1 | 我们将继续增强同第三世界的团结和合作,增进相互理解和信任,加强相互帮助和支持。 | We will continue to enhance our solidarity and cooperation with other third world countries, increase mutual understanding and trust and strengthen mutual help and support. | |
2 | 我们要加强与世界各国在经济、文化等领域的交往。 | We must enhance our economic and cultural exchanges with other countries in the world. | |
3 | 我们一直在想办法增强未来宽带带给人们的体验,这次我们相信顾客会喜欢玫瑰花的味道。 | We are always looking at ways to enhance the broadband internet experience of the future and this time we are sure consumers will come up smelling of roses. | |
4 | 西部地区要进一步解放思想,增强自我发展能力,在改革开放中走出一条加快发展的新路。 | People there should further emancipate their minds, enhance their self-development capabilities and explore a new path to accelerated development in reform and opening up. | |
5 | 希今后能切实执行协议规定,以达到互利互助。 | We would,therefore,request order to enhance our mutual benefit and cooperation. | |
6 | 鲜花美酒,情人节的最佳礼品,给热恋中的人们增添浪漫的气息。 | Good wine and fresh flowers, best gifts for Valentine’s Day, enhance the romantic atmosphere for those in passionate love. | |
7 | 新的,经济的贮藏技术将能延长农产品上市的时间。 | New economic preservation techniques would enhance the marketing of processed agricultural products | |
8 | 许多野餐都没有见识地对付过去了,但是我们想做的文雅一些,并且认为体面生活的高雅可以增加这种可能性(约翰·古尔德) | Many picnics manage without this sophistication,but we like to be couth and feel that the delicacies of gracious living enhance the chances(John Gould) | |
9 | 压舱物,压载放在船舱或气球吊篮里以增加稳定性的重物 | Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability. | |
10 | 亚太经合组织的发展应反映各成员最广泛的共同利益。采取更富成效的合作方式,缩小成员间的差距,增强凝聚力。 | APEC should develop in a way that reflects the broadest common interests of all its members and adopt more effective cooperation modalities to narrow the gap between its members so as to enhance their cohesion | |
11 | 研究者说:"和一个丑陋的人避免进行目光交流可能是一种解脱,所以同样会引起大脑的反应。 | "Missing eye contact with an unattractive face may be a relief, and thus enhance activity," the researchers suggest | |
12 | 掩模就象一个低频空间滤波器,其效果是增强细节的重现。 | The mask acts as a low frequency spatial filter whose effect is to enhance rendition of fine detail | |
13 | 要切实加强精神文明建设,满足人民群众日益增长的多方面的精神文化需求,全面提高国民素质,增强民族凝聚力。 | Therefore, we should strengthen ethical and cultural progress, meet people’s increasing ethical and cultural requirement in many aspects, achieve the overall improvement in the quality of Chinese people and enhance the cohesiveness of the nation | |
14 | 一定要坚持党要管党、从严治党的方针,进一步解决提高党的领导水平和执政水平. | We must adhere to the principle that the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members, and further address the two major historical subjects of how to enhance the Party’s art of leadership and governance. | |
15 | 一氧化碳暴露可以加剧潜在动脉硬化症的发展。 | Exposure to CO may enhance the development of underlying arteriosclerosis | |
16 | 异性电荷使凝聚增加。 | Unlike charges enhance coagulation | |
17 | 有的实行义务教育和职业教育相结合的办校方针,使孤儿毕业后有一技之长。 | some schools even combine compulsory education with vocational education to enhance the students’ career opportunities | |
18 | 有利于深化和发展南南合作,提高发展中国家在南北对话中的地位,推动建立公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序。 | It will also enhance South-South cooperation, improve the standing of developing countries in North-South dialog and facilitate the establishment of a fair and reasonable international political and economic order | |
19 | 有利于双方增强国际竞争力和抵御风险的能力,更好地参与经济全球化进程,维护经济利益和经济安全 | Strengthened economic ties will also help China and African countries enhance their international competitiveness, put them in a better position in globalization and safeguard their economic security | |
20 | 在同一部分也讲到了需要保护国家重要的历史与文化遗产,提高再生资源质量,达到人口与资源使用之间的平衡。 | The same section speaks of the need to preserve the important historical and cultural aspects of our national heritage, to enhance the quality of renewable resources, and to achieve a balance between population and resource use | |
21 | 在这方面要鼓点劲,要把民族自信 | Here we need to bestir ourselves, enhance our national confidence and encourage the spirit typified by "scorn U.S. imperialism", which was fostered during the movement to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea | |
22 | 在这种种方面,都应该提高共产主义精神,防止宗派主义倾向,使我们的党达到队伍整齐,步调一致的目的,以利战斗。 | In all these relations it is necessary to enhance the spirit of communism and guard against sectarian tendencies, so that the ranks of our Party will be in good order, march in step and therefore fight well | |
23 | 增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗 | Enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation | |
24 | 增进各国企业家之间的友谊和交流 | Enhance the friendship and exchange among enterprisers of different countries | |
25 | 增进工商、农商、商商之间的联合 | Enhance the association of industry with commerce, of agriculture with commerce, and of commerce itself | |
26 | 增强出口创汇能力 | Enhance the capacity to earn foreign exchange through export | |
27 | 增强国防意识 | Enhance the awareness of the importance of national defence | |
28 | 增强市场竟争力 | Enhance one’s market competitiveness | |
29 | 增强自主创新能力,加快国防科技和武器装备发展。 | It is necessary to enhance the capabilities of independent innovation so as to speed up the development of defense-related science and technology as well as arms and equipment. | |
30 | 这种能力一部分来自个人夭赋,当然也有不少人通过接受高等教育提高自己的学习能力和各种知识的融会贯通能力。 | Some of this skill is innate, but many people enhance their ability to learn--and to relate different aspects of learning--through college and university courses |