join up 查询结果如下:
释义:If you join up two things, you connect them.
例句1. If these two sections of the bridge don’t join up perfectly, the whole thing could collapse.
Where do the two roads join up?
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He joined up to fight for his motherland.
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He joined up at seventeen [ in1974 ].
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He joined up at fifteen.
属类:学习英语 -语法例句
joins up with;join up with;joined up with
属类:机械模具 -机械工程
He joined (up)the two pieces of wood together with nails
属类:学习英语 -同义词辨析
The lights short-circuited when I joined up the wires.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
The three clubs joined up to improve the town’s playground facilities
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My father joined up during the Second World War
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The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the bridge
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The two groups of walkers joined up for the rest of the holiday
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Eisenhower’s purpose now was to split Germany in two by joining up with the Russians on the elbe between Magdeburg and Dresden
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The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge
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We give news to the king that the Jews who came from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are building up again that uncontrolled and evil town; the walls are complete and they are joining up the bases.
属类:经籍句库 -Ezr -4.12
and the hand-part went in after the blade, and the fat was joined up over the blade; for he did not take the sword out of his stomach. and he went out into the ...
属类:经籍句库 -Jug -3.22
He joined up in 1980.
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Two days after he joined up he was sent to the battlefront
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The doctor said that the edges of the wound had joined up
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He joined up at seventeen
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Here the two rivers join up with each other
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The two groups of walker joined up for the rest of the holiday.
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and the Lord God sent a deep sleep on the man, and took one of the bones from his side while he was sleeping, joining up the flesh again in its place:
属类:经籍句库 -Gen -2.21
The whole railway line has been joined up.
属类:简明汉英词典 -
In October 1888 Bonnard joined up with Vuillard, Roussel, Denis, who called themselves the Nabis.
属类:社会文化 -英语文摘
Joining up, the Boss of Chinese Seed Industry Requiring the Development
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
On Jan. 23, the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA), the domestic financial regulator, released a 50-page-long consultation paper dubbed “Guidance on Cryptoassets.”As the U.K. seems to be moving closer toward rolling out a definitive regulatory framework, it is time to reassess how other crypto markets, specifically the major ones, are dealing with cryptocurrencies on the juridical level.“Guidance on Cryptoassets,” reviewed: How the U.K. is going to deal with virtual currenciesG...
1月23日,英国国内金融监管机构金融市场行为监管局(FCA)发布了一份长达50页的咨询文件,名为《加密资产指南》。随着英国似乎正朝着建立一个明确的监管框架迈进,现在是时候重新评估其他加密市场(特别是主要加密市场)在法律层面上是如何处理加密货币的了。 《加密资产指南》评论道:英国将如何处理虚拟货币鉴于FCA新报告的基调,英国政府似乎倾向于对加密货币采取相当中立的做法。该文件的主要目标是为加密市场参与者提供更多的监管透明度。具体来说,FCA旨在帮助他们了解他们所选择的数字资产是否在监管范围内,哪些监管适用于他们的业务,以及他们是否需要获得该机构的授权。在该文件中,监管机构概述了加密资产的各种可能定义以及当前适用的英国法律。具体而言,该机构指出,根据国家监管活动令(RAO)或金融工具指令II中市场监管的“金融工具”,加密资产可以被视为“特定投资”。监管机构还提...
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Boeing’s 737 Max is about to join the list of brands trying to come back from ignominy
波音公司的737 Max即将加入试图从耻辱中回归的品牌名单
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When Venezuelans took to the streets this week to demand a return to democracy, they chose a date with deep historic significance: Jan. 23, the day a dictatorship collapsed in the face of surging protests more than 60 years ago.But demonstrations alone didn’t bring down Venezuela’s strongman back then. Only when the military stepped in, with tanks alongside protesters, did the dictatorship fall.It’s a playbook that Juan Guaidó, the 35-year-old opposition leader who declared himself Venezuela’s r...
当委内瑞拉人本周走上街头要求回归民主的时候,他们选择了一个具有深远历史意义的日期:1月23日,60多年前抗议浪潮席卷而导致独裁政权垮台之日。但仅仅是示威并没有击倒委内瑞拉的强人。只有当军队介入,坦克和抗议者一起,独裁政权才垮台。这是一个剧本,35岁的反对派领袖胡安·瓜伊德(Juan Guaid_)周三宣布自己是委内瑞拉的合法总统,并向民众欢呼,他希望今天的这个剧本与1958年的剧本是一样的。尽管瓜伊德先生赢得了美国和其他20多个国家的官方认可,但他仍然是一个没有国家的领导人。委内瑞拉的军事要员公开宣誓效忠国家总统尼科尔·马杜罗,挫败了反对派的计划,即诱使武装部队溃不成军,并将该国长期滑向独裁主义的趋势逆转。但是,对现任和前任军官的采访让人们看到了一个更为复杂的斗争,许多军官希望马杜罗下台,但仍在寻找解决办法。叛逃官员的派别分子说,他们正在密谋从秘鲁、哥伦比亚和其他国家的临时总部返回。去年,...
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As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!
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A huge thanks to HeatherNauert for serving America at the StateDept. Great work! I’m proud to have you join the Fulbright board!
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Today is National Drug Take Back Day! Find a collection site near you and join the fight against opioid abuse.
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The Dems are getting another beauty to join their group. Bill de Blasio of NYC, considered the worst mayor in the U.S., will supposedly be making an announcement for president today. He is a JOKE, but if you like high taxes & crime, he’s your man. NYC HATES HIM!
民主党人正在获得另一个“美人“加入他们的团队。纽约市的Bill de Blasio,被认为是美国最差的市长,据称将于今天宣布参选总统。他是个笑话,但如果你喜欢高税收和犯罪,他就是你要的人。纽约憎恨他!
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Businesses need to face inequality head on. The gap between the rich and poor remains wide, and caste and class remain dangerous fault lines. We’re bringing to Asia for the first time with the aim of cultivating change. Join us 10/15!
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Through fresh analysis on in Europe we’re bringing investors up to speed on the trends, flows, and numbers for a 2019 mid-year outlook. Join us in Frankfurt via livestream, tomorrow at 10:30am CET:
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I will be announcing my Second Term Presidential Run with First Lady Melania, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence on June 18th in Orlando, Florida, at the 20,000 seat Amway Center. Join us for this Historic Rally! Tickets:
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We’re bringing our global technology conference, Sooner Than You Think to the @OpenInnoEN! Join us in Moscow 10/22 where we take a closer look at the smart cities of today and what’s possible for tomorrow.
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The tsunami of vandalism, arson and riot by young people of color that began in the suburban ghettos of Paris – now in its twelfth night as I write – has rolled right across France, touching 274 cities and towns, and shows few signs of abating. It should have surprised no one, for it is the result of thirty years of government neglect – of the failure of the French political classes, both right and left, to make any serious effort to integrate its Muslim and black populations into the French eco...
我写这篇文章的时候,已经是第十二个夜晚了,这场由有色人种年轻人发起的破坏公物、纵火和暴乱的风暴,开始于巴黎郊区的贫民区已经在法国各地蔓延开来,涉及274个城镇,几乎没有减弱的迹象。这应该没有让任何人感到惊讶,因为这正是三十年来政府忽视所带来的结果——政府忽视了法国左翼和右翼政治阶层的犯下了错误,他们都没有做出任何认真的努力将其穆斯林和黑人人口纳入法国经济和文化中;另外,政府还忽视了贫民区的失业者和被深深疏远的年轻人在生活中每天都要面对的根深蒂固的、令人痛苦的、摧毁灵魂的种族歧视,无论是面对警察还是求职时都面临这样的种族歧视。在法国政府因制定产业政策建立起来的贫民区里,积怨已久的民愤如今已燃起熊熊大火。为什么法国最初的移民- 主要是阿拉伯人,还有一些黑人 – 如今如此之多(超过总人口的10%)?因为在二战后的重建和经济扩张的繁荣时期——也就是法国人所说的“光辉三十年”,有一政策是从法国殖民地...
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Some parts of banking will always need a personal touch, but for everything else is AI the answer? Join us at Singapore where we look at automation’s impact on banking, finance and beyond.
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On the same day he was released from prison, Joshua Wong joined Hong Kong’s extradition bill protests. “Now is the time for me to join this fight.” via @tictoc
在他被释放的同一天,黄之锋(Joshua Wong)加入了香港的引渡法案抗议活动。 “现在是我加入这场斗争的时候了。”通过@tictoc
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In two hearings next week, the House and Senate will take a critical look at Facebook’s new digital currency. Join @bopinion’s @LionelRALaurent and @atbwebb on 7/15 at 10:30am ET for a live Q&A about Mark Zuckerberg’s crytpo project, Libra
在下周的两场听证会上,众议院和参议院将对Facebook的新数字货币进行批判性审视。加入@ bopinion的@LionelRALaurent和@atbwebb于美国东部时间7月15日上午10:30进行现场问答,关于马克•扎克伯格的加密货币项目天秤座
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Good morning - do join me @BBCWorld @BBCNews @0500 - I’ll be talking to an author of a UN report warning up to 1M species face extinction due to human influence - what would you like to aks her & what actions are you taking that you hope will make a difference?
早上好 - 加入我@BBCWorld @BBCNews @ 0500 - 我将与一位联合国报告的作者交谈,警告高达1M物种因人类影响而面临灭绝 - 你想问她什么,你采取了什么行动?你希望会有所作为吗?
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LONDON (Reuters) - Genetic tests to assess disease risk are proliferating but many are a waste of money and tell people little more than they would know from studying family history, medical experts said on Friday.A host of companies now offer tests, typically costing hundreds of dollars, to calculate genetic risks for common conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease that involve multiple genes.But Christine Patch, a genetic counselor at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and a m...
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Please register to join our free learning assessment to find out whether your child has the key to excel in learning.
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Thousands of students have entrusted their education needs with our school, so come join us so we can share our secrets of success with you.
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may i ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the success of our negotiations
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HONG KONG (Reuters) - A by-election on Sunday to fill one seat in Hong Kong’s 60-member legislature pits two celebrity politicians against each other, energising debate on democratic reform in a city that returned to Chinese rule 10 years ago.Hong Kong’s fractious pro-democracy camp is looking for a symbolic boost from former civil servant Anson Chan after a demoralising drubbing in this month’s district council elections at the hands of the city’s biggest pro-Beijing party.Chan, 67, made a name...
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1. To join a group or organization of some kind. Now that the organization is more inclusive, we’re seeing a lot more people joining up.
The army recruiters work to get young people to join up .
2. To work together or collaborate; team up. If we all join up, we can get done in half the time.
The two charities are joining up to raise awareness about the cause.
3. To connect.
Once we join up those pipes, the connection will be complete.
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。