1.Acquire knowledge of (the rules of a language).
‘Both deconstruction and structuralism asserted that people are culturally and socially constructed, and that they internalize culture much in the same way that they internalize a natural language.’
‘The syntactic structures of written English are less likely to have been internalized by second language students in the region.’
2.Incorporate (costs) as part of a pricing structure, especially social costs resulting from a product’s manufacture and use.
‘industry must internalize the cost of disposal’
‘After all, the concept of internalizing the external costs associated with pollution and environmental hazards has been reasonably successful in compelling better environmental policies over the past 30 years.’
3.Make (attitudes or behaviour) part of one’s nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.
‘people learn gender stereotypes and internalize them’
‘Stigma is often internalized by individuals with mental illness, leading to hopelessness, lower self-esteem, and isolation.’
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