

    名词复数:incomers 词频:低频词
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    ||1:The timing of the covid-19 pandemic puts Priti Patel, the hardline home secretary, in an awkward spot.||2:Recognising that Britain’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 was in part down to a desire to curb immigration, she plans to end freedom of movement from the bloc and apply the same salary threshold (£25,600, or $31,200, for most) and skills requirement to prospective migrants wherever they come from.||3:Yet many of the incomers such a policy would rule out—including care-home workers—are those classified by the government as the pandemic’s “key workers”.

    ||1:covid-19大流行爆发的时机让强硬的内政大臣Priti Patel陷入了一个尴尬的境地。||2:认识到英国在2016年投票退出欧盟的部分原因是希望遏制移民,她计划解除欧盟公民流动自由,以及对来自任何地方的潜在移民适用同样的工资门槛(最多为25600英镑或31200美元)和技能要求。||3:然而,这样一项政策将排除许多移民——包括家庭护理人员——那些被政府列为流行病“关键工作者”的人。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国新移民政策排除英国依赖的主要工作者(1) -

    ||1:As for anti-wolf types, when offered financial compensation for wolf-attacks on their livestock, some turn it down—suggesting that more than economics is at stake.||2:Dig a bit, and a culture war is raging between the “old West” of rugged ranchers and hunters, who once earned respect and status by taming nature, but who now find themselves called environmental menaces by “new West” incomers with big-city ideas about animal rights and natural ecosystems.||3:Behind that local clash—pitting folk with gun racks on their trucks against those with bike racks, as Mr Farrell puts it—there lurks a still larger suspicion of the federal government.||4:Many “old West” types see a plot to drive ranchers from the land.||5:They talk of “federal wolves” undermining their property rights, and challenging the God-ordained duty of humans to protect their own families, and exercise dominion over Creation.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 农场主对战北美野牛极端保护者 -

    ||1:In Kent, an affluent county south of London, the size of the ethnic-minority population has grown by 115% since 2001, albeit from a low base.||2:In Hertfordshire, a rural and suburban county north of London, it has doubled.||3:Many of the incomers are moving into Milton Keynes-esque places such as Ashford, in Kent, and Welwyn Garden City, in Hertfordshire.||4:These towns have boxy houses, rational road layouts, plentiful but not especially distinguished greenery, and “herringbone” brick paving.||5:Local politics revolves around blocking development on greenbelt land.

    ||1:伦敦南部一个富裕的小镇肯尼(Kent),尽管一开始起步低,但2001年来少数民族的人口增长了115%。||2: 而伦敦北部一个乡下郊区小镇赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire),少数人口数量翻了一番。||3:很多人都搬到了一些比如肯尼的阿什福德,赫特福德郡的韦林花园城。||4:这些城镇有方正型的房子,随意的道路布局,许多但不特别分部的绿化植物和人字铺砖。||5:当地的政策围绕着阻碍绿地发展的项目。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦效应 英国正步入种族多样化 -

    ||1:A former transport hub, at the confluence of the Lehigh and Delaware rivers, the town once thrived on its strategic site—and still relies on it.||2:It is 70 miles from both New York and Philadelphia, a just-about-commutable distance, which has brought new families to the town, attracted by its house prices, and visitors to its main attraction, a theme-park for Crayola crayons.||3:By no means rich yet not struggling, hardly dynamic yet replenished by incomers :||4:The town sits between socioeconomic categories and political cultures.||5:This has helped make it one of the most contested corners of one of the most competitive states in the country.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿专栏--美国大选之战的缩影(1) -

    Housing developments spoil views; incomers fill roads, schools and doctors’ surgeries.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国规划法 英国人之家 -

    Recession in rich countries has discouraged some would-be incomers from trying their luck.



    Budget pressures have made them highly reluctant to spend money on helping the incomers .



    The Main Approaches to Increase the Number of Medium Incomers



    Enlarging the Public of Middling Incomers , to Maintain the Steady Social Improvement



    Analysis of potential incomers in medicine circulating area of our country



    Siena’s city council felt it worth offering tax breaks to attract incomers .



    Young east European democracies such as Poland are piloting schemes to restrict the numbers of incomers .



    South Korea has also witnessed a rise in incomers since 2007 and is particularly keen to attract American-educated graduates.


