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    译典分类展示:IT行业 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 软件工业化生成器及辅助维修 software industrialized generator and maintenance aid

    2 三桦三束阴罩式彩色阴极射线管 tri-gun tri-beam shadow-mask colour crt;trigun tribeam shadowmask colour crt

    3 善于应变(有能力对付紧急局面) rise to the emergency;rise to the occasion;risen to the occasion;rose to the occasion

    4 上舞台(当演员) take to the stage;taken to the stage;took to the stage;tread the boards;tread the stage;trod the boards;trod the stage;trodden the boards;trodden the stage;walk the boards

    5 涉及全部(包括整个范围) ran the gamut;ran the whole gamut of;run the gamut;run the whole gamut of

    6 深自庆幸 hug ourselves over;hug herself;hug themselves;hug itself for;hug myself;hug yourselves

    7 生产信息控制系统 production information control system;production information and control system

    8 实形参数对应 actual formal parameter correspondence;actualformal parameter correspondence

    9 事务驱动的结构化设计 transaction-driven structured design;transactiondriven structured design

    10 试一试(试试看) had a try for it;has a try at it;has a try for it;have a try at it;have a try for it

    11 试用种种手段(用尽一切方法) laid all irons in the fire;laid irons in the fire;lay all irons in the fire;lay every irons in the fire;lay irons in the fire;put all irons in the fire;put every irons in the fire;put irons in the fire

    12 受控检错程序 controlled post-mortem program;controlled postmortem program;controlled postmonitor program

    13 输入输出设备处理器 inputoutput device handle;i o device handler;input output device handler

    14 输入输出引用 input-output referencing;inputoutput referencing;symbolic i;o referencing;symbolic io referencing

    15 数学可验证的正确设计 mathematical provably correct design;mathematically provably correct design

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