Hardly has one gourd been pushed under water when another bobs up;fib.solve one problem only to find another cropping up
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Diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient’s condition
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He speaks louder who has wealth derogatory;rich and self-assured;with abundant financial resources
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A sewer in which all that is evuk finds a home;a vehicle for filth;shelter evil
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be always vigilant;All-time preparednessagainst war;maintain constant vigilance
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Establish direct contact between factories and schools
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The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there;things will eventually sort themselves out
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continue to march forward from victory already won;Go forward in triumph
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Eat from a big common pot;every one receiving the same pay regardless of his performance on the job and actual contribution
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indulge in excessive eating and drinking;Extravagant eating and drinking;debauchery
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(go through)immense dangers and difficulties;A mountain of swords and a sea of flames
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Very bright with lights;ablaze with lights;brilliantly illuminated;be ablazed with lights
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The dripping water forms into ice-the cold is intense
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Be determined to make a clean break with their past
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Go to see the poor and ask about their past bitterness
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(fig.)cause future trouble;blunder into future calamity;(lit.)let tiger back to mountain
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The flames of war spread their conflagration far and wide
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Rest content with remaining mid-stream without making further advance
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joint state-private owned enterprises;Jointly run by the state and private owner
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(of reading or recitation)very fluent and well versed
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a fruitless attempt;(lit.)dredge for the moon in the sea;(fig.)useless of effort
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Sure to get high yields irrespective of drought or water logging
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Wish iron could turn into steel at once;be strict to someone in the hope that he could be better or change for the better immediately
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Be kept in a state of constant nervousness;be on tenterhooks all the time
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Impart knowledge to students while giving them moral education;impart knowledge and educate people
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Transfer from military production to civil production
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Oral expressions cannot be taken as proof;a verbal state-meat is no evidence;oral evidence is no proof
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Have illicit or treacherous relations with a foreign country
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Build a party for the interests of the vast majority
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Walk on two legs(e.g. the policy of walking on two leg)
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The strength of a horse is tested by the distance traveled;a long journey tests a horse’s strength
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It is not strange when one has often seen it;nothing new;it is often seen
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Refuse to correct one’s errors after repeated education;refuse to mend one’s way despite repeated education
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Ants gnawing at a bone(e.g. making huge machine with small machine-tools)
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Introduce in vestment from abroad and establish lateral ties at home
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(of cadres)who can work at both higher or lower levels;Able to work both at the top and down below
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Skilled both in literary talents and military arts;able to do both mental and manual labor
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Destroy the old and establish the new;eradicate the old and foster the new
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A thousand catty hang upon one hair;an extremely delicate and dangerous situation
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it is well to profit by the folly of others;The overturned cart in front serves as a warning to the arts behind;one should take warning from another’s mistake
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1 | 按下葫芦浮起瓢 | Hardly has one gourd been pushed under water when another bobs up;fib.solve one problem only to find another cropping up |
2 | 辨证论治 | Diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient’s condition |
3 | 财大气粗 | He speaks louder who has wealth derogatory;rich and self-assured;with abundant financial resources |
4 | 藏污纳垢 | A sewer in which all that is evuk finds a home;a vehicle for filth;shelter evil |
5 | 常备不懈 | be always vigilant;All-time preparednessagainst war;maintain constant vigilance |
6 | 厂校挂钩 | Establish direct contact between factories and schools |
7 | 车到山前必有路 | The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there;things will eventually sort themselves out |
8 | 乘胜前进 | continue to march forward from victory already won;Go forward in triumph |
9 | 吃大锅饭 | Eat from a big common pot;every one receiving the same pay regardless of his performance on the job and actual contribution |
10 | 大吃大喝 | indulge in excessive eating and drinking;Extravagant eating and drinking;debauchery |
11 | 刀山火海 | (go through)immense dangers and difficulties;A mountain of swords and a sea of flames |
12 | 灯火辉煌 | Very bright with lights;ablaze with lights;brilliantly illuminated;be ablazed with lights |
13 | 滴水成冰 | The dripping water forms into ice-the cold is intense |
14 | 翻然悔悟 | Be determined to make a clean break with their past |
15 | 访贫问苦 | Go to see the poor and ask about their past bitterness |
16 | 放虎归山 | (fig.)cause future trouble;blunder into future calamity;(lit.)let tiger back to mountain |
17 | 烽火连天 | The flames of war spread their conflagration far and wide |
18 | 甘居中游 | Rest content with remaining mid-stream without making further advance |
19 | 公私合营 | joint state-private owned enterprises;Jointly run by the state and private owner |
20 | 滚瓜烂熟 | (of reading or recitation)very fluent and well versed |
21 | 海底捞月 | a fruitless attempt;(lit.)dredge for the moon in the sea;(fig.)useless of effort |
22 | 旱涝保收 | Sure to get high yields irrespective of drought or water logging |
23 | 恨铁不成钢 | Wish iron could turn into steel at once;be strict to someone in the hope that he could be better or change for the better immediately |
24 | 惶惶不可终日 | Be kept in a state of constant nervousness;be on tenterhooks all the time |
25 | 教书育人 | Impart knowledge to students while giving them moral education;impart knowledge and educate people |
26 | 军转民 | Transfer from military production to civil production |
27 | 空口无凭 | Oral expressions cannot be taken as proof;a verbal state-meat is no evidence;oral evidence is no proof |
28 | 里通外国 | Have illicit or treacherous relations with a foreign country |
29 | 立党为公 | Build a party for the interests of the vast majority |
30 | 两条腿走路 | Walk on two legs(e.g. the policy of walking on two leg) |
31 | 路遥知马力 | The strength of a horse is tested by the distance traveled;a long journey tests a horse’s strength |
32 | 屡见不鲜 | It is not strange when one has often seen it;nothing new;it is often seen |
33 | 屡教不改 | Refuse to correct one’s errors after repeated education;refuse to mend one’s way despite repeated education |
34 | 蚂蚁啃骨头 | Ants gnawing at a bone(e.g. making huge machine with small machine-tools) |
35 | 内联外引 | Introduce in vestment from abroad and establish lateral ties at home |
36 | 能上能下 | (of cadres)who can work at both higher or lower levels;Able to work both at the top and down below |
37 | 能文能武 | Skilled both in literary talents and military arts;able to do both mental and manual labor |
38 | 破旧立新 | Destroy the old and establish the new;eradicate the old and foster the new |
39 | 千钧一发 | A thousand catty hang upon one hair;an extremely delicate and dangerous situation |
40 | 前车之鉴 | it is well to profit by the folly of others;The overturned cart in front serves as a warning to the arts behind;one should take warning from another’s mistake |
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。