例句1. I was completely mystified by his disappearance’
||1:Love is a journey, a game, a many-splendoured thing.||2:Though some give it a bad name (if Jon Bon Jovi is to be believed), the rest of us find the subject endlessly fascinating.||3:The struggle to understand such a mystifying phenomenon invariably requires the help of philosophers and scientists, and others besides.||4:Good news for Mr Badiou and Dr Dunbar.
||1:His father was illiterate, unable to make sense of the “mystifying jungle” of the world.||2:Hence his violence.||3:Young Alan mapped out his own paths, first in out-of-town fields through nettles as tall as himself, and then by slowly building up exotic worlds of words.||4:He won a Bible as a prize, which stayed on his desk for good; more books, and maps, were bought with precious pence, or came home under his coat.||5:Confinement with TB in his 20s introduced him to Dickens and Dostoevsky, Balzac and Plato, and spurred him to write.||6:Both writing and exploring kept him one cool, cunning step ahead of his oppressors.||7:If he could not do either, he felt his head would burst from sheer misery.
Mr Bullough explains the mystifying conversion. The KGB played on his fears of renewed imprisonment and separation from his family. A skilful interrogator, Vladimir Sorokin found and enlarged the “chink” in his victim’s soul: patriotism. Surely no true, law-abiding Russian could side with the enemies of his country?
Mr Bullough explains the mystifying conversion. The KGB played on his fears of renewed imprisonment and separation from his family. A skilful interrogator, Vladimir Sorokin found and enlarged the “chink” in his victim’s soul: patriotism. Surely no true, law-abiding Russian could side with the enemies of his country?
Murder most mystifying
1.Utterly bewildering or perplexing.
‘a mystifying phenomenon’
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