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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 艾蒿 moxa

    2 白薯 a sweet(or Spanish)potato

    3 白杨 a(white)poplar

    4 柏树 a cypress

    5 贝母 a fritillary(used as herbal medicine)

    6 滨草 marram

    7 病株 diseased or infected plant

    8 波状叶 sinuate leave

    9 菠菜 spinach

    10 苍耳 clotbur;Siberian cocklebur

    11 翅果 a sama

    12 臭椿 ailanthus

    13 雌蕊 a pistil

    14 刺槐 a locust(tree)

    15 大枝 boughs

    16 浮萍 duckweed

    17 甘菊 a camomile

    18 根茎 root;rhizome;rootstock

    19 根系 root system

    20 桂皮 Chinese cinnamon;cassia

    21 胡麻 flax

    22 花萼 a calyx

    23 花粉 pollen

    24 花丝 thrum

    25 荆棘 thistles and thorns;brambles

    26 景天 a red-spotted stonecrop

    27 菊花 a chrysanthemum

    28 菊科 the composite family

    29 块根 a root tuber

    30 腊梅 wintersweet

    31 兰花 an orchid

    32 荔枝 the litchi or its fruit(known as litchi nut)

    33 木髓 medulla

    34 内皮 endodermis;endothecium

    35 胚轴 a hypocotyl

    36 茄子 an eggplant

    37 去雄 castration

    38 雀麦 bromegrass

    39 伤流 bleed

    40 叶孔 stomata
