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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 八厘麻(果) Chinese azalea (fruit)

    2 板粟壳 chestnut shell

    3 蓖麻仁 castor seed

    4 川断炭 carbonized sichuan dipsacus root

    5 当归补血汤 Chinese Angelica decoction for Replenishing the Blood

    6 当归浸膏片 Chinses Angelica Extract Tablet

    7 当归六黄汤 Chinese Angelica Decoction with Six Yellow Ingredients

    8 当归散 Chinese Angelica Powder

    9 当归四逆汤 Chinese Angelica Decoction for Restoring Yang

    10 当归尾 Chinese angelia root tail

    11 当归饮 Chinese Angelica Decoction

    12 地榆炭 carbonized human hair

    13 冬虫夏草 Chinese caterpillar fungus

    14 葛缕子 caraway

    15 孩儿参 caryophyllaceous ginseng

    16 诃子,诃子肉 chaulmoogra seed

    17 鹤虱果 carpesium fruit

    18 鸡骨草 chicken-bone herb

    19 鸡内金 chicken’s gizzard-membrane

    20 决明子,草决明 cassia seed

    21 木瓜丸 Chaenomeles Fruit Pill

    22 驱绦汤 Cestode-Expelling decoction

    23 石椒草(全株) chinarue (whole plant)

    24 熟军炭 carbonized hair

    25 丝瓜瓤 chalina

    26 特蛎胶囊 Capsule of Oyster Shell

    27 天王补心丹 Cardiotonic Pill

    28 万灵药 catholicon

    29 威灵仙(根) Chinese clematis (root)

    30 瘟经汤 Channel-Warming Decoction

    31 乌梅炭 carbonized black plum

    32 五敛子 carambola fruit

    33 小儿金丹片 Children-Welfare Tablet

    34 血余炭(发灰) charred human hair

    35 血余炭(发灰) carbonized human hair

    36 钥匙挂链 chatelaine

    37 一捻金 Children’S Indigestion Powder

    38 樱桃核 cherry nut

    39 中药,小儿消食片 Children’S Indigestion Tablet

    40 棕榈炭 carbonized petiole of windmill palm
