

例句1. she wore a mask to conceal her face
例句2. wear a mask to avoid inhaling dust
例句3. de Craon had dropped his mask of good humour

"Nuo" dancers usually wear masks .


Picture sizes and printing masks for film No. 110, film No. 126 and film No. 135 for still photography

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4510-1-1983

Picture sizes and printing masks for roll films No 120, No 220 and film 70 mm

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4510-2-1992

In the 19th-20th century beadwork proliferated in dress decoration. Beads are used as ornamentation on a variety of objects (clothing, masks , weapons, dolls)in many cultures, including the Native American, African, and Oceanic.


"Nuo" dancers in anhui walk on stilts and wear masks while performing, expressing their wishes of sacrifice to their ancestors, praying for blessing and dispelling the evils.


Rioters donned handkerchiefs as gas masks


People in the north wear masks in winter.


Masks and Gender-Changing: The Representation of Peking Opera on the American Stage


Patients are vulnerable to tuberculosis, emphysema, and pneumonia. In the absence of effective treatment, control of silicosis depends on prevention with face masks , proper ventilation, and X-ray monitoring of workers’ lungs.


Tribal dancers wearing grotesque masks


--Gas masks and warm clothing should be placed at hand before retiring and it is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos would be a great comfort to small children who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour


Clothing for protection against infectious agents-Medical face masks -Test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally projected)


Universities have made the wearing of masks mandatory.


Of course, the blinding glare of the sun normally masks the distant stars behind it


Optimization of Electron-beam-written Step-chirped Phase Masks to Improve Quality of the Chirped FBG


Aircraft; Joints for connecting crew members` regulator masks to oxygen sources

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 5887-1981

Advances in Development and Clinical Application of the Medical Masks Made of non-woven Material


Discussion on Bronze Masks of the Sang Dynasty


Silicone rubbers are used as electrical insulators in encapsulations, coatings, and varnishes; as gaskets and caulking material; in specialized tubing; as automobile engine components; as flexible windows in face masks and air locks; for laminating glass cloth; and as surgical membranes and implants.


Aircraft; Joints for connecting crew members’ regulator masks to oxygen sources

航空器 乘务员用调压面罩与氧气源的连接接头

and that finally, being drawn into ambuscade at Carthage, he was thrown into prison, and assassinated by a band of men disguised in masks


Respiratory protective devices-Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks , half masks or quarter masks-Requirements, testing, marking

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 12942-1999

Respiratory protective devices-Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks , half masks or quarter masks-Requirements, testing, marking.

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S76-035/A1-2003

Respiratory protective devices-Valved filtering half masks to protect against gases or gases and particles-Requirements, testing, marking;

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 405-2002

Respiratory protective devices-Half masks and quarter masks-Requirements, testing, marking.

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S76-012-1998

Respiratory protective devices-Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks , half masks or quarter masks-Requirements, testing, marking (includes Amendment A1);

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 12942-2003

Respiratory protective devices-Valved filtering half masks to protect against gases or gases and particles-Requirements, testing, marking

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 405-2002

Respiratory protective devices-Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only-Requirements, testing, marking

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 1827-1999

Respiratory protective devices-Valved filtering half masks to protect against gases or gases and particles-Requirements, testing, marking.

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S76-016-2002

Respiratory protective devices-Full face masks -Requirements, testing, marking

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 136-1998


1.A covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or frighten others.
‘Two other men, both wearing _masks_ , then jumped in.’
‘She recognised it the moment she saw it - her white porcelain _mask_ for the Moonlight Festival.’
2.A covering made of fibre or gauze and fitting over the nose and mouth to protect against air pollutants, or made of sterile gauze and worn to prevent infection of the wearer or (in surgery) of the patient.
‘When health workers come into contact with suspected cases they and the patients will wear surgical _masks_ .’
‘Sometimes patients complain it is hard to breath with the white _masks_ .’
3.A face pack.
‘this exfoliating _mask_ helps clear your pores and leaves your skin feeling soft and healthy’
‘The Super food Antioxidant Masque is a super-antioxidant face masque that combines two super foods Blueberries and Pomegranate and has been developed to help minimise the negative effects of sun damaged skin.’
4.A hollow model of a human head worn by ancient Greek and Roman actors.
‘Wax _masks_ were worn by Roman actors in funeral processions and were kept in a special shrine in Roman houses.’
‘In fact, on occasion her face looks like a _mask_ out of some classical Greek tragedy - Wilde would probably have approved.’
5.A likeness of a person’s face moulded or sculpted in clay or wax.
‘They have already moulded _masks_ and now want to paint them all.’
‘The last three chapters are divided according to animal figures, human forms, and _masks_ .’
6.A manner or expression that hides one’s true character or feelings.
‘I let my _mask_ of respectability slip’
‘Being smartly dressed not only allows a man to be elegant and appear important but it also gives him a _mask_ to hide behind and perform in.’
7.A masked person.
‘On the eighth day, Okonko members return to dance at the market, but no _mask_ performs.’
‘The _mask_ appeared in front of him. At first, he didn’t know what to make of this thing. He quickly realized that this was the voice that was speaking to him.’
8.A patterned metal film used in the manufacture of microcircuits to allow selective modification of the underlying material.
‘Typical _masks_ are made of metal patterns deposited on glass and have no internal plumbing.’
‘The cells are doped with N type dopants by using the photo-resist regions as _masks_ .’
9.A person’s face regarded as having set into a particular expression.
‘his face was a _mask_ of rage’
‘His face wore a strange expression, a _mask_ of anger and determination.’
10.A piece of material such as card used to cover a part of an image that is not required when exposing a print.
‘The images are quite large (600x400 pixels), but when you load the _masks_ , they conform to the size of your photo.’
‘You may notice that the entire image has the unsharp _mask_ applied to it beforehand.’
11.A protective covering fitting over the whole face, worn in fencing, ice hockey, and other sports.
‘The catcher throws his _mask_ off and he’s not sure where the ball is.’
‘The French fencing master La Boessiere invented the fencing _mask_ , allowing a much safer bout.’
12.A respirator used to filter inhaled air or to supply gas for inhalation.
‘If the child has cyanosis, they may need to receive extra oxygen through a _mask_ .’
‘For this treatment, you will wear a _mask_ over your nose during sleep that blows air into your throat at a pressure level that is right for you.’
13.The enlarged labium of a dragonfly larva, which can be extended to seize prey.
‘Dragonfly larvae possess a highly specialized mouthpart, known as the labial _mask_ , which can be extended rapidly to grab prey such as small animals.’
‘The larvae of the emperor dragonfly are themselves voracious predators, armed with fearsome mouthparts known as a ’ _mask_ ’.’
14.The face or head of a fox or other game animal, as a trophy.
‘A friend has left me a fox _mask_ with an inscription to say that it was caught by the Hunt in 1936.’

1.(of a taste, smell, etc.) prevent the perception of (another sensation)
‘brandy did not completely _mask_ the bitter taste’
‘The coffee in the kiosk there is always way too hot, a tactic often used to _mask_ the flavour of cheap, nasty coffee.’
2.Conceal (something) from view.
‘the poplars _masked_ a factory’
‘She _masked_ herself from view as she went through a hallway and entered a large bright room.’
3.Cover (an object or surface) so as to protect it during painting.
‘ _mask_ off doors and cupboards with sheets of plastic’
‘The next morning we _masked_ off the baseboards, doors, and windows with plastic and proceeded with staining.’
4.Cover (the face) with a mask.
‘he had been _masked_ , bound, and abducted’
‘A few _masked_ homogeneous faces around her made it clear that it was no dream.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。