

    音标:['laɪtər] 现在分词:lightering
    过去式:lightered 过去分词:lightered
    名词复数:lighters 词频:高频常用词

    基本释义/说明:n. 点火者;
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    a lamp- lighter
    a cigarette lighter
    vt. 【化学】
    lighter,smokers’,parts of (excl. flints and wicks)
    打火机;点火器,; 驳船,; 以驳船搬运
    lighter,smokers’,parts of (excl. flints and wicks)

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Full of light; bright.
    “But Brac’s main at traction is the de lightful holi day resort of Bol on the island’s south coast.”
    “The property has a d lightful front garden well as a large drivewa providing parking for u to 10 cars, leading to a sin gle garage and extensiv rear garden.”
    Having no crack or aperture where light can enter.
    “From a practical point of view it is not always possible to achieve an absolute lighttight home darkroom.”
    Filled with light; illuminated.
    Lacking light; unilluminated.
    “Bermuda’s caves support a diverse fauna specially adapted to a lightless existence.”
    “The path we followed was merely a space between two stone walls, dank and lightless.”
    “As an added bonus, the keyboard seems to light up, which I envision will be a boon to struggling typists working in windowless, lightless spaces.”
    Characterised by light; luminous; emitting or manifesting light; radiant.
    “He is not immured in any noisome dungeon, but in a lightsome chamber over the south door of the Church.”
    “Roderigo seized the cup, and with a lightsome smile drank to his lovely bride.”
    “We set off on our tour of South America with a lightsome heart.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    That which lightens.
    “She painted a thinner line of lightener along the top of the hair and a slightly thicker line toward the ends using an ombre style popular now.”
    “Follow processing time instructions and then apply the lightener to the roots 15-20 min before time is up.”
    “For faster fading, your dermatologist may prescribe a stronger lightener, chemical peel, laser treatment or even a combination of the three.”
    The state or condition of being lightless; absence of light.
    “The forecast had suggested thundersnow, but the windows looked out on nothing but ordinary drenched lightlessness.”
    “In the lightlessness, and above the wailing of the terrified people about them, they could hear the scuff of running feet.”
    The state of having little weight, or little force. || Agility of movement. || Freedom from worry. || Levity, frivolity; inconsistency.
    “Speed, rotation, and lightness figure just as much as strength, resilience, and weightiness.”
    “All have that characteristic Milhaud lightness and playfulness, that jollity and occasional raucousness.”
    “It’s simple, it’s to the point, there’s a lightness of feel to it, and it achieves results.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To alleviate; to reduce the burden of. || (transitive) To make light or lighter in weight. || (transitive) To make less serious or more cheerful. || (transitive) To make brighter or clearer; to illuminate. || (intransitive) To become light or lighter in weight. || (intransitive) To become less serious or more cheerful. || (intransitive) To become brighter or clearer; to brighten. || (intransitive, archaic) To burst forth or dart, as lightning; to shine with, or like, lightning; to flash. || (transitive) To emit or disclose in, or as if in, lightning; to flash out, like lightning. || To descend; to light. || To illuminate with knowledge; to enlighten.
    “The sky began to lighten.”
    “As a kid it was a trick to add some ginger ale to lighten up the flavour.”
    “In this case, even with the gamma correction set, the picture is still a bit dark, so I turned off the gamma correction and set the contrast and brightness in order to lighten it up.”