

例句1. he was hobbling around on crutches

But at age fourteen, this scruffy, arthritic mongrel hobbled into our yard for a tete-a-tete with our blue-blooded schnauzer, Heidi, who was a ten-year Old Maid.


Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door and hobbled down the nearest aisle


She rose and hobbled to me on her paralytic legs and kissed me.


The old man hobbled along with the help of his grandson.


The old woman hobbled off, clutching her stick in her hand and her two groats in the other


Suddenly the door opened and an old woman, leaning on a crutch, hobbled out


The old man hobbled along (the road)with the aid of his stick


The old man hobbled along(the road)with the aid of his stick.


The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.


The horse has been hobbled so that he can’t run away.


Old Judith Butler, who had hobbled that evening as far as Woodend, in order to enjoy the congratulations of her neighbours upon Reuben’s return


"One early morning at a busy road, an elderly Chinese man ignored the ""No Crossing"" sign and hobbled across the road, supporting himself with a walking stick."


||1: The book is slightly technical, eminently readable, consistently shocking, occasionally hectoring and unapologetically polemical. ||2: “Medicine is broken,” it declares on its first page, and “the people you should have been able to trust to fix [its] problems have failed you.” ||3: Dr Goldacre describes the routine corruption of what is supposed to be an objective scientific process designed to assess whether new drugs work, whether they are better than drugs already on the market and whether their side effects are a price worth paying for any benefits they might convey. ||4: The result is that doctors, and the patients they treat, are hobbled by needless ignorance.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-开药就好比抓阄 Pick your pill out -

||1:His feet were a metaphor for other virtues.||2:He played carefully, like a gentleman.||3:In a 20-year career he was never booked, never swore, and fouled no one.||4:As captain, he did not raise his voice to players.||5:He disciplined by example, and would refuse to take food before they had eaten theirs.||6:Though he seldom let opponents past him, he was good friends with them off the pitch—even if they played for MB’s great local rival, East Bengal.||7:He had no enemies.||8:On one occasion the Border Security Force team so hobbled Mohun Bagan with vicious tackling in the drawn semi-final of the Durand Cup that MB could not take the field for the replay.||9:Manna-da calmed down the furious crowd of 20,000 who had come to see the game, and then wished BSF good luck for the final.

||1:他的双脚也是他诸多美德的象征。||2:他在球场上谨慎小心,像个绅士。||3:20年的足球生涯中,他从来没有受到裁判的警告,从不骂骂咧咧,更从不犯规。||4:身为队长,他从不大声呵斥队友。||5:他严于律己,以身作则,在队中总是最后一个吃饭。||6:他很少让对手轻易过人,但是在场下他和很多球员都是好朋友,包括莫罕巴干的头号劲敌东孟加拉队(East Bengal)的球员们。||7:他没有敌人。||8:有一次在杜兰杯(Durand Cup)抽签决定的半决赛中赛中,边防保安队(Border Security Force)队凭着恶意攻击,让莫罕巴干队个个一瘸一拐不能上场重新比赛,激起了全场观众的愤怒。||9:曼纳平息了两万名观众的怒火,并绅士般地祝对手决赛好运。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人 -

||1:In 1999, in Indonesia’s first (indirect) presidential election, Mr Wahid comprehensively outmanoeuvred Megawati Sukarnoputri, who had in fact done better than he had at the polls.||2:Though hobbled by strokes and blindness, he now grinned from ear to ear at the prospect of power.||3:In short order, he invited outlawed dissidents and communists to see him at the palace; removed the ban against Chinese culture and language; talked to, and tried to make peace with, Aceh and West Papua, as part of a devolution of power away from “corrupt” Jakarta; dismantled Suharto’s press-curbing Ministry of Information, and the extortionist Ministry of Welfare; sacked General Wiranto, who had overseen atrocities in East Timor, and apologised to the East Timorese.||4:He did not manage to control the army or set up diplomatic relations with Israel, but made it clear he wanted to.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印尼总统知识分子阿卜都拉赫曼·瓦希德 -

Such ties have usually hobbled low-cost airlines elsewhere: incumbents hate to cannibalise their own business.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-低成本航空公司能击败子弹头列车吗? -

Such ties have usually hobbled low-cost airlines elsewhere: incumbents hate to cannibalise their own business. (Australia, where Qantas owns Jetstar, is an exception.) Analysts say the upstarts will thrive only if ANA and JAL step out of their way, letting them shake up the domestic tourist market.

像这种关系通常会阻碍其他地方低成本航空公司的的发展:虎毒不食子。 (作为澳洲Jetstar母公司的Qantas除外) 分析师们还认为,除非ANA 和 JAL让出场子,即将登台的新贵们才有可能在国内旅游市场的舞台上大显身手。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的交通 票战vs站票 -

Virtually the only piece left from Travelers will be a hobbled version of the investment bank formerly known as Salomon Brothers.


There was no Torres in this Champions League Group E match and soon no Gerrard either as the captain hobbled off after 25 minutes.


Both Twitter and YouTube are hobbled as sources of news by their clumsy search engines.


The scandal engulfing the firm’s British newspaper division has not just enraged the country but also hobbled the company.


The awkwardness is that the big shifts in global power have been about a hobbled America and a rising Asia rather than a resurgent Europe.


But she still hobbled on an imperfect prosthesis, and each activity left her in agony for days.


Another marine, with a blonde buzz cut and dirt streaked across his face, soon hobbled into the tent.


The euro is hobbled by concerns about the long-term viability of the European Monetary Union. That leaves the renminbi.


The non-oil economy has been hobbled too.


Consumers, indebted and hobbled by tight credit, cannot help much.


The emergence of pan-Asian platforms is hobbled by different rules and regulations in the various markets.


There is another reason why Britain’s current ruling coalition is hobbled , when it comes to the temptations of dog-whistle politics.


Failures of intermediation have hobbled many economies over the decades, most conspicuously Japan in the 1990s.



1.A rope or strap used for hobbling a horse or other animal.
‘They had either broken their _hobbles_ or moved an unusually long distance away during the night.’
‘Soon thereafter ride participants saw her with the short lead rope and _hobbles_ in place, learning a lesson in discipline!’
2.An awkward way of walking, typically due to pain from an injury.
‘he finished the match almost reduced to a _hobble_ ’
‘The _hobble_ became a rapid shuffle and then a quite respectable stroll, and the discomfort faded away.’

1.Cause (a person or animal) to limp.
‘Johnson was still _hobbled_ slightly by an ankle injury’
‘I am careful, though, to loosen my hamstrings since an injury last year that _hobbled_ me for a few months.’
2.Restrict the activity or development of.
‘the economy was _hobbled_ by rising oil prices’
‘Many corporate investigations are _hobbled_ before they even start because security takes an overly aggressive posture within the organization.’
3.Tie or strap together (the legs of a horse or other animal) to prevent it from straying.
‘I looked as Madam was heading outside to tell Stephen not to worry about _hobbling_ the horses.’
‘By the time I _hobbled_ the horses and returned to the fire Elza had woke and found breakfast.’
4.Walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.
‘he was _hobbling_ around on crutches’
‘If both fore-feet are affected, the animal _hobbles_ around and often kneels to graze.’

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