

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

A gangster protected by his heavies


Mr Abbas’s heavies have used force to stifle critics.


Acting fast to form a new government, he has drawn on those factions’ heavies .


A squad of heavies torched Crazy Water, a new resort, in which Mr Haniyeh’s economics adviser has a stake.



1.(of a class of thing) above the average weight; large of its kind.
‘heavy artillery’
‘heavy woollens’
2.(of a literary work) overly serious or difficult.
‘This book is a heavy work that attempts to carry the weight of the world upon its existential shoulders.’
‘The actress/director known for heavy works with a concentration on dense language, has had two projects this month marked by a lightness of approach and a delight in humorous details.’
3.(of a person) strict or harsh.
‘my parents were getting really heavy with me in terms of work’
4.(of a person’s head or eyes) feeling weighed down by weariness.
‘a heavy head’
‘Her eyes were too heavy to open and all that reached her ears were voices that she didn’t understand.’
5.(of a smell) very strong; overpowering.
‘a heavy scent of oil’
‘The heavy smell of liquor hung in the air, assaulting my sensitive nose, and making my eyes water.’
6.(of food) hard to digest; too filling.
‘I arrived back at my desk feeling slightly sleepy from the lovely sunshine, and overfull from the heavy chocolate torte I’d had for desert.’
‘You may wish to avoid heavy foods before sleeping and you may also want to try a simplified diet for a week.’
7.(of ground or soil) muddy or full of clay.
‘The heavy clay garden soil that you regularly curse over is fine for aquatic plants.’
‘The soil should be well-drained, so add sufficient sand to heavy clay soils.’
8.(of music, especially rock) having a strong bass component and a forceful rhythm.
‘In the end, what you hear is the heavy rock influenced guitar and hip-hop drum beats.’
‘I like most music as long as it’s not classical or heavy rock.’
9.(of the sky) full of dark clouds; oppressive.
‘a heavy thundery sky’
‘After an hour the fairways and greens were laced with perspiration as the two divisions toiled away under the heavy skies.’
10.Doing something more, or more deeply, than usual.
‘a heavy smoker’
‘He and his wife Joanne, also a heavy smoker, went for an initial session with Richard at which he assessed how easy they would be to hypnotise.’
11.Excellent (used as a general term of approval).
12.Feeling or expressing sadness.
‘I left him with a heavy heart’
‘Instead, there was sadness and a heavy heart about the decision that lies ahead of him.’
13.Mentally oppressive; hard to endure.
‘a heavy burden of responsibility’
‘Piloting an aeroplane is a recreational activity that carries with it a heavy burden of responsibility.’
14.Moving slowly or with difficulty.
‘steering that is heavy when parking’
‘I asked my father to try the car last night, and he also feels the steering is heavy.’
15.Needing much physical effort.
‘heavy work like repairing pathways’
‘She had no money for the dowry that convents demanded, but she offered herself as a lay sister - that is, one of the nuns who performs all the heavy work of the house.’
16.Not delicate or graceful; coarse.
‘he had a big moustache and heavy features’
‘As they rushed by, Mark glanced their faces, which were characterized by heavy Mexican features.’
17.Of great density; thick or substantial.
‘heavy grey clouds’
‘heavy horn-rimmed glasses’
18.Of great weight; difficult to lift or move.
‘a heavy and bulky load’
‘the pan was too heavy for me to carry’
19.Of more than the usual size, amount, or intensity.
‘a heavy cold’
‘the traffic was heavy and I was delayed’
20.Of or containing atoms of an isotope of greater than the usual mass.
‘The nuclei of heavy isotopes are rich in neutrons, which dominate their nuclear surface.’
‘Chemical bonds between hydrogen and heavy atoms were constrained to their equilibrium value.’
21.Serious or difficult to deal with.
‘things were getting pretty heavy’
‘Everything was getting pretty heavy with the play as well as all the regular school stuff.’
22.Striking or falling with force.
‘a heavy blow to the head’
‘we had heavy overnight rain’
23.Used in questions about weight.
‘how heavy is it?’
‘If they really existed, just how heavy would those plates have been given the size and description by Smith?’
24.Using a lot of.
‘stories heavy on melodrama’
‘I tend to go a little heavy on the sauce, hence the extra straining.’
25.Very important or serious.
‘a heavy discussion’
‘They do believe in religion, but in practice it becomes too serious and heavy.’
26.Weighed down; full of something.
‘branches heavy with blossoms’
‘Soon enough the flowering trees would be heavy with blossoms, and it would be his favorite time of year.’

‘The feeling weighed heavy on his shoulders and in his mind as he finished combing his hair.’

1.A large, strong man, especially one hired for protection.
‘I needed money to pay off the heavies’
‘In terms of complying with the legislation in respect of recovery of payments, their way will be a brick through the window, or sending the heavies around to deal with a debtor.’
2.A thing, such as a vehicle, that is large or heavy of its kind.
‘Meanwhile, he is leading the charge at airport to beef up the runway and expand support facilities to accommodate heavies such as the C-5 Galaxy.’
3.An important person.
‘music business heavies’
‘Our list includes interesting cases with big names involving celebrities, political heavies and anyone else of notoriety.’
4.Serious newspapers.
‘reporters from the Sunday heavies’
5.Strong beer, especially bitter.
‘a pint of heavy’
‘Lager and heavy may have replaced whiskey, folk ate chips instead of tacos, but country music is all about feeling and the sentiment was real.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。