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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 包皮烧焦 Cover scorched

    2 包皮失落 Cover missing

    3 包皮脱落 cover off

    4 封口漏气 seal leak-off

    5 封条脱落 seal off

    6 箍条失落 bands off

    7 箍条失落 bands of

    8 管子两头瘪 pipe dented on both ends

    9 罐(坛)盖掉失) cans(jars)lid missing

    10 罐(坛)裂纹 cans(jars)cracked

    11 金属包皮锈 metal-envelop rusty

    12 捆箍失落 Hoops missing

    13 捆箍脱落 Hoops off

    14 螺丝口坏 screwing threads damaged

    15 内货不详 contents unknown

    16 内货短少 contents short

    17 内货漏出 contents leaking out

    18 内货全无 contents empty

    19 内货外露 contents exposed

    20 内货有响声 contents rattling

    21 内货重量不足 contents short weight

    22 气味外散 smell out

    23 铅封脱落 seal off

    24 手钩扯破包皮 cover torn by hand hooks

    25 铁钉脱落 nail off

    26 桶盖脱落 drum lid off

    27 桶有小洞 drum with small hole

    28 箱板凸出 case board bulged

    29 箱底托木断 bottom skid broken

    30 箱皮干水渍 carton dry-water stained

    31 箱皮湿渍 carton wet stained

    32 箱子变形 case deformed

    33 箱子钉松 nail started

    34 一头箍脱落 one end hoop off

    35 油渍腐蚀 oil corroded

    36 圆箍脱落 rings off

    37 圆物失落 rings missing

    38 粘合在一起 sticking together

    39 纸箱扣开 carton flaps open

    40 纸箱散瘪 carton dented
