧眼,天生不是会被警察拖进车里的那种人。||4:她的所有愿望是便让她的丈夫埃克托回家,和所有的其他妇女一样。||5:她的团体每个星期天都在米拉马尔区(哈瓦那的最大的一个区)的圣丽塔教堂会面,做祷告,听弥撒,然后沉默地沿着Quinta Avenida路的绿地在棕榈树下走出十个街区。||6:妇女们身着白色衣裙,象征着纯净的意图,每人手执一根剑兰支干。
||1:He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.||2:Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.||3:When not in uniform, he wore flowing robes.||4:His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.||5:Precious green was his colour, in flags, Book and billboards.||6:His socialism, at root, was based in desert customs of shared property and grazing land.||7:His deep devotion to the army was the gratitude of a poor boy who had used it as a ladder to higher social rank and more grandiose ambitions.
It will include a restored Hall of the Realms, the grandest remnant of the 17th-century palace that once stood on the Prado’s site.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙艺术 普拉多的文艺复兴(2)
They’re the grandest order in the Church, Tom, said Mr. Cunningham, with enthusiasm.
Nov. 4, 2010 -- It was among Henry VIII’s grandest undertakings: a castle to outshine the castle of his rival, King Francois I of France.
One of Allen’s grandest dreams is to create a nonprofit institute to bring GTD to small towns, schools, and government offices.
But for now at least, it seems that the Chinese government’s fight against inflation is thwarting the grandest ambitions.
When you say a thing that is out of alignment with your grandest idea, make a note not to say something like that again.
Philanthropy on the scale that Gates practices it represents imagination at its grandest .
While giving Symbian a makeover it is also pushing a new operating system, called Maemo, for the grandest , computer-like smart-phones.
Everyone is making contingency plans, from the humblest shoe-shine boy to the grandest diplomat.
The president is also distrusted by some of Iran’s grandest ayatollahs.
July 10Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source.
Think of a man, the grandest of God’s creations, spending his life-time standing beside a machine for making screws.
First the euro, now Schengen. Europe’s grandest integration projects seem to be suffering.
They had built a big dam on the Dunajec just below its junction with the Bialka, turning its grandest stretches into a dull reservoir.
Bertrand Russell was dazzled by him; T. S. Eliot called him a "Grand Seigneur, the grandest I have ever met. "
His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.
Plenty of stars live in what is one of the city’s grandest enclaves.
The biggest and grandest building is the European Parliament, where MEPs talk a lot about foreign policy but have little clout.
1.(in names of family relationships) denoting one generation removed in ascent or descent.
‘a _grand_ -niece’
2.(of a crime) serious.
‘ _grand_ theft’
‘They were charged with _grand_ theft auto and felony evasion.’
3.(of a person) of high rank and behaving in an appropriately proud or dignified way.
‘she was such a _grand_ lady’
‘If you know Mrs. Mariwala you know one would hesitate to call her a _grand_ old lady, so zestful and active she is.’
4.Denoting the largest or most important item of its kind.
‘the _grand_ entrance’
‘Trouble was, she bred so many _grand_ champions she had to stop counting at 100.’
5.Large, ambitious, or impressive in scope or scale.
‘his _grand_ design for the future of Europe’
‘this was opera on a _grand_ scale’
6.Magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style.
‘a _grand_ country house’
‘the dinner party was very _grand_ ’
7.Of the highest rank (used especially in official titles)
‘the _Grand_ Vizier’
‘Currently 63 of the _Grand_ Officers of the Orange Order are also Church of Ireland clergy.’
8.Used in names of places or buildings to suggest size or splendour.
‘the _Grand_ Canyon’
‘the _Grand_ Hotel’
9.Very good or enjoyable; excellent.
‘we had a _grand_ day’
‘Less traumatic and emotional than funerals and weddings, family reunions are a _grand_ opportunity to check out your gene pool.’
1.A grand piano.
‘Still in 1910, 139,000 teachers were teaching Americans how to play on parlor pianos, uprights, baby grands and grands.’
‘The Hamilton H399 joins the full line of Hamilton grands and verticals off, red by Gibson Guitar’s Wurlitzer piano division.’
2.A thousand dollars or pounds.
‘he gets thirty-five _grand_ a year’
‘While I like my realtor and consider her a personal friend, if we ever sell our new home, we’ll do it ourselves and save a few _grand_ next time around.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。