

    名词复数:manipulations 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    Information technology--Open document Architecture(ODA)and interchange format--Part 3: Abstract interface for the manipulation of ODA documents
    Information technology--Open systems lnterconnection--Job transfer and manipulation concepts and services
    Information technology--Open systems interconnection--Specification of the basic class and full protocol for job transfer and manipulation
    They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market.
    [U][C]1. 操作,运用,2. 操纵,控制,3. 窜改,做手脚
    The complete operation performed on data.It includes steps of origination,input,manipulation,output and storage.
    【医学】 【中医】
    The complete operation performed on data.It includes steps of origination,input,manipulation,output and storage.
    n. 【机械】
    The complete operation performed on data.It includes steps of origination,input,manipulation,output and storage.
    操纵 ,处理,篡改
    The complete operation performed on data.It includes steps of origination,input,manipulation,output and storage.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or pertaining to manipulation.
    “It is our centralized, manipulatory government that has brought us to the chaos.”
    “So in the long run, their manipulatory tactics will not be able to stop the gold and silver bull market, nor will they be able to stop the continued bear market in equities.”
    “Among them is a fragment considered as the ne plus ultra of the chemical and manipulatory skill of the ancient workers.”
    Suitable for, or able to be subjected to manipulation. || Gullible or susceptible to persuasion.
    “Well they’re only hackable or manipulatable if you give somebody the cards.”
    “The CD-ROM features a manipulatable database of nearly 1,500 energy-related firms in the Houston region.”
    “The girls all followed, smiling broadly at the notion of a cute, manipulatable guy staying in their house.”
    Suitable for, or able to be subjected to manipulation. || Gullible or susceptible to persuasion.
    “Vocal skill development is an interesting example, for there is no obvious visible or easily manipulable body part engaged in the activity.”
    “Moreover, the rule is highly manipulable, depending, among other things, on how broadly or narrowly a court construes the field in question.”
    “However, most of these investigations were done in the laboratory, where both animals and their environments are under control and manipulable.”
    of or relating to a maniple (Roman army division) || manipulatory || manipulative
    “But I have not found that much was gained by manipular attempts to realize the world of thought.”
    “In the 4th century BC, the Romans abandoned the phalanx in favour of the more flexible manipular formation.”
    “The manipular army was based upon social class, age and military experience.”
    Using manipulation purposefully. || Tending to manipulate others. || (pejorative) Reaching one’s goals at the expense of other people by using them.
    “The child has been a manipulative tyrant, always jockeying to be in charge.”
    “He would also be unable to undertake employment which involved prolonged fine manipulative skills.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    Someone who is manipulated.
    Quality of being manipulative.
    “Instead, two distinct factors relating to manipulativeness seemed to emerge.”
    “He will likely sense that you are drawing away from him and escalate his abusiveness and manipulativeness.”
    “It was hard at first to square Richard’s manipulativeness with his stupidity until you saw that they were the formula for his success.”
    The condition of being manipulable.
    “A possible way to increase manipulability and dexterity of a technical system is to increase the number of the DOF of the system.”
    “Chris’s use of tactile exploratory procedures depended on the type of task, her familiarity with it, and the manipulability of the objects.”
    “But perhaps what most unifies Adams’s varied works is the way in which they hint at the manipulability of social codes.”
    One who or that which is manipulated.
    (sciences) Something that is manipulated physically, especially when testing motor skills
    “Their semipronated right hand gripped a manipulandum underneath a horizontally suspended mirror.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To move, arrange or operate something using the hands || (transitive) To influence, manage, direct, control or tamper with something || (medicine) To handle and move a body part, either as an examination or for a therapeutic purpose || (transitive) To influence or control someone in order to achieve a specific purpose, especially one that is unknown to the one being manipulated and beneficial to the manipulator; to use
    “It may take some practice before you can manipulate the milk frother adequately.”
    “The artisan would manipulate the clay into the form of a beautiful vase.”
    “Many animals are experts at being able to manipulate their environment for purposes of survival.”