

    名词复数:industrial 词频:高频常用词
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    n. 【法律专业】
    工业公司证券 ,工业股票,工业企业股票
    dow jones average of industrials

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Extending throughout a particular industry
    “It’s not exactly prolific, but the team is known industrywide for strong characters, rampant imagination, and wisecracking.”
    “On an industrywide scale, writers’ residuals will increase about 2 percent.”
    “Only by creating a collaborative industrywide fraud-prevention database can this activity be stopped.”
    Hard-working and persistent.
    “Yes, beavers are industrious rodents whose dams help our river systems.”
    “The plantation was a considerable success, the settlers proving industrious and determined.”
    “The late Matt was a diligent and industrious farmer and is the last of his family.”
    (India) Of or pertaining to industry.
    Able to be industrialized.

    名词 变体/同根词

    “He is adjusting his portfolio away from consumer stocks and financials and into general industrials.”
    “Dow industrials up by 21 points, 10,822, while the Nasdaq composite index is adding a quarter of one percent.”
    “Stock investors took a new leap of faith today, sending the Dow Jones industrials up about 400 points at the closing bell only minutes ago.”
    One who industrializes.
    The quality of being industrious; diligence.
    “They greatly impress me with their intellectual and behavior-analytic skills and their consistent industriousness.”
    “Social mobility, or at least the hope for it, creates industriousness, sacrifice, and personal financial savings.”
    “Behaviour can be shaped, as evidenced by the industriousness of the Japanese.”
    A process of social and economic change whereby a human society is transformed from a pre-industrial to an industrial state.
    “The dynamic boom in global investing and bank lending that fueled far-flung industrialization during the nineties has tapered off dramatically.”
    “Still, approximately 300 plant and animal species disappear each year as a result of reckless industrialization.”
    “Although agriculture is still caught in the grips of industrialization, corporatization is the final phase of the industrial process.”
    The socio-economic system based upon the industrial production of manufactured goods, rather than on agriculture.
    “The spirit of industrialism, which is indefatigably active in the development of trade relations, undermines the warlike spirit.”
    “Yet society sought to regulate industrialism in ways that seemed acceptable to a generation suspicious of governmental power.”
    “This would be a subtle slap in the face to industrialism, consumerism and corporatism, none of which had a positive impact on the last century.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (of a country) To develop industry; to become industrial. || (of a process) To organize along industrial lines.
    “The government hopes to industrialize some of the agricultural regions.”
    “The US was allowed to industrialize at a time when we didn’t know these things would hurt the Earth, but we know now.”
    “Germany was the last major European state to industrialize, and the fastest.”

    industrials average



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    dow jones industrials averages



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    scarce industrials materials control order



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