1 | 琳琅满目的彩蛋,增添了复活节的风韵。 | beautiful bright-colored eggs enhance the graceful bearing of Easter. | |
2 | 滤波的目的,是改善来自炮点的直达脉冲并压制伴随波。 | The object of the filtering is to enhance the direct pulse from the shot and to attenuate the ghost | |
3 | 人民解放军积极改革后勤体制和制度,构建现代后勤保障体系,不断提高后勤保障能力。 | The PLA strives actively to reform its logistical structure and system, construct a modern logistical support system and constantly enhance its logistical support capabilities | |
4 | 三是如果不及时改革现行的城乡分割体制,提高城镇化水平,将会受到更多现实成本因素的制约。 | Third, the country will face more restrictions created by cost factors if it fails to timely carry out the reform of the old household registration system and enhance its urbanization level | |
5 | 善于抓住机遇加快发展,不断提高驾驭市场经济的能力。 | They must know how to seize opportunities to accelerate development and enhance their abilities of keeping the market economy well in hand. | |
6 | 申请人还可以使用传真、因特网来预约面谈,这将使预约变得很灵活很方便。 | Applicants will also be able to use faxes and the Internet to make appointments, which will greatly enhance flexibility and convenience | |
7 | 生物疗法一种治疗方法,通过协调呼吸、运动、体操、心理疗法,以及自如表达感情以增强自我意识和健康快乐并减轻肉体与情感上的紧张状态 | A therapeutic approach that incorporates breathing,movement,body exercises,psychotherapy,and free expression of feelings to enhance self-awareness and well-being and relieve physical and emotional tension. | |
8 | 使更有效力增强或强化(药物的)效力 | To enhance or increase the effect of(a drug. | |
9 | 他做了许多努力来提高他的声誉。 | He made many efforts to enhance his reputation | |
10 | 它们能增强轻微传染,还能活化潜伏病毒。 | They can enhance otherwise mild infections and may reactivate latent viruses | |
11 | 它使用对象作为其数据结构以提高生产率,简化程序设计,获得可复用性和提高软件的可靠性。 | Because it uses objects as data structures to enhance productivity,simplify programming,get reusability and improve software reliability. | |
12 | 提高法制观念 | Enhance the awareness of the law | |
13 | 提高了城市的综合竞争力 | Enhance / increase overall urban competitiveness | |
14 | 提高素质、优化结构、改进作风和增强团结. | We should improve their qualities, optimize their composition, refine their work style and enhance solidarity. | |
15 | 提高政治觉悟 | enhance one’s political consciousness | |
16 | 通过了英语考试该会增加你获得这个职位的机会。 | Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. | |
17 | 同时,鼓励有条件的国内企业到境外投资和经营,增进与世界各国的经济往来和合作。 | At the same time, we will encourage viable Chinese enterprises to invest and do business abroad---measures designed to enhance economic exchange and cooperation with other countries | |
18 | 推进政治体制改革要有利于增强党和国家的活力,发挥社会主义制度的特点和优势,充分调动人民群众的积极性创造性. | It must help enhance the vitality of the Party and state, demonstrate the features and advantages of the socialist system, give full scope to the initiative and creativity of the people. | |
19 | 推进资源的合理开发 | Enhance rational exploitation of resources | |
20 | 完善文化产业政策,支持文化产业发展,增强我国文化产业的整体实力和竞争力。 | It is essential to improve policies toward the cultural industry, support its development and enhance its overall strength and competitiveness. | |
21 | 为了使大量繁殖的浮游生物的形象得到增强,必须使这一波段的正片记录曝光过量。 | It was necessary to overexpose this positive record in order to enhance the presence of the plankton bloom | |
22 | 为了使用者的利益,本国际标准与ISO14001-1996相互趋近以增强两类标准的相容性. | This International Standard has been aligned with ISO 14001:1996 in order to enhance the compatibility of the two standards for the benefit of the user community. | |
23 | 我们承诺与所有雇员合作一起提高每个人的技术和能力。我们尊重个人的尊严和雇员结社的自由。 | We are committed to working with employees to develop and enhance each individual’s skills and capabilities. We respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. | |
24 | 我们的公司是由一群聪明、勤奋、具备不同文化背景并富有创新精神的员工组成。我们各自的才智和专长共同促成了工作质量的提高,也推动了公司的发展。 | Our company is made up of innovative, smart, hard working people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Our different talents and experiences enhance the quality of our work and our workplace. | |
25 | 我们的国家只有在国内强大才能在国外强大,我们知道,增进其他国家自由的最好办法是在这里表明,我们的民主制度是值得效法的。 | Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home, and we know that the best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation | |
26 | 我们将继续广泛开展民间外交,扩大对外文化交流,增进人民之间的友谊,推动国家关系的发展。 | We will continue to carry out extensive people-to-people diplomacy, expand cultural exchanges with the outside world, enhance the friendship between peoples and propel the development of state-to-state relations. | |
27 | 我们将继续增强同第三世界的团结和合作,增进相互理解和信任,加强相互帮助和支持,拓宽合作领域,提高合作效果。 | We will continue to enhance our solidarity and cooperation with other third world countries, increase mutual understanding and trust and strengthen mutual help and support. We will enlarge areas of cooperation and make it more fruitful | |
28 | 我们将继续增强同第三世界的团结和合作,增进相互理解和信任,加强相互帮助和支持。 | We will continue to enhance our solidarity and cooperation with other third world countries, increase mutual understanding and trust and strengthen mutual help and support. | |
29 | 我们要加强与世界各国在经济、文化等领域的交往。 | We must enhance our economic and cultural exchanges with other countries in the world. | |
30 | 我们一直在想办法增强未来宽带带给人们的体验,这次我们相信顾客会喜欢玫瑰花的味道。 | We are always looking at ways to enhance the broadband internet experience of the future and this time we are sure consumers will come up smelling of roses. |