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    译典分类展示:学习英语 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 出席;参加 Attend by;showed up

    2 大有帮助 a Big help;very helpful;Be a great help

    3 反对某事 opposed to;not want;Be against something

    4 关于..;论及.. Be about;refers to

    5 好对手 Be a match for;be competition for

    6 来回地;往复地 Back and forth;to and fro

    7 前后;彻底地 Backwards and forwards

    8 食言;背信;退出 Back out;forget about;leave

    9 是件可惜的事 Be a pity to;be too bad to;Be sad to

    10 以..为根据;根据 Base on;proof;as a Basis

    11 引起某人注意 Attract one’s attention;draw one’s attention

    12 允许(进入) Be admitted to;be accepted into

    13 照料;注意 Attend to;take care of

    14 专心于;沉迷于 Be absorbed in;pay attention to;concentrate on

    15 撞入;偶尔遇见 Bang into;run into

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