

    名词复数:methods 词频:高频常用词
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    ①[C] 方法,方式;
    methods of teaching
    by the inductive method
    There is a method in doing anything.
    He adopted the same method.
    He introduced the Western method of tree culture.
    use more method
    work with method
    He is a man of method.
    There`s method in his madness.
    His idea is all right,but he lacks method.
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    1. 方法,办法[C][(+of/for)]2. 条理;秩序[U]
    Steel products--Method for magnetic particle inspection of tower sample

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of, pertaining to, or using methodology
    “Yet one has to recognize at the outset that there are methodological problems with this.”
    “The major finding was the desire for methodological pluralism, even among mainstream faculty.”
    “From his vaguely defined methodological stance, Snooks criticizes Darwin’s use of analogy.”
    Without a method; haphazard.
    Of or relating to methodists, or the Methodists.
    “There were three or four others, Methodistic in doctrine and discipline, who were recognized as eligible for the Ecumenical Methodist Conference.”
    “The Methodistic principles, with which he was slightly tinctured, instead of impelling him to extravagance, assimilated themselves to his orderly habits of thought and action.”
    “Prior was brought up as a Methodist, but while he was a student he came to consider Methodistic theology too unsystematic, and he became a Presbyterian.”
    methodical || (philosophy) Chosen for the sake of its effect, rather than for its own sake; sometimes distinguished from real.
    “In his methodic preparations and clandestine deployments, he knows precisely what carnage he aims to create.”
    “White’s study, then, is a methodic analysis of the styles of composition used by 19th-century historians.”
    “The methodic rocking of the train and Harvey’s steady hands lulled her overtaxed and sleep deprived mind into a deep slumber.”
    In an organized manner; proceeding with regard to method; systematic. || Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation.
    “The theory and practice of that useful science are illustrated by a variety of experiments arranged in a methodical manner.”
    “Techniques are available which allow a methodical analysis of the effect of measurement errors on the resulting flow and performance parameters.”
    “The methodical and rather prosaic style may not have the literary skill of, say, Abanindranath Tagore’s diary.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    Absence of a method.
    One who methodizes.
    “If this is true, then reason is simply the methodizer of the imagination.”
    One who follows a method.
    “But whether explicitly or by implication, the methodist distinction between status laxus, status strictus, and status mixtus is always present.”
    “The Regent Singers will be in concert at Stricklandgate Methodist Church on Friday.”
    “Both services will take place at Melbourne Road Methodist Church in Deane on Sunday.”
    The property of being methodical.
    “Van Helsing, with his usual methodicalness, began taking the various contents from his bag and placing them ready for use.”
    “And that kind of patient methodicalness can be invaluable, Davies adds, especially as curtain up approaches and the dreaded set-backs occur.”
    The practice of adhering (often excessively) to methods.
    “Descartes’s methodism with its regulative criterion leads him to explicitly deny that accidentally true belief qualifies as knowledge.”
    “As a fresh presentation of John Wesley and early Methodism this book is warmly recommended.”
    “In the 20th century, Methodism did not escape the decline afflicting mainline Protestantism as a whole.”