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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 (美国)克林顿牌汽车 CLINTON

    2 (美国)雪佛兰牌汽车 Chevrolet

    3 被租船 chartered ship

    4 捕鲸船 catcher boat

    5 畜拉四轮车 animal-drawn carriage

    6 电车轨道保养车 maintenance tramway car

    7 非自动推进的缆索铁路车辆 coach,cable railway,not self-propelled

    8 非自动推进的特别客车 not self-propelled saloon car

    9 非自动推进电车轨道货车 not self-propelled tramway car for freight

    10 非自动推进火车餐车 not self-propelled restaurant railway car

    11 非自动推进缆车 coach,funicular,not self-propelled

    12 非自动推进式铁道客运车厢 not self-propelled railway carriage for passengers

    13 非自动推进铁道保温车 not self-propelled insulated railway car

    14 非自动推进铁道行李车 not self-propelled railway car for luggage

    15 非自动推进铁道客运车 not self-propelled railway car for passengers

    16 非自动推进铁道冷藏车 not self-propelled refrigerator railway car

    17 非自动推进铁道邮政车 coach,mail,railway,not self-ropelled

    18 非自动推进铁道油罐车 not self-propelled railway tank car

    19 非自动推进铁道展览车 coach,railway,exhibition,not self-propelled

    20 非自动推进铁道装甲列车 coach,railway,armoured,not self-propelled

    21 非自动推进铁路员工生活用车 coach,living,for railway staff,not self-propelled

    22 非自动推进有轨电车客车 not self-propelled tramway for passengers

    23 非自动推铁道急救车 coach,railway,ambulance,not self-propelled

    24 工程载重汽车及拖车底盘 chassis,for the works trucks and tractors

    25 工程载重汽车及拖车离合器 clutch for the work trucks and tractors

    26 换俘船 cartel ship

    27 机动粪罐车(卡车) cesspool emptier,motorized(lorry)

    28 机动小轿车 motorized saloon car

    29 克来斯勒牌汽车 CHRYSLER

    30 轻型两轮车 cart

    31 烧炭车辆 charcoal burning vehicle

    32 世纪牌汽车 CENTURY

    33 双体客船 catamaran type,passenger

    34 颂扬牌汽车 CITATION

    35 铁道车辆修理车 workshop railway car

    36 铁道喷洒除草剂车 spraying railway car for weed-killing

    37 铁道维修保养车 servicing or maintenance railway car

    38 雪铁龙牌汽车 CITROEN

    39 载重汽车离合器 clutch for the trucks

    40 自动推进式铁道客运车厢 self-propelled railway carriage for passengers
