

    名词复数:inhabitants 词频:高频常用词
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    The enemy soldiers massacred all the inhabitants of the island.
    Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.
    The inhabitants of a fishing village
    Conform one’s habits to those of the local inhabitants.


    例句1. the inhabitants of the village


    形容词 变体/同根词

    fit to live in; habitable (see inflammable for usage note)
    More recently, Mars has been featured on film as a volatile future colony in Total Recall and a bizarrely inhabitable terrain in Red Planet.
    In the star system, there are six planets, five that are inhabitable, as well as moons.
    There’s still the matter of terraforming the planet etc., but Mars is looking increasingly viable as an inhabitable planet.
    Safe and comfortable, where humans, or other animals, can live; fit for habitation.
    It was necessary to make habitable remote regions of Russia where it was regarded as too costly to provide waged labour.
    The windmill needs weatherproofing, rebuilding and re-capping to become habitable.
    Despite their efforts and curses, the winds and the rogue waves wash them past any seemingly habitable islands.
    Pertaining to habitation or an inhabited region. || (of a name) Deriving from the name of a place where a presumed ancestor once lived.
    Another common Irish surname of Norman Irish origin is the ’de’ habitational prefix, meaning ’of’ and originally signifying prestige and land ownership.
    Behaving in a regular manner, as a habit. || Recurring, or that is performed over and over again. || Regular or usual.
    I have to ask, how meaningful is a concept that explains all habitual or regular behaviour?
    Her colonizing urge had less to do with nationality than with opportunity; it was her acquired and habitual method to secure a self that was perpetually threatening to unravel.
    This works to counter the habitual patterns you have built up through constant repetition.
    Dressed in a habit.

    名词 变体/同根词

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To live or reside in. || (transitive) To be present in; to occupy.
    Erethizontids inhabit a broad variety of habitats, from tundra to the tropics and from dense forests to open settings.
    Further abroad, he authorized the Evangelistic Grant Charter to inhabit the Colony of Virginia.
    These species largely inhabit whitewater and clearwater rivers within the Amazon Basin, with rare reports in tannic blackwater rivers.
    To make accustomed; to accustom; to familiarize. || To settle as an inhabitant.
    She likewise endeavored from the first to habituate the boy’s mind to reflect upon the value of money and the uses of economy.
    The skin conductance response to electric shock stimuli does not habituate, even after many trials.
    Unlike other birds that live on the forest floor, trumpeters are not particularly shy and readily habituate to the presence of humans.