depressed button;operating lever latch knob;press knob;depressed key;gage peg
属类:机械模具 -机械工程-
arc of oscillation;amplitude of fluctuation;amplitude of swing;hunting zone
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packing surface fastening pressure measuring equipment
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make a name for himself;made a name for yourself;made a name for herself;made a name for themselves;made a name for ourselves
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sequence unit;programing unit;program device;program installation;programmer;timing unit
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tooth point;tooth head;toothtip;tool crest;tooth top;crest;crown of tooth
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jugged;shape of tooth;gear form;flank profile;profile of tooth;tooth shape
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guide barrel;guide path;guide canal;guided groove;conduit ferrule;channel guide
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tail pulley;jobbing pulley;jockey roller;leading sheave;angle pulley;trailing wheel;guiding wheel
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electric resistance pyrometer;electrical resistance pyrometer;electric pyrometer;electtropyrometer
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orifice plate;clout;caulking ring;filling in ring;insertion ring;sliding plate ring
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hoist link;lifting body;hanging ring;lifting ring;eye ring;dee;lifting lug;lifting bolteye;lifting staple
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engine temperature gauge;engine heat indicator;engine temperature indicator;engine temperature gage
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mineral butter;geoline;vaseline;soft petroleum ointment;petrolatum oil;petroleum butter;vasogen
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alternating bending test;back and forth bending test;ductilometer test;backward and forward bending test;bending and unbending test;reverse bend test
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plow blade;drawing strickle;strike;sand plow;drawing template;kick plate;pattern strickle;turning strickle
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roller way;roller table gear;roll table;roller gear;rolling bearing;table roller;roller bed
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Policy for long-term development of Aeronautical Technologies
属类:机械模具 -机械工程-
angle of relief;backing off angle;cutting clearance;back off angle;bottom rake;clearance angle
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top slide rest;slide tool rest;knife block;blade head;slide rest;knife head
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sliding spool flow control valve;shuttle valve;feather valve;guiding valve;sliding spool valve
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axis of revolution;revolving axle;live spindle;revolving shaft;gyro shaft;spinning axis
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enlargement factor in horizontal projection of the base
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delicate adjusting;sensitive adjustment;pinpoint control;precision adjustment;fine regfulation
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gage parallel;johnson gage;johnson gauge block;parallel gage;masuring block
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wheel spat;wheel cowling;wheel splasher;wheel casing;wheel spad;wheel guard
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master block;die bed;die seat;die head block;die stand;die backer;die support
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adapting;gearing;throw into gear;meshing engagement;in gear;fallingin;gear inot
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hammer flattener;planishing hammer;planing harmmer;caulker;plane of set hammer;flatter hammer;slogging hammer
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rope pull;laniard;grab line;trailing cable;handling line;towing cable;wire back tie;tieback tie
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knee toggle lever;curved bar;knee lever;curved lever;joint lever;bent lever
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emery tape;abrasion cloth;sand belt;abrasive band;coated abrasive;abrasive cloth
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foundry facing;restrictive coating;adhering moulding material;covering material;doping material;mold facing;foundry blacking;inhibitiory coating
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pushing bar;tappet;tappet stem;spindle;stripping pins;throw out lever;tiebar
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contour gauge;molded board;molding board;jig;scantling gage;gage templet;master plate;flat gage;flat gauge
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pine-tree crystal;fern leaf crystal;fir tree crystal;tree like crystal;dendrite
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axle collar;collar of shaft;shaft collar;spider collar;axle ring;cylinder jaw
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axle journal;axle stub end;bearing location;journal neck;gudgeon journal;journal of shaft
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1. shaft housing;2. sleeve pipe;3.shaft installing sleeve;4.sleeve for spindle;5.bearing segment;6. pipe box
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rotary spool valve;rotary plug valve;rotary plate valve;rotary disk valve
属类:机械模具 -机械工程-
1 | 按钮 | depressed button;operating lever latch knob;press knob;depressed key;gage peg |
2 | 摆动幅度 | arc of oscillation;amplitude of fluctuation;amplitude of swing;hunting zone |
3 | 包装表面拉紧压力测量装置 | packing surface fastening pressure measuring equipment |
4 | 成名 | make a name for himself;made a name for yourself;made a name for herself;made a name for themselves;made a name for ourselves |
5 | 程序装置 | sequence unit;programing unit;program device;program installation;programmer;timing unit |
6 | 齿顶 | tooth point;tooth head;toothtip;tool crest;tooth top;crest;crown of tooth |
7 | 齿形 | jugged;shape of tooth;gear form;flank profile;profile of tooth;tooth shape |
8 | 导槽 | guide barrel;guide path;guide canal;guided groove;conduit ferrule;channel guide |
9 | 导轮 | tail pulley;jobbing pulley;jockey roller;leading sheave;angle pulley;trailing wheel;guiding wheel |
10 | 电阻高温计 | electric resistance pyrometer;electrical resistance pyrometer;electric pyrometer;electtropyrometer |
11 | 垫圈 | orifice plate;clout;caulking ring;filling in ring;insertion ring;sliding plate ring |
12 | 吊环 | hoist link;lifting body;hanging ring;lifting ring;eye ring;dee;lifting lug;lifting bolteye;lifting staple |
13 | 发动机温度计 | engine temperature gauge;engine heat indicator;engine temperature indicator;engine temperature gage |
14 | 凡士林 | mineral butter;geoline;vaseline;soft petroleum ointment;petrolatum oil;petroleum butter;vasogen |
15 | 反复弯曲试验 | alternating bending test;back and forth bending test;ductilometer test;backward and forward bending test;bending and unbending test;reverse bend test |
16 | 刮板 | plow blade;drawing strickle;strike;sand plow;drawing template;kick plate;pattern strickle;turning strickle |
17 | 辊道 | roller way;roller table gear;roll table;roller gear;rolling bearing;table roller;roller bed |
18 | 航空技术长期发展政策 | Policy for long-term development of Aeronautical Technologies |
19 | 后角 | angle of relief;backing off angle;cutting clearance;back off angle;bottom rake;clearance angle |
20 | 滑动刀架 | top slide rest;slide tool rest;knife block;blade head;slide rest;knife head |
21 | 滑阀 | sliding spool flow control valve;shuttle valve;feather valve;guiding valve;sliding spool valve |
22 | 回转轴 | axis of revolution;revolving axle;live spindle;revolving shaft;gyro shaft;spinning axis |
23 | 基线水平投影放大系数 | enlargement factor in horizontal projection of the base |
24 | 精调 | delicate adjusting;sensitive adjustment;pinpoint control;precision adjustment;fine regfulation |
25 | 块规 | gage parallel;johnson gage;johnson gauge block;parallel gage;masuring block |
26 | 轮罩 | wheel spat;wheel cowling;wheel splasher;wheel casing;wheel spad;wheel guard |
27 | 模座 | master block;die bed;die seat;die head block;die stand;die backer;die support |
28 | 啮合 | adapting;gearing;throw into gear;meshing engagement;in gear;fallingin;gear inot |
29 | 平锤 | hammer flattener;planishing hammer;planing harmmer;caulker;plane of set hammer;flatter hammer;slogging hammer |
30 | 牵索 | rope pull;laniard;grab line;trailing cable;handling line;towing cable;wire back tie;tieback tie |
31 | 曲杆 | knee toggle lever;curved bar;knee lever;curved lever;joint lever;bent lever |
32 | 砂带 | emery tape;abrasion cloth;sand belt;abrasive band;coated abrasive;abrasive cloth |
33 | 涂料 | foundry facing;restrictive coating;adhering moulding material;covering material;doping material;mold facing;foundry blacking;inhibitiory coating |
34 | 推杆 | pushing bar;tappet;tappet stem;spindle;stripping pins;throw out lever;tiebar |
35 | 样板 | contour gauge;molded board;molding board;jig;scantling gage;gage templet;master plate;flat gage;flat gauge |
36 | 枝晶 | pine-tree crystal;fern leaf crystal;fir tree crystal;tree like crystal;dendrite |
37 | 轴环 | axle collar;collar of shaft;shaft collar;spider collar;axle ring;cylinder jaw |
38 | 轴颈 | axle journal;axle stub end;bearing location;journal neck;gudgeon journal;journal of shaft |
39 | 轴套 | 1. shaft housing;2. sleeve pipe;3.shaft installing sleeve;4.sleeve for spindle;5.bearing segment;6. pipe box |
40 | 转阀 | rotary spool valve;rotary plug valve;rotary plate valve;rotary disk valve |
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。